-Caveat Lector-

>>Is there perchance a gay angle to this all?
>Well, all the "male nurses" attending Safra DOES seem to suggest that
>If "I" were an aged bachelor billionaire living in seclusion in Monaco, MY
>"nurses" would all be barely-18 porno queens in skimpy French maid outfits
>(when dressed at all) ... Let the damned pharmacy and a private physician
>on call handle any medication needed ...

Ignoring the blatant sexism in this statement, it also ignores the fact
that the original news report stated that Safra's WIFE hid in another
part of the apartment, and later begged Safra to come out of the bathroom
when all was safe....a plea that Safra, for whatever reason, supposedly

And having at one time studied nursing, I can categorically state that
male nurses are rarely gay...

June ;-)
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