-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
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Clinton's  mendacity is an art form.

Forwarded for Rose Bowen--


Racial Killings & Gun Control

   A SIX-YEAR-OLD African American shoots and kills a six-year-old white girl
   in Michigan. The six-year-old shooter has been suspended before for stabbing
   another child with a pencil. Police discover that he lives in a crack house
   with his criminal uncle with outstanding warrants for arrest. The boy's
   father is in jail. His mother is a drug addict. The President of the United
   States responds to the tragedy by summoning leaders of Congress to the White
   House to pass a new law, requiring trigger locks on guns.

   If ever there was a case revealing the moral bankruptcy (or is it idiocy?)
   of liberalism, this is it. Of course, Clinton and Democratic leaders are
   calling for trigger locks on guns because they are planning to make this a
   major Democrat issue in this year's political campaigns. But that only makes
   the point stronger. So far not a single liberal has publicly dissented from
   the idea that gun control is the lesson to be drawn from this tragedy, let
   alone questioned the Democrats' sick exploitation of it for political ends.

   Since the point is evidently not obvious to liberals, let me make it clear:
   Clinton might as well be calling a conference to develop a Voodoo spell to
   stop incidents like the Michigan tragedy as propose a new gun law. Why would
   a family of criminals, like the one actually responsible for the murder of
   Kayla Rolland observe a trigger-lock law if it was passed? The inhabitants
   of this crack house do not observe laws. They live to break laws. Child
   abuse is against the law. The little emotionally disturbed six-year-old who
   committed the murders was abused by his mother, his criminal father, his
   criminal uncle, and every adult that entered that crack house. That is
   already against law. Calling for a law to require parents who stash their
   kids in crack houses to put trigger locks on the stolen guns lying around is
   a sick joke. An even sicker joke would be to expect liberal Democrats or the
   liberal press to acknowledge this obvious fact.

   Democrats' use of the inter-racial killing of a six-year-old to attack
   lawful gun owners and to beat up on the National Rifle Association is
   obscene. But better than that, it is an exercise in the very denial that
   provides liberalism with a reason to exist. The purpose of the cry for gun
   control is to allow liberals once again to close their eyes (and the
   nation's) to the serious moral problems in the inner city that create these
   tragedies, and to avoid holding the individuals responsible accountable for
   their crimes. We don't want to blame the "victims" do we?

   If there are important lessons in the Michigan killing that need to be
   looked at, they are these: 1) Why were authorities unable to rescue the
   six-year-old murderer from his abusive environment, particularly since he
   had already shown himself to be a severely disturbed child? 2) Why were the
   felons in the crack house able to have guns at all, including a shotgun that
   was stolen? 3) Why did it take the press days to reveal that the shooter was
   black and his victim white?

   This last question applies with a slight twist to the shooting that occurred
   days later in Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania, where a black racist named Ronald
   Taylor went on a rampage that took the lives of three people. After three
   days of investigation, the FBI finally charged the racist killer with a
   "hate crime." What took so long? Why did the media, which normally promote
   not only the idea of "hate crimes," but of hate-crime legislation, have to
   wait for the FBI to make this designation? Why is the White House silent
   about this racial outrage? Why has no black leader denounced this hate
   crime? Where are Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, and their racially sensitive
   friends Bradley and Gore?

   The answer is they're too busy calling for a new gun law to add to the
   20,000 already on the books, which the Justice Department refuses to
   enforce. They're too busy making political hay out of a Confederate flag
   which may be offensive to some, but which hasn't killed anyone so far. Mr.
   Sharpton is too busy persuading black Americans that a New York jury, whose
   foreman was black, administered "no justice" in the trial of four police
   officers acquitted of all counts of criminal misconduct in the case of
   Amadou Diallo. If any individual in America could be reasonably held
   responsible for the distrust and hatred of whites manifested in the
   Wilkinsburg rampage it is Al Sharpton. But it will be a long time before any
   "liberal" in the media or in the Justice Department makes that point.

   Instead, Justice Department officials in charge of racial issues are meeting
   with delegations of black leaders and deliberating among themselves as to
   whether they should invoke the civil-rights laws to re-try the acquitted New
   York policemen. Why is the Justice Department even looking at this case? Is
   there a shred of evidence that the acquitted policemen were racist? Is there
   the slightest indication that a jury, which included four African Americans,
   was prejudiced? How unbelievably insulting it is to those four jurors that
   the Justice Department (backed by the President) should even agree to
   consider this case.

   What the Justice Department is, in effect, saying to those four
   African-American jurors is that "the United States Government thinks you may
   be too stupid, too brainwashed, too weak to stand up for your race. Even if
   you believed that four white cops murdered a black man in cold blood, you
   would not have the brains, the balls, or the racial self-esteem to say so."
   Think about that for a moment. This, my friends, is the only really rampant
   racism in America. It is what liberalism has come to.

   That said, the decision of the FBI to declare the killing in Wilkinsburg  a
   black-on-white hate crime is a courageous act. The decision of the press to
   report the race of the six-year-old killer in Michigan, however belated, is
   a step in the right direction. The honesty of the jury in the Amadou Diallo
   case is to be applauded.

   Perhaps the tide has begun to turn. The next step would be for Jesse Jackson
   to step forward and publicly denounce the racism of blacks like Ronald
   Taylor. Perhaps a day will come when academic leftists will no longer teach
   that "blacks can't be racist." Perhaps Harvard will announce a policy
   dissociating itself from evil doctrines like this that are taught in its

   But don't hold your breath. This battle is a long way from over.


Rose Bowen
Global Exposure Web Services
Having a great web presence doesn't have to be expensive!

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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