-Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
From: JP
Sent: Saturday, December 18, 1999 10:05 PM
Subject: merry christmass brainteaser

I asked a deep black source of mine (with supposed "remote viewing"
operation stargate experience) for some down and dirty gossip to finish off
the year. He stated he would give me some weird stuff but probably would
have to mix some high tech misinfo in it to discredit me.  It would be up to
me to check out the info and decide for myself.  Here's what he told me:
1- Soon after al Ghoar entered the whoat huose, the ss began to call him the
"vampire".  Here's why, cause he's a hemophiliac and under nat. sec.
requirements they always had to carry around a refrigerated suitcase of his
blood just in case of a hemorrage occuring, should he fall down, bump
himself or get sick.  If true this would sink ghoars political future.
(must be misinfo!)
2-When Biliary got caught in the "devil with the blue dress" affair, Biliary
jr. had an unstoppable crying spell at the end of a class at ____ U in Ca.
Her professor and the ss took her to the student health--she was
hospitalized for about a week in a wing of the health service that was
3-Converted C135's? were used to spray criss-crossed matrices over almost
every major city in the free world at above 10,000 feet.  What was sprayed:
a concoction of approx. 15 different combo's of gene-spliced boug of
bacteria (ricksettia), virus (mild meningial), and fungus.  Custom developed
and mixed by our good friends at fort detrick army biological weapons
center.  Purpose: to make adult people (not kids) sick until the end of
january thereby they don't feel good enough to get panicked or "hoard" for
y2k, or feel well enough to riot or pillage if y2k brings some serious
utility breakdowns in certain major cities. Symptoms:  headaches--acid
dripping from nose to throat. Coughing, lots pof bronchial flem-full body
aches and pains and generalized malaise/weakness.  A long period of post
viral asthenia.
4-langely has a whole floor for concoction of misinformation.  When it
creates drip supply lines, it must use very well trained deep cover field
operatives.  The first step to create such an identity is for them to assume
a plausible role in the community, then join the target group and "build a
legend".  They must make real & aggressive moves against their own agency
and even hurt the positions of some cutouts (really were set up as
disposables anyhow) to help build this legend as a solid _____.  This is
expectd and allowed by the parent agency but not known by the cutouts or mid
level agencies who must persecute or harass this agent for awhile to create
credibility for the legend.  Then much later, the deep cover op can be
activated (maybee years later) for that one special op.  Retirement with a
nice stipend is promised for after that!
5-drug use always involve a choice and all intelligence agencies know that
drug usage can never be eliminated and that there is always an existing
criminal subculture for something--so why not adapt to it and use it and get
some of the money for black ops?  this is the ideology of the govt agencies
that participate in drugops.

I have no idea which if any of this stuff is true as I am not experienced in
field ops and not knowledgable enough to discern the veracity of this stuff.
I though you would find it interesting reading.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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