-Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the A-albionic Research [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
  http://a-albionic.com/a-albionic.htmlFrom: Ian Goddard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Amnesty on Fascism in Seattle
Date: Saturday, December 11, 1999 3:12 PM

FROM: http://www.amnesty.org/news/1999/25120399.htm

Amnesty International calls for an inquiry into police
actions at WTO talks in Seattle

Reports of widespread police abuses against non-violent
protesters and others during the World Trade Organization
talks last week in Seattle are deeply disturbing, Amnesty
International said today.

"The use of chemical sprays, restraint chairs and beatings
appear to violate international human rights standards,"
Amnesty International said.

The organization is calling for the establishment of an
independent commission of inquiry to fully and impartially
investigate the use of force by the police against the

Allegations include:

the indiscriminate use of chemical agents such as pepper
spray and tear gas against non-violent protesters, unresisting
residents and bystanders. Some of whom were repeatedly sprayed
in the face at close range.

Reports also indicate that a barrage of other potentially
dangerous weapons including rubber bullets, wooden pellets
and "flashbang" grenades were used indiscriminately.

According to some sources, symptoms described by victims,
suggest that an unauthorized 'neurotoxic' chemical agent
may have been used.

Systematic cruel treatment used to coerce or punish violent
protesters for act of non-compliance such as refusing to give
their names in King County jail. One person was slammed against
a wall, beaten while lying on the floor and had his fingers
forced back with a pencil. In another case, guards squeezed
a man's nose, almost suffocating him, when he refused to give
out his name.

Also at King County jail, people were allegedly strapped into
four-point restraint chairs as punishment for non-violent
resistance or asking for their lawyers. In one case a man was
stripped naked before being strapped into the chair.

One woman was stripped naked by four woman guards, while a
male guard outside watched. She further had her arms and
legs folded behind her and was held down on the floor with
the full weight of two guards on top of her.

Amnesty International calls for an independent commission of
inquiry to be implemented, including examination by independent
experts of the symptoms reported by those exposed to chemical
agents and the reported use of force in the King County jail
and other detention centres. The results of these inquiries
should be made public at the earliest possible date.

Source: Amnesty International, International Secretariat,
1 Easton Street, WC1X 8DJ, London, United Kingdom


