-Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

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Subj:    [FP] Enter the world of the bizarre
Date:   12/10/99 3:52:25 PM Eastern Standard Time
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (ScanThisNews)
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (ScanThisNews Recipients List)


Enter the world of the bizarre

This report you are about to read only BARELY SCRATCHES THE SURFACE on the
subjects discussed herein. However, so far, no reports have been forthcoming
exposing the very bizarre on dark connections between the FBI Project
Megiddo report and some very strange bedfellows. Because of the lack of
exposure to this important subject, this report is provided just as a
cursory overview of the subject matter. It is only a "primer" into the
study. The only purpose of this short report is to get YOU to THINK! To not
take everything you read at face value! And, to get the reader to do further

The FBI report has ONE SINGLE URL HIGHLIGHTED IN BLUE in the entire report
and it is to the web site of the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance
(OCRT). You have to research that site and the links provided there, and the
sources mentioned there, to see the deception that lies behind the Project
Megiddo report. There is a reason that single URL is highlighted in blue in
the PM report. Figure it out! It's to get you to go there and read the
material there!

Go to the URL listed in the report (the only one highlighted in blue):


You are at the web site owned and hosted by B.A. Robinson. The focus of the
particular page to which you are directed is a grouping of (what are
referred to as) "cult check lists." These lists are supposedly intended to
be used to "identify" what are considered (in the minds of the various
respective authors) to be the "bad" or "dangerous religious groups." Five
links are provided under the heading "Factors commonly found in destructive
Groups," and this is arguably the main focus of the page. These five links
take you to other sites and articles on the subject of cults and religion.
BEHIND THE PROJECT MEGIDDO REPORT! Without this research, you cannot
possibly understand what is going on. This can be a huge mistake.

The first link is to the America Family Foundation (AFF). This is a
deceptively named front organization. One of the board members for the AFF,
Margaret Thaler Singer, is also mentioned by name in the Project Megiddo
FROM THE SET OF SOURCES! First note that the AFF knows of no "Satanic"
cults, but lists over a hundred "bible-based" (potential) cults. In fact,
research into all of the "authorities listed there, as well as the OCRT sit
itself, reveals that none of these "authorities" have ever heard of any
"Satanic" cult, only religious based ones -- and predominantly "bible-based"

Dig into Margaret Singer (of the AFF) and you will find a very sordid past
with regard to her work into the study of psychology and MIND-CONTROL. You
will see that another (former) member of the AFF board is a long time friend
and acquaintance of Singer, Jolly West, a psychologist who was played an
active part in the "mind control" experiments funded by the Central
Intelligence Agency in the 1950’s. You need to understand West's involvement
in the MK-ULTRA work carried out by the CIA, and his connection to Singer,
and both of their connections to the Cult Awareness Network (CAN) and to the
AFF. You need to know that CAN engaged in a nearly 20-year battle with the
Church of Scientology (CoS) trying to stop their use of, and research into
"mind-control" techniques.

It appears, the Church of Scientology had begun to "uncover" some of the
"secret" work done by West, and how the government had "allegedly" been
using mind-control techniques itself. The CoS was exposing this "secret"
work and West's involvement. West spearheaded the study where US soldiers
were given LSD to see what "useful" "mind-altering" effects the drug might
have, and whether this would be of benefit to the government. West is
perhaps best (worst) know for giving a lethal dose of LSD to a popular zoo
elephant in California while working under a research grant.

Scientology defenders contended that the (original) CAN group was in reality
a government front organization set up to stop their research and exposure
of the government's mind-control study and use.

Along about that same time, another event was taking place. Some "anti-cult"
groups were becoming well-known for their aggressive campaigns to get people
out of "cults" -- typically at the bequest of family members. The original
CAN group was involved in this work to extricate individuals from
"religious" "cults." (Notice here that I say "original CAN." More on this

On a different but related front, along about this same time -- during the
late 70's and early 80's -- other psychologists were claiming to have some
success with a therapy dealing with what they termed "Repressed Memory
Syndrome." They claimed the "repressed memories" were the source of mental
and social problems during the victims' adult life, and that they were able
to "uncover" these repressed memories through hypnosis thereby relieving the
patient of their afflictions.

Remember, one of founding board members of the AFF, Jolly West, is alleged
to have worked on the government's MK-ULTRA project which was a study into
the human mind, the objective of which was to see whether the government
could intentionally repress the memory of government agents! And,
"mind-control" research is what Singer is best known for. Keep in mind too
the connection between Singer and West, and their connections to CAN and the

Singer is also a board member of The False Memory Syndrome Foundation
(FMSF), an organization established for the purpose of helping the PARENTS
who had been (in their opinion "falsely") accused by their CHILDREN of
childhood abuse, including sexual abuse. It turned out that some
high-ranking individuals were being "identified" by their now-adult children
(as revealed through Repressed Memory Therapy) as having abused them during
childhood -- including sexual abuse. Some of these "high-ranking" people
worked in government and in the psychology field itself. Some of them were
even connected to the government's "memory suppression" studies, either
directly or indirectly. One report describes the "false memory movement"
this way: "With links to CIA, mind control experts, and accused child
abusers, the false memory movement turns 'blaming the victim' into a

