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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Village Voice: Are You Backing the Slave Trade?
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2000 23:46:16 -0500 (CDT)
From: Mark Graffis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;



   Hillary: Help Free the Slaves

   Quiet as it's been kept in much of the press and all of the
   television news, so far as I know a new divestment campaign is
   gathering momentum. It targets American pension and mutual funds and
   cities that invest in a huge oil company, Talisman Energy, that is a
   partner of the National Islamic Front, the government of Sudan.

   This authoritarian government, based in the north of the country,
   encourages slave raiders to invade black Christian and animist
   villages in the south. Many of the men are killed. Women and girls are
   abducted to become concubines and house slaves, bought by owners in
   the north. The kidnapped boys are forced into the Muslim faith.

   The driving force in the Talisman Energy divestment campaign is the
   Boston-based [11]American Anti-Slavery Group, headed by Dr. Charles
   Jacobs. He is trying to achieve what Randall Robinson, Jesse Jackson,
   and others did during the 1980s in their divestment campaign against
   American companies and cities investing in apartheid South Africa.

   This time, the focus is on Canada's largest independent oil and gas
   company, which is also one of the biggest oil firms in the world. As
   Charles Jacobs points out, "Talisman Energy has invested hundreds of
   millions of dollars" in a huge Sudanese government oil project. It
   involves drilling for oil and a pipeline vital to the economy of the

   New York City comptroller Alan Hevesi has written to James Buckee,
   president of Talisman, noting that this city's pension funds include
   135,000 sharesworth between $4 million and $6 millionof Talisman
   Energy common stock. Hevesi has not yet moved to recommend divestment,
   but he is very concerned, as he wrote in that letter, about reports
   that "Talisman is a source of vital fuel to a Sudanese air force base
   for bombing missions."

   The missions are fueled by the government's "economic interests,"
   Hevesi added, "in the removal of indigenous people [black Christians
   and animists] from lands in which the country's richest oil fields are

   Hevesi has also written letters to the Coca-Cola and Pepsi companies,
   in which this city's pension funds are also invested. Hevesi asked
   them to stop buying one of their soft-drink ingredientsgum arabicfrom
   suppliers in Sudan.

   Charlie Gillis, a reporter for the National Post of Canada, wrote on
   November 29 of a demonstration by black Christians "who had been
   driven out of southern Sudan's oil fields by the continuing assault on
   them by the government in Khartoum and its army."

   Already, because of these raids and the massive slavery resulting from
   them, the Texas Teachers Retirement Fund has sold all of its 100,000
   sharesworth several million dollarsin Talisman Energy.

   Then, after pressure from college student groups, the world's largest
   pension fund, [12]TIAA-CREFwhich covers college professors and
   administrators, along with school teachershas divested from Talisman.
   That move involved approximately 302,000 shares, worth about $9

   Most recently, on January 27, the state of New Jersey revealed that it
   has sold all of its 680,000 shares of Talisman, worth some $20

   As Jacobs emphasizes, "many Americans are unknowingly supporting
   slavery and slaughter in Sudan because their mutual and pension funds
   contain Talisman stock. If, for example, you own Fidelity or Vanguard
   [managers of mutual funds], or if you are a New York City worker, you
   may be helping someone own a slave."

   Now Hillary Clinton has finally officially declared her candidacy for
   the United States Senate. Jacobs says:

   "Bill Clinton has been silent on Sudan. What will Hillary say about
   New York's 'slave-stocks'? February was Black History Month, but black
   slavery is not only past history. Surely, reporters will ask Hillary
   Clinton if New York City and the state should sell their stock in
   slaves. It does take a village to raise a child, but what if the
   village children have been taken away as slaves?"

   Will someone in the horde of reporters trailing Hillary ask her that

   Last September, Charles Jacobs met with Madeleine Albright in the
   State Department. He said to the secretary of state:

   "Madame Secretary, 60 years ago, people in power met in rooms like
   this and decided not to tell the world of mass murderand decided not
   to save the victims. Why is there such unspoken genocide in Sudan?"

   Albright turned to her legal adviser and said, "Explain to Dr. Jacobs
   why we haven't said the word genocide."

   The adviser's answer was: "According to international covenants, if
   that word is used, it would obligate us to undertake ways in which we
   are not prepared to act."

   But on November 9, Albright issued a statement that was read at a
   Washington, D.C., summit on Sudan organized by a number of faith-based
   organizations. In it, she spoke, sideways, on the subject: "I know
   some of you are engaged in a campaign to encourage divestment from
   companies invested in Sudan. . . . We share your concerns about the
   role foreign investment plays in buttressing the Khartoum regime's
   capacity to intensify its brutal war in the South."

   However, as Jacobs says, "When will the president speak with the voice
   of an abolitionist nation, which he leads? We cannot tolerate the
   enslavement of black women and children. He should tell the UN and the
   Organization of African Unity to protect those villagesor we will give
   them the wherewithal to defend themselves against slavery and

   You speak to him too, Hillary.

   And what does our compassionate conservative mayor have to say about
   slavery in Sudan?

   Tell us what you think. [13][EMAIL PROTECTED]

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