FROM: Kirk James Murphy, M.D. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Neurotoxic Symptoms In Chemical Warfare Casualties At
> Seattle WTO Meeting        by kirk james murphy, MD
>      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10:04am Tue Dec 7 '99
>         Direct Action Network Medical Collective members
> provided first aid and other  care for thousands of
> casualties of chemical warfare during the Seattle WTO
> protests. Collective members identified a subset of
> casualties with  symptoms consistent  with exposure to
> neurotoxins which disrupt  acetylcholine irritant
> agents do not explain the symptoms.
>               The Direct Action Network Medical
> Collective was organized to provide first aid and
> other health services to activists and others
> (onlookers, media, residents, and anyone else
> requesting assistance) in Seattle for the WTO  meeting
> last week. The Collective members  provided care for
> literally hundreds of chemical warfare casualties on
> both  November 30 and December 1; hundreds more have
> requested information and treatment in subsequent
> days. As one may imagine, Collective members have
> acquired  extensive expertise in the recognition  and
> treatment of symptoms arising from exposure to pepper
> spray (OC) and "tear gases" (CS and CN).
>             Individuals exposed to chemical weapons in
> the late afternoon and evening of           December
> 1st at two locations downtown  blocks adjacent to Pike
> Place Market and   the Seattle neighborhood of Capitol
> Hill  evinced and reported a pattern of  symptoms
> which is inconsistent with the  pattern of symptoms
> which may be ascribed  to irritating agents. This
> "atypical"  pattern of symptoms includes the rapid
> onset of: mydriasis (pupillary dilation) with
> resultant impairment of visual acuity; tachycardia
> (rapid heart rate) with some palpitations; new-onset
> hypertension (high blood pressure) in one individual;
> nausea, vomiting, diarrhea (persisting for days after
> exposure); abrupt or immediate onset of menstruation
> (asynchronous with usual menstrual cycle); muscular
> fasciculation (twitches); muscular dyscoordination;
> lethargy, confusion, disorientation, diminished
> concentration, nocturnal hallucinations.
>          Moreover, some casualties reported an  abrupt
> experience of loss of muscular   tone and strength
> that sometimes (but not always) immediately preceded a
> loss of  consciousness; one observer of these
> affected individuals reported uncontrolled, spasmodic
> movements in  those affected.
>         Some individuals exposed in the Pike Place Market
> area reported that the  aforementioned symptoms came
> immediately  after exposure to a non-irritating agent
> which was did not cause pain, lacrimation, or burning
> on mucous  membranes.
>         At least one individual complaining of
> fasciculations and cognitive impairment   days after
> exposure reported resolution of both symptoms for a
> duration of   approximately five to six hours within
> twenty to thirty minutes after treatment with 10 mg of
> the specific antidote dicyclomine (Bentyl) - an
> anticholinergic  medication which crosses the
> blood-brain  barrier and hence can relieve central
> nervous symptoms of excessive cholinergic activity as
> well as relieving peripheral  symptoms of the same
> etiology.
>           The pattern of symptoms is not consistent
> with known mechanisms of action of the irritant
> chemical weapons OC, CS, or CN. The pattern, however,
> is consistent with  disruption of neurotransmitter
> activity. Lamentably, the single most compelling
> explanation for the observed findings is  the
> (deliberate or accidental) inclusion   of
> "incapacitating agents" which disrupt  neuronal
> function in the chemical  munitions discharged by law
> enforcement  agencies in Seattle during the WTO
> protest.
>          While direct cholinergic effects or indirect
> (inhibition of acetylcholinesterase) effects arising
> from synergistic combinations (of OC, CS, and CN)
> cannot be ruled out at this time,  the experience and
> observations  Medical Collective members, together
> with  the aforementioned information, appears  to most
> robustly support the hypothesis   that the casualties
> described above  resulted from exposure to
> cholinesterase      inhibitors used as chemical
> weapons in crowd control.
>         The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reported on December 4
> that the Seattle Police   Department had to replenish
> its chemical weapons stocks by going to outside
> sources. Various individuals have  reported being told
> by individual law enforcement officers that chemical
> weapons in addition to OC, CS, and CN   were deployed
> by various entities; these  anecdotal accounts are not
> yet confirmed.
>         Any information regarding the use of  chemical
> munitions in addition to OC, CS  or CN, as well as
> information regarding  the discharge of chemical
> weapons by   agencies other than the Seattle Police
> Department would be helpful.
>             Available Internet information from
> presumably authoritative (eg, DOD)   sources describes
> "nerve gases" as lethal  agents. While the casualties
> described   above - fortunately - have not included
> fatalities, the apparent pattern of  excessive
> cholinergic activity and the   fact that
> "incapacitating agents" is the  term of art for a
> subset of chemical weapons used in crowd control
> suggests  that the term "nerve gas" may be a
> suboptimal descriptive term.  "Incapacitating agents"
> or "neurotoxic   agents" may be more precise ways of
> describing chemical munitions with the  effects
> described above.
>         If you were exposed to chemical weapons  during the
> WTO protests and have the  pattern of "atypical"
> symptoms discussed  below, please make a written,
> signed, and dated account of your exposure, including
> details such as the (approximate)  location in which
> you were exposed and  the date and part of the day
> (morning,    midday, afternoon, evening) of your
> exposure, as well as the nature of your     symptoms.
> Please send such accounts to  the email above and to
> the ACLU unit    investigating law enforcement actions
> in Seattle during the WTO protests.
>         Collection of discharged chemical weapons  munitions
> is proceeding apace at this time. Collection of serum
> samples from affected individuals will probably be
> organized over the next 48 hours. Assay  of garments
> (and other materials) exposed    to the chemical
> warfare agents on  individuals demonstrating the
> aforementioned pattern of symptoms is also
> contemplated. If you have canisters  or other chemical
> munitions containers  discharged during the WTO
> protest, please  contact the above email address for
> information about how to forward these  containers for
> chemical analysis
>  [NOTE: Canisters of "CS" or "CN" (tear gas) or   "OC"
> (Oleoresin Capsaiscum) are not   needed - we know they
> were used. The   containers to be sent for chemical
> analysis would only be those without the  above
> markings or those with markings  consistent with the
> use of other agents.]
>          Your comments are invited and desired.  Obviously,
> the escalation of chemical  weapons used in "crowd
> control" to include even non-lethal neurotoxins is an
>  exceedingly grave prospect: the qualitative leap from
> irritant agents  (OC, CS, CN) to agents which disrupt
>  neuronal function is truly an appalling  prospect.
> This communication is intended  to ensure the fullest
> possible discussion  and consideration of the events
> and  mechanisms described above.

FROM: Kirk James Murphy, M.D. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

GODDARD'S JOURNAL: http://www.erols.com/igoddard/journal.htm

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