The Church of Scientology was bringing huge amounts of attention to the
subject of "mind-control." Singer was arguably the focal point as one of
Scientology's most aggressive adversaries; primarily because she contended
that religious groups (including Scientology) used mind-control techniques
to seduce and keep converts. As a consequence, Singer and Scientology
engaged in numerous legal battles during the late 70's up through the early

However, it was not just Scientology who was questioning Singer's work on
mind-control. During the 80's and early 90's, Singer suffered a number of
set-backs in her work -- in the opinion of many, she was totally
discredited -- and yet the government and news outlets continue even today
to call upon her as an "authority" on cults.

Arguably, the beginning of her demise was when Singer and a group of her
colleagues worked several years in the mid 80's preparing a paper on
mind-control for presentation to the American Psychological Association
(APA), of which she was a member. However, once the "Deceptive and Indirect
Methods of Persuasion and Control" (DIMPAC) report was complete and
presented to the APA for its approval, the APA rejected the work and called
it "unscientific." (Of course, when you are dealing with the people involved
in this work -- such as the CIA -- who knows what the real motivation was
for discrediting the report? It could be that the work was simply
unscientific, or it could be that it revealed too much about what the
government had found out about mind-control. There is no way to know for

Subsequently, Singer suffered a string of professional defeats including
significant defeats in court cases in which she had supplied testimony as an
"expert witness" on mind-control. To many, these defeats render her totally
without credibility in the field of psychology.

But the story gets even more complex and convoluted. Remember the CAN (Cult
Awareness Network) organization? Its organizer and chief activist was Rick
Ross. He, like Singer, also contended that religious organizations use
mind-control techniques to seduce converts. Included in the CAN sights were
Pentecostal Christian churches.

In February 1993, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms mounted a raid
on the Branch Davidian religious commune in Waco, Texas after listening to
"cult experts" such as deprogrammer Rick Ross, who advocated the "mind
control" theory. Ross had also been in contact with the mother of at least
one of the Davidian followers and was subsequently in contact with the FBI
during its early phases of the encounter. Ross appeared on numerous
television shows claiming that the Davidians would probably not come out
willingly and that measures would have to be taken to force them out. It has
been reported that Ross was consulted by the FBI early on and told them that
David Koresh.

David Block, one of the key government informants who was instrumental in
making charges against the Branch Davidian leader, David Koresh, was himself
the victim of a deprogramming which took place in the home of the CAN LA
representative, Priscilla Coates, just a year before the Waco tragedy.

According to one story, Dr. Nancy T. Ammerman of Princeton University, is
attributed with saying: "Rick Ross and CAN seem to have been major sources
for the series of stories run by the Waco newspaper, starting February. It
seems clear that people within the ‘anti–cult’ community had targeted the
Branch Davidians for attention."

In response to the recent revelation that the FBI had hid evidence which
tends to further incriminate and discredit them in the Waco massacre, in a
CBS news broadcast, September 2, 1999, (none other than) Margaret Singer is
quoted as saying: "This is just fodder for the conspiracy theorists." And,
"this is just what the militia movement needs to say 'we told you so.'"

Visitors to the "alt.religion.scientology" will find that a lot of
supposedly "undercover" documents are posted there anonymously. Study of
these documents often brings forth much truth, mixed with a great deal of
"spin" and some propaganda. It is difficult to sort it all out, but it is
well worth the study if you want to understand who the FBI is working with.
One such posting is called "Memorandum from Jeffrey K. Hadden on
neutralizing AFF." This document purports to a memorandum by and between
representatives, sympathizers (and presumed adherents) of various "New
Religious Movements" (NRM). In it, there is discussion of plans to
neutralize both the AFF and CAN -- both are organizations for which Singer
served as board member, and both of which were Scientology's worst nemesis.

Perhaps not so coincidentally, as a result of a very intense court battle
which transpired during the early 90's, the (ORIGINAL) Cult Awareness
Network -- of which Rick Ross served as the primary activist who kidnapped
and "deprogrammed" (ex-)cult members -- the CAN organization (and Ross) was
ordered to pay millions of dollars in damages to the plaintiff. But don't
think this is the end of CAN. Under a court ordered sale, who do you suppose
purchased the CAN assets -- including computer files and membership lists?
The Church of Scientology! For somewhere around $20,000 the CoS bought the
assets of its worst enemy and set up shop. That's right, the CAN
organization did not go away, it just changed ownership -- and
direction...maybe. Remember, this is the world of people who play mind
games, things are never as they seem.

You see, it was also during this same time span that the CoS and its
founder, L. Ron Hubbard, was embroiled in a vicious battle with the IRS.
There were allegations that Scientologists had "infiltrated" the IRS and was
passing inside documents and files along to the organization. At the heart
of the battle was the issue of whether CoS was a "religion" and whether or
not it would be awarded tax-exempt status as such. The CoS filed literally
hundreds of lawsuits against the government (as well as many others) during
this period.

