-Caveat Lector-

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU



An Interview with Simka Kazazic from the Women's Humanitarian Committe
on Orahovac

Interviewer, Jared Israel

Translator, Peter Makara

Jared: Has there been any improvement in Orahovac?

Simca: There's total chaos. The German [NATO or KFOR] troops are all
gone; only the Dutch remain. There was a complete turnover among the
Dutch troops on Dec. 7th. A whole new group came in.

I was there Monday, Dec. 13th, before the shooting, the murder. I was
allowed in at 3:30 and stayed till 7:30. It was raining and there was no
electricity; we were in the dark the whole time. I didn't visit other
people because my mother is sick and I wanted to be with her.

Translator: I asked whether there is a way to help and Simca said the
only way to help her mother is to evacuate her or bring the Yugoslav
Army back in.

Simca: I went to Orahovac on the 13th with a huge truck full of
humanitarian help. But how could I help her? They wouldn't let me put her
on the truck. She's so sick.

I left Belgrade Thursday and returned the following Tuesday and in all
that time I spent only 4 hours in Orahovac. The problem was that our
lorries [trucks] with food had not been announced in advance so KFOR
[NATO] made trouble. I had to wait at the border [between Kosovo and
inner Serbia] for a couple of days before they let us proceed. There
were seven trucks, total. Three went to Veliki Hoce, a Serbian village
three or four miles from Orahovac.

Jared: A Belgian journalist said that's a ghetto too, like the one in

Simca: Yes, yes. It's a big village. The noose around it isn't as tight
as the one around Orahovac. But even so, there was an incident. Two
Serbs went up a hill outside the village to cut some wood for winter and
they were killed. That was near the end of November.

Our trucks were held outside Orahovac a very long time; the Dutch have
really stepped up their inspections. They opened all food parcels,
studied underneath the lorries, everywhere. They took me and the driver
of the truck and the government representative and photographed us up
one side and down the other and searched us, then only allowed one lorry
into Orahovac. We had to wait till it had unloaded and returned. They
were simply trying to make us miserable, and they succeeded.

My brother said people in the town thought the Germans were bad but now
that the Dutch are alone it's clear they're worse.

The Dutch troops were so grim faced, so hostile. And yet, as I was going
into town I passed a military vehicle and the soldier said "Good
evening" most politely - but in Albanian. He didn't know I was a Serb,
you see. My brother says the Dutch get alone fine with the Albanians.
They play soccer together, joke.

While the German soldiers were there they kept barbed wire around our
ghetto so at least the more homicdal Albanians couldn't get in.
But the Dutch removed, and they don't stop the Albanian cars to inspect
them, so the Albanians can drive through when they like.

Some Albanian women walk around freely, shouting propaganda. I heard
this with my own two ears."This is Greater Albania. There's no place for
you. We're going to slaughter you all." For the sake of communication,
they say it in Serbo-Croatian.

Jared: Do these women travel around in cars?

Simca: No, no, on foot. I heard this one woman right outside my mother's

Jared: She was outside the house?

Simca: Yes, in the street. Screaming up at us. I wanted to go to the
window but my mother said, "Please don't; that's how they do it. You
appear at the window and then they shoot you." You know, I knew the
woman who was screaming. I wanted to talk to her. She's from this family
I used to know - four Albanian brothers. She's one of the wives.

Some Roma ["Gypsies"] bought some fruit and vegetables from Albanian
shops to resell to the Serbs. But my mother told me that these Albanian
women intercepted the Roma and took their baskets and threw all the food
on the ground and said, "Not for the Serbs!" It was daylight. KFOR
soldiers were watching. They did nothing.

I don't know what to say. The Serbs feel totally lost. Their agony has
gone on six months and people are at the end of their -

Jared: It's beyond belief.

Simca: - rope. One woman had a nervous breakdown and was sent to a
hospital in Nis. You can get out if you have a breakdown or get shot.
I'm trying not to lose hope.

I was amazed that [UN Kosovo chief Bernard] Kouchners' recently said
he's going to put pressure on the Yugoslav government to reveal the
location of ten thousand "missing" Albanians. How do you reveal the
location of a crime which did not occur? Otherwise, he said, the Serbs
have to expect revenge because, he said, Albanians don't know where
their brothers and fathers are. So houses getting burned, people get
killed - it's to be expected. Such as the 70 year old lady who was
stabbed to death two days ago.

