-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Bill wrote,
> THe rank and file Masons are just like anyone else and I'm certain that
> of them  are "good Xtians" too.
> It's the 33's and the "inner circle" who have the agenda...

I have to admit,  Bill, you are exactly right.  It *is* silly to think that
they hate Christians. They do not,  for Christians make the best candidates.
The Masons take advantage of innocent Christian hearts;  getting them into
the order and getting them involved with the benevolency of the organization
and mark those for the storefront, or hired help.   I can tell you exactly
WHO they hate, as I know first hand,  as I was taught from a child to hate
these people,  but as I grew and formulated my own opinions,  I was
ostracized many times for holding to my beliefs and refused to hate these
types of people, and now I pay the price of losing my parents because I will
not adhere to their same beliefs.  They hate blacks, Jews and Catholics.
That is a fact.   I know those of the 33rd and "inner circle".  They do not
hate Christians at all.  As a matter of factly,  a lot of the regular
meeting and initiation rights,  quote tons of Scripture,  verbatim,
especially from Esther and Ruth in the Eastern Star as well as Amaranth.
And yes,  many of these,  as I've stated before,  do not "see" the evil of
the benevolent organization.  They rather see the goodness,  wholeness and
fellowship of "belonging" to a fraternal brotherhood that binds them
together much as a family.  The Eastern Star theme hymn is "Blessed Be The
Tie That Binds".

The "inner circle" of whom are comprised only of those who have "come to the
light" of the inner truths of Masonry are hand picked to know the darkness
of the order.  The organization must keep up the storefront of benevolency,
i.e. Shriner's Hospital  (which by the way,  does do tremendous good for
those who need them),  and other charities that keep them "appearing" to be
on the up and up.  They do not want the world in general to suspect them of
any covert or covered up "agenda".  So,  the storefront of "do good-ers" is
their outward appearance.  The Mason believes that he can only get to the
heavenly lodge by "works". (By the way,  male members Masons also secretly
do not believe that women can go to heaven).

Their inward appearance or rather the reality of just exactly what they are
and what they are up to is reserved for the "elu" the "elect" of the order.
I've been tempted by a Mason and have asked the question...  What is that
symbol on your ring?  And they are bound by oath to explain / respond to the
profane (those who are not of the order)  with one explanation and to a
Masonic brother with another explanation.  The apparent 'benevolency'
however, does not show the whole truth,  because the mysticism is to remain
hidden from those who are not of the "elect", or chosen initiates.

Albert Pike, the fearless Confederate leader of the Southern Jurisdiction of
Freemasonry and the one who wrote the book,  stated in his Morals and Dogma,
"Masonry is a search after light."  and he also stated in the following
That search leads us directly back, as you can see, to the Kabbalah."
(Morals and Dogma, by Albert Pike, p 741)

There is a hidden agenda.  They absolutely do *not* hate Christians.
Christians maintain their storefront.  In other words,  Christians are
brought into the order to mind the store, while the 'bosses do their dirty
work' in the back room.

eagle 1

----- Original Message -----
From: "William Shannon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2000 8:33 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Colleen's a self-proclaimed witch!

> -Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
> </A> -Cui Bono?-
> In a message dated 1/22/00 4:43:20 AM Central Standard Time,
> writes:
> << Freemasons hate Christians more than anyone else on this
>  earth. So, before laying the blame for these ungodly acts at the door of
>  Christianity, check out your facts. >>
> That's so silly!
> THe rank and file Masons are just like anyone else and I'm certain that
> of them  are "good Xtians" too.
> It's the 33's and the "inner circle" who have the agenda...
> Bill

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