Meade Emory is a co-founder of CST. However, Emory is not a Scientologist.
Meade Emory served as Legislation Counsel for the Joint Committee on
Taxation of the U.S. Congress from 1970 to 1972, and was an Assistant to the
Commissioner of IRS: 1975-1977. Those years significant because those are
the very same years during which IRS documents were (allegedly) being stolen
(from IRS offices) by an IRS employee named Gerald Wolfe, and being passed
secretly to Scientology's Guardian's Office (Hubbard's inner staff). As a
result, the FBI raided Scientology headquarters in 1977, leading finally to
the dissolution of the Guardian's Office, and to the arrest of Mary Sue

See also: (www.apologeticsindex.org/c19.html)

The battle expended millions upon millions of dollars in attorney fees. But
in the early 90's, a very odd thing transpired. A "secret" agreement was
signed between the IRS and the CoS in which several million more dollars
changed hands. Some contend that, from that point forward, the CoS became
itself a government front organization. Ex-members of the CoS contend that,
since the disappearance of L.R. Hubbard, some "outsiders" have come in,
altered Hubbard's original works (Ron Hubbard hated the IRS and this showed
was clearly expressed in all of his relevant writings) so as to make the CoS
much more "tax friendly." In fact, the CoS even instituted a new office
within the church called the "Tax Compliance Office." Oddly, a former IRS
official is now one of the "behind the scenes" "owners" of the Church of

The CAN organization is now operated by the Foundation for Religious Freedom
(FRF), a California corporation doing business as Cult Awareness. The
agreement between the Church of Scientology and the IRS, reveals that FRF is
a "Scientology-related" entity (VIII 4c).

* CoS/IRS Closing Agreement

Remember, the CAN organizer -- the one who rescued (kidnapped) people from
religious groups (and the term "religious groups" includes Christian
religions) to "deprogram" them, Rick Ross? Well guess where his name pops up
again? It pops up on the web page readers of the Project Megiddo report are
sent to on the site of the OCRT! That's right, on that page readers are
directed to another web site owned by the Institute for First Amendment
Studies (IFAS). And guess who's "cult-awareness" "check list" is posted
there? None other than that of Rick Ross. Here's what the OCRT site say
about Rick Ross' list: "These early warning signs were prepared by former
deprogrammer and current exit counselor, Rick Ross. Ross was recently found
guilty of  conspiracy to limit the civil rights to freedom of religion of a
member of a Pentecostal church. However, the above guidelines appear to have
merit in spite of the background of the author."

The OCRT web site also says this about the IFAS: "They oppose various
political activities of conservative Christian groups." Well, it's not
surprising that Rick Ross material is posted on a web site which opposed
Christian work. But The owner of the OCRT web site, B.A. Robinson --
(credited in the Project Megiddo report) -- certainly keeps unusual company
because not only does he (apparently) endorse the work of Rick Ross, the
Scientology backed CAN organization routinely directs people to the web
pages of the OCRT for additional information on "NRMs" and religion

We started this discussion with the link to the OCRT web page which readers
of the Project Megiddo report are directed to. So far, we have not even
scratched the surface into the sorted pasts of Singer, the AFF, and the
IFAS. Also on that page is a link to a report by James R. Lewis entitled
"Safe sects? Early warning signs of 'Bad Religions'". The name "James R.
Lewis" also pops up on the new, CoS owned "CAN" web site! Lewis is listed
there on a couple of the CAN web pages as a source for additional
information on the "New Religions Movements" (NRM).

The other link to a "cult check list" listed on the web site which readers
of the Project Megiddo report are directed to is that of "P.E.I. Bonewits,"
a professing Neo-Pagan and Witch apologist. This site is so anti-Christian,
we do not even need to cover it here. The reader only need visit that site
for a brief few moments to detect the anti-Christian hatred contained there.
Bonewits contends that the title of his "cult check list" entitled the
ABCDEF survey (The Advanced Bonewits' Cult Danger Evaluation Frame) was
intended to be "humorous," but yet the FBI directs members of law
enforcement here for a list of "indicators" of cult-like activity. Readers
of the ABCDEF survey may find that it appears to be more the work of
backwards engineering rather than any kind of scientific evaluation. It
appears that the ABCDEF author merely took Christian church dogma and
drafted a list around his perception of those practices.

And the last of the five links to which the FBI has directed readers of the
Project Megiddo report is that of the "Global Ideas Bank" which posts New
Age "ideas" such as one discussing abortion as a sacrament, and other very
anti-Christian writings.

Of course, this document does not begin to go into the motivations behind
the other known contributors to the Project Megiddo report, the Southern
Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League. It is not felt there is
any need to "expose" these organizations since it is already so well known
and documented.

So, judge for yourself the value of the "authorities" credited in the
Project Megiddo report. But if you take anything at as face value -- just as
it is stated -- you may be playing into the hands of some well known
psy-ops -- those who are considered among the best in the field at getting
people to respond to input in a predictable, desired fashion.

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