Freedom lovers in Little Havana

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

 [One does not have to defend the INS, the State Department, or any
 other agencies of the US Police State to acknowledge that Elian Gonzalez
 was being held hostage by a lunatic fringe that is armed and highly
 dangerous. No one knows that better than the US Government, who armed
 and trained them. Here's a nice capsule history of just some of their
 prior adventures (just the ones in the Miami area) ! -- NY Transfer]

 originally posted by Eric V. Kirk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 via David McReynolds and Bill Koehnlein

I wonder at the silence of all the patriots over the flag burnings at the
domonstrations.  Maybe the new amendment will contain an exception for Cuban

Anyway, an interesting historical summary of the Miami crowd:

>From MacArthur Causeway, pediatrician Orlando Bosch fires bazooka at a
Polish freighter. (City of Miami later declares "Orlando Bosch Day." Federal
agents will jail him in 1988.)

1972 Julio Iglesias, performing at a local nightclub, says he wouldn't mind
"singing in front of Cubans." Audience erupts in anger. Singer requires
police escort. Most radio stations drop Iglesias from playlists. One that
doesn't, Radio Alegre, receives bomb threats.

1974 Exile leader Jose Elias de la Torriente murdered in his Coral Gables
home after failing to carry out a planned invasion of Cuba.

1974 Bomb blast guts the office of Spanish-language magazine Replica.

1974 Several small Cuban businesses, citing threats, stop selling

1974 Three bombs explode near a Spanish-language radio station.

1974 Hector Diaz Limonta and Arturo Rodriguez Vives murdered in
internecine exile power struggles.

1975 Luciano Nieves murdered after advocating peaceful coexistence with

1975 Another bomb damages Replica's office.

1976 Rolando Masferrer and Ramon Donestevez murdered in internecine
exile power struggles.

1976 Car bomb blows off legs of WQBA-AM news director Emilio Milian after he
publicly condemns exile violence.

1977 Juan Jose Peruyero murdered in internecine exile power struggles.

1979 Cuban film Memories of Underdevelopment interrupted by gunfire and
physical violence instigated by two exile groups.

1979 Bomb discovered at Padron Cigars, whose owner helped negotiate release
of 3600 Cuban political prisoners.

1979 Bomb explodes at Padron Cigars.

1980 Another bomb explodes at Padron Cigars.

1980 Powerful anti-personnel bomb discovered at American Airways Charter,
which arranges flights to Cuba.

1981 Bomb explodes at Mexican Consulate on Brickell Avenue in protest of
relations with Cuba.

1981 Replica's office again damaged by a bomb.

1982 Two outlets of Hispania Interamericana, which ships medicine to Cuba,
attacked by gunfire.

1982 Bomb explodes at Venezuelan Consulate in downtown Miami in protest
of relations with Cuba.

1982 Bomb discovered at Nicaraguan Consulate.

1982 Miami Mayor Maurice Ferre defends $10,000 grant to exile commando group
Alpha 66 by noting that the organization "has never been accused of
terrorist activities inside the United States."

1983 Another bomb discovered at Replica.

1983 Another bomb explodes at Padron Cigars.

1983 Bomb explodes at Paradise International, which arranges travel to

1983 Bomb explodes at Little Havana office of Continental National Bank, one
of whose executives, Bernardo Benes, helped negotiate release of 3600 Cuban
political prisoners.

1983 Miami City Commissioner Demetrio Perez seeks to honor exile terrorist
Juan Felipe de la Cruz, accidentally killed while assembling a bomb. (Perez
is now a member of the Miami- Dade County Public School Board and owner of
the Lincoln-Marti private school where Elian Gonzalez is enrolled.)

1983 Gunfire shatters windows of three Little Havana businesses linked
to Cuba.

1986 South Florida Peace Coalition members physically attacked in
downtown Miami while demonstrating against
Nicaraguan contra war.

