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Doctor says WTO gassing led to health problems

Updated 12:00 PM ET March 6, 2000

By Brian Hansen
Colorado Daily
U. Colorado

(U-WIRE) EUGENE, Ore. -- The chemical weapons that were used against
civilians during the tumultuous World Trade Organization conference in
Seattle three months ago have given rise to a number of mysterious and
potentially serious long-term health afflictions, says a medical doctor who
is studying the matter.

Dr. Kirk Murphy, an assistant clinical professor at the UCLA Medical School
and a representative of the group Physicians for Social Responsibility,
discussed the health-related consequences of the gas-choked WTO meetings
last weekend at the Public Interest Environmental Law Conference in Eugene,

"What we saw happening in Seattle was the largest single application of
chemical weapons against civilians in the northern hemisphere," Murphy said.
"We've seen a range of symptoms arising from the Seattle experience,
including a subset of symptoms that are atypical for the chemical agents
that we've been able to confirm were used."

Law-enforcement officials maintain that four types of chemical agents were
used in the streets of Seattle during the WTO conference: OC, or "pepper
spray," as well as three varieties of gaseous irritants -- CN, CS, and CX.

According to Murphy, people exposed to OC "normally" suffer from intense
burning sensations of their skin and/or eyes, and sometimes from rashes and
minor vision changes in the minutes and hours after exposure. And the
"normal" reactions to the three types of "tear gas" agents reportedly used
in Seattle, Murphy explained, commonly include eye, nasal and throat
irritation, and sometimes respiratory and digestive system problems.

Teams of street medics treated thousands of people exhibiting these types of
symptoms on Nov. 30, the first big day of protests against the WTO, Murphy
noted. But the following day -- after martial law had essentially been
imposed throughout downtown Seattle -- the symptomatic effects of the
chemical weapons changed significantly, Murphy said.

"Starting on December 1st, we saw a set of symptoms that went beyond the
usual 'irritation' symptoms," Murphy said. "These came to be called the
neurotoxic set of symptoms."

People who were gassed on Dec. 1, when police stormed Seattle's Pike Place
Market and Capitol Hill neighborhood, suffered then -- and continue to
report now -- a mysterious and troubling set of afflictions, Murphy said.

"We've collected several dozen reports of (women) who had an immediate
on-set of menstruation, and there's at least one report of a spontaneous
abortion," Murphy said. "One person who came in (to a street clinic) was
technically delirious ... and had symptoms consistent with shock. So, we
started asking questions that night about what additional agents could be
responsible for what we were seeing."

Law-enforcement agencies have denied allegations that "nerve gas" or other
military-grade chemical agents were used against WTO protestors and other
civilians in downtown Seattle, and Murphy acknowledged that there is, at
this point, no molecular evidence to support that charge.

But based on a symptomatic assessment of a host of medical reports -- as
well as a laboratory analysis of several spent chemical weapons
containers -- Murphy and his colleagues at the Los Angeles Office of
Physicians for Social Responsibility have come up with a hypothesis.

"Broadly speaking, we've raised a few different possible means or methods by
which the atypical symptoms might have come about," Murphy said.

One explanation, Murphy said, is that the atypical symptoms exhibited in
Seattle were in fact completely consistent with OC and the various tear
gasses -- but that no one -- including the manufacturers of the chemicals
and the police -- know that yet.

"A lot of the information that was developed (on chemical weapons) came from
the armed forces, where most of the people in the uniforms tended to have
male genitals," Murphy said. "So, we don't have a lot of information from
when thousands of women are exposed to these agents."

Another possibility, Murphy said, is that age or temperature had caused some
of the chemicals to break down during storage.

"There's a (spent) canister chasing around Eugene that was manufactured in
1980," Murphy said. "There are a number of chemical reactions that one could
envision taking place over time in a stored sample."

A third possibility is that the so-called inert ingredients that are present
in the chemical weapons containers -- which are frequently toxic and
carcinogenic solvents -- independently caused the atypical symptoms
exhibited in Seattle, Murphy said.

"What we do know is that the solvents that are found to be present in CN
include something called methelyne chloride," Murphy said. "Methelyne
chloride is clearly associated with menstrual abnormalities; it is clearly
associated with miscarriages; and it is clearly associated with ongoing
neurologic problems, which include twitching, convulsions, and difficulty
with concentration.

Moreover, methelyne chloride is considered to be an endocrine disrupter,
which means that the serious biological damages it can cause can be passed
along from generation to generation.

"To put it colloquially, methelyne chloride is really nasty shit," Murphy

Physicians for Social Responsibility will publicize its conclusions
regarding the medical consequences of chemical weapons exposure in Seattle
in the coming months, Murphy said. To file a medical report with the group,
or for more information, call (310) 458-2694, or contact them via e-mail at

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