Jared: In Orahovac?

Simca: No, in Djakovica. Nearby. Fifteen miles.

So I don't know what's going to happen with these poor souls in
Orahovac. Kouchener's statement was like advance justification for a
slaughter. Are all the Serbs going to be murdered or go insane?

Translator: I believe they're trying to step up the psychological war to
produce Serbs to testify in a "war crimes" show trial. They haven't
gotten any willing witnesses, so they're turning up the heat on those
poor people to get some to break and agree to be witnesses.

Simca: Yes. Yes I think so too. There was a building, a store before the
war, but now just a building. So the Serbs where gathering there, using
this place, playing cards with candles on the table because there was no
electricity, just, you know, to be together to lessen the misery of this
miserable situation. And some Albanians just walked in and
machine-gunned the card-players and threw two bombs and walked out. Nine
people were wounded, One died.

Jared: Was that Zoran Vuksovic?

Simca: Yes. I knew him well. He was my friend.

Jared: I'm so sorry.

Simca: Three people were gravely wounded, five lightly. But it was a
large building and in other parts there were women and children. Luckily
they weren't attacked. It was 7:30 when that happened. It's dark by
then. They just walked in.

Jared: Like gangsters.

Translator: Or perhaps the real gangsters are the ones defending this
ghetto. Or more accurately, not defending it. If they were defending it
they wouldn't let thugs come in and kill.

Simca: It even happens in broad daylight. Albanians just drive through.
KFOR does nothing.

I don't know what's going to happen. We were hoping that when the new
group of Dutch troops came on December 7th things would be better. But
in fact it seems that every new group is indoctrinated first. These are
young people; they may not be twenty years old yet, perhaps not shaving.
They are not experienced. Who knows what craziness they are told about
Serbs? They have such fierce looks on their faces. Fear and hatred.
I had some hopes. I always had hopes that things would change, but...now
I don't know. I don't know.

Jared: My expectation when we last spoke was that we here in the West,
in the US and Europe, would have accomplished more by now than we have.
I thought we would have been able, by now, to send a delegation to
Orahovac. That hasn't happened. We have to find ways to bring this
situation to people's attention more effectively.

Simca: Please don't misunderstand - I wasn't - I wasn't accusing you and
the other people when I said that I'm disappointed. I thought that KFOR
would act more reasonably. But the situation is getting worse - you can
understand it's my family. I'm of course subjective.

Jared: Well the way things work in this world is that the squeaky wheel
gets the oil. So we have to squeak a lot more, get people's attention.
Some good things have been done. Orahovac has been raised in the English
Parliament by Alice Mahon, the MP. Tony Benn, also an English MP, has
raised it with the British Foreign Office. It has been reported - your
interview was carried, quite accurately, in the Dutch press. There is
activity in the Euro parliament about this. But much more needs to be
done. Your interviews have been read all around the world.

We need to make clear to people that this is a scandal. A horrible
political scandal. The NATO governments are all involved: first the
Dutch and German governments, also the British, because they're in
Pristina, the Americans, Kouchner from the UN - he's apparently quite
cozy with the US command - they all have dirty hands. Let's shine more
light on this subject. Let them explain this outrage.

Simca: When I look at these tough Dutch soldiers...their faces are so
grim. What have they been told about us?

Jared: I would like to be a fly on the wall during their training. Did
you see what happened at the demonstrations in Seattle?

Simca: Yes I saw on TV. I said to my husband. "Look! Democracy!"

Jared: Some people pointed out that U.S. Federal officials had training
sessions with the Seattle police. They told these cops they expected
seven of them to be killed by the demonstrators. Then they let them
loose on those kids.

Simca: Perhaps they're telling the Dutch troops the same sort of things
about us. Perhaps.

I am very much concerned for the people in Orahovac. About half are
left. They're freezing; the're half-starved; they're virtually without
electricity and they're being attacked by Albanians without interference
from KFOR. Will they all be slaughtered? They are half crazy from all
this. Two months with no help from outside.

This convoy is the first help in two months. Time is so short.

For the original interviews with women from Orahovac, in which
conditions in that ghetto are explained with graphic clarity, see Save
the families: The women of Orahovac speak or go to
Coming soon: interviews with three of the convoy from Orahovac which was
attacked in Pec.
For an interview with an Albanian driven from Kosovo by the KLA, click
on An Albanian Tragedy or go to
If you would like to read other articles please click here or go to

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