1987 Bomb explodes at Cuba Envios, which ships packages to Cuba.

1987 Bomb explodes at Almacen El Espa=F1ol, which ships packages to Cuba.

1987 Bomb explodes at Cubanacan, which ships packages to Cuba.

1987 Car belonging to Bay of Pigs veteran is firebombed.

1987 Bomb explodes at Machi Viajes a Cuba, which arranges travel to

1987 Bomb explodes outside Va Cuba, which ships packages to Cuba.

1988 Bomb explodes at Miami Cuba, which ships medical supplies to Cuba.

1988 Bomb threat against Iberia Airlines in protest of Spain's relations
with Cuba.

1988 Bomb explodes outside Cuban Museum of Art and Culture after auction
of paintings by Cuban artists.

1988 Bomb explodes outside home of Maria Cristina Herrera, organizer of
a conference on U.S.-Cuba relations.

1988 Bomb threat against WQBA-AM after commentator denounces Herrera

1988 Bomb threat at local office of Immigration and Naturalization
Service in protest of terrorist Orlando Bosch being

1988 Bomb explodes near home of Griselda Hidalgo, advocate of
unrestricted travel to Cuba.

1988 Bomb damages Bele Cuba Express, which ships packages to Cuba.

1989 Another bomb discovered at Almacen El Espa=F1ol, which ships packages
to Cuba.

1989 Two bombs explode at Marazul Charters, which arranges travel to

1990 Another, more powerful, bomb explodes outside the Cuban Museum of
Art and Culture.

1991 Using crowbars and hammers, exile crowd rips out and urinates on
Calle Ocho "Walk of Fame" star of Mexican
actress Veronica Castro, who had visited Cuba.

1992 Union Radio employee beaten and station vandalized by exiles
looking for Francisco Aruca, who advocates an
end to U.S. embargo.

1992 Cuban American National Foundation mounts campaign against the
Miami Herald, whose executives then
receive death threats and whose newsracks are defaced and smeared with

1992 Americas Watch releases report stating that hard-line Miami exiles
have created an environment in which
"moderation can be a dangerous position."

1993 Inflamed by Radio Mambi commentator Armando Perez-Roura, Cuban
exiles physically assault demonstrators
lawfully protesting against U.S. embargo. Two police officers injured,
sixteen arrests made. Miami City Commissioner
Miriam Alonso then seeks to silence anti-embargo demonstrators: "We have
to look at the legalities of whether the
City of Miami can prevent them from expressing themselves."

1994 Human Rights Watch/Americas Group issues report stating that Miami
exiles do not tolerate dissident
opinions, that Spanish-language radio promotes aggression, and that
local government leaders refuse to denounce
acts of intimidation.

1994 Two firebombs explode at Replica magazine's office.

1994 Bomb threat to law office of Magda Montiel Davis following her
videotaped exchange with Fidel Castro.

1996 Music promoter receives threatening calls, cancels local appearance
of Cuba's La Orquesta Aragon.

1996 Patrons attending concert by Cuban jazz pianist Gonzalo Rubalcaba
physically assaulted by 200 exile
protesters. Transportation for exiles arranged by Dade County
Commissioner Javier Souto.

1996 Firebomb explodes at Little Havana's Centro Vasco restaurant
preceding concert by Cuban singer Rosita

1996 Firebomb explodes at Marazul Charters, which arranges travel to

1996 Arson committed at Tu Familia Shipping, which ships packages to

1997 Bomb threats, death threats received by radio station WRTO- FM
following its short-lived decision to include in
its playlist songs by Cuban musicians.

1998 Bomb threat empties concert hall at MIDEM music conference during
performance by 91-year-old Cuban
musician Compay Segundo.

1998 Bomb threat received by Amnesia nightclub in Miami Beach preceding
performance by Cuban musician Orlando "Maraca" Valle.

1998 Firebomb explodes at Amnesia nightclub preceding performance by
Cuban singer Manolin.

1999 Violent protest at Miami Arena performance of Cuban band Los Van Van
leaves one person injured, eleven arrested.

1999 Bomb threat received by Seville Hotel in Miami Beach preceding
performance by Cuban singer Rosita Fornes. Hotel cancels concert.

January 26, 2000 Outside Miami Beach home of Sister Jeanne O'Laughlin,
protester displays sign reading, "Stop the deaths at sea. Repeal the Cuban
Adjustment Act," then is physically assaulted by nearby exile crowd before
police come to rescue.

April 11, 2000 Outside home of Elian Gonzalez's Miami relatives, radio talk
show host Scot Piasant of Portland, Oregon, displays T-shirt reading, "Send
the boy home" and "A father's rights," then is physically assaulted by
nearby exile crowd before police come to rescue.


  NY Transfer News Collective   *   A Service of Blythe Systems
           Since 1985 - Information for the Rest of Us
              339 Lafayette St., New York, NY 10012                  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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