>From surfingtheapocalypse[at]egroups.com


Author Dr. Nick Begich, M.D. Interviewed By Kenneth Burke
Part II

By Nick Begich, M.D., Publisher

  In a section of the report, "Future Weapons Using High Power
Microwaves" are discussed at length. This section describes microwave
frequencies developed for use in weapons against machines and people.
One of the uses described is an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) weapon
which gives an operator the same ability to wipe out electronic
circuits as a nuclear blast would provide. The main difference is
this new technology is controllable, and can be used without
nuclear weapons treaties. This section of the report then described
energy levels needed for the following to occur:

* "Overheats, damages animal tissue".

* "Possibly affects nervous system".

* "Threshold for microwave hearing".

* "Causes byte errors in unshielded computers".

* "Burns out unprotected receiver diodes in antennas".

The effects are based on radio frequency radiation. The report
confirmed that non-thermal effects were being researched. These
non-thermal effects included damage to human health when the effects
occurred "within so-called modulation frequency windows (Hertz is one
such window) or power density windows". The way these weapons work
clearly described when the report noted their effect on machines: "A
HPM (High Power Microwave) weapon employs a high power, rapidly
pulsating microwave beam that penetrates electronic components. The
pulsing action internally excites the components, rapidly generating
intense heat which causes them to fuse or melt, thus destroying the
circuit...HPM (weapons) attack at the speed of light thus making
avoidance of the beam impossible, consequently negating the advantage
of weapon systems such as high velocity tactical missiles." In other
words, with this kind of weapon there is no machine which could get
this invisible wall of directed energy. Another report on non-lethal
technologies, issued by the Council on Foreign Relations points out
that, "The Nairobi Convention, to which the United States is a
signatory, prohibits the broadcast of electronic signals into a
sovereign state without its consent in peacetime." This report opens
discussion of the use of these weapons against terrorists and drug
traffickers. The CFR report recommends this be done secretly so the
victims do not know where the attack is from, or if there even is an
attack. There is a problem with this approach. The use of these
weapons, even against these kinds of individuals, may be in violation
of United States law in that it presumes guilt rather than innocence.
In other words the police, CIA, DEA or other enforcement
become the judge, jury and executioner. Going to another document by
Captain Paul Tyler, we can look at the debate between classical
theories and recent research. There is a gulf of conflict between
these two schools of thought. The debate centers on the classical
that only ionizing radiation (that which generates heat in tissue)
cause reactions in the body, while new research indicates that
small, amounts of energy can cause reactions as well. What Tyler
in 1984, as an officer in the Air Force, puts the debate simply. He
said, "Even though the body is basically an electrochemical system,
modern science has almost exclusively studied the chemical aspects of
the body and to date has largely neglected the electrical aspects.
However, over the past decade researchers have devised many
mathematical models to approximate the internal fields in animals and
humans. Some of the later models have shown general agreement with
experimental measurements made with the phantom models and animals.
Presently most scientists in the field use the concept of specific
absorption rate for determining the Dosimetry (dosages) of
electromagnetic radiation. Specific absorption rate is the intensity
of the internal electric field or quantity of energy
absorbed...However, the use of these classical concepts of
electrodynamics does not explain some experimental results and
clinical findings. For example, according to classical physics, the
frequency of visible light would indicate that it is reflected or
totally absorbed within the first few millimeters of tissue and thus
no light should pass through significant amounts of tissue. But it
does. Also, classical theory indicates that the body should be
completely invisible to extremely low frequencies of light where a
single wave length is thousands of miles long. However, visible light
has been used in clinical medicine to transilluminate various body
tissues." In other words, the classical theories are partially wrong
in that they do not fully explain all of the reactions which are
observed in the body. The Navy has abstracted over a thousand
international professional papers by private and government
which explore these issues. Tyler continues, "A second area where
classical theory fails to provide an adequate explanation for
effects is in the clinical use of extremely low frequency (ELF)
electromagnetic fields. Researchers have found that pulsed external
magnetic fields at frequencies below 100 Hertz (pulses/cycles per
second) will stimulate the healing of nonunion fractures, congenital
pseudarthroses, and failed arthroses. The effects of these pulsed
magnetic fields have been extremely impressive, and their use in
orthopaedic conditions has been approved by the Food and Drug
Administration." Even the FDA, one of the most vigorous regulatory
authorities in the country, accepts these non-thermal effects. Tyler
adds, "Recently, pulsed electromagnetic fields have been reported to
induce cellular transcription (this has to do with the duplication or
copying of information from DNA, a process important to life). At the
other end of the non-ionizing spectrum, research reports are also
showing biological effects that are not predicted in classical
theories. For example, Kremer and others have published several
showing that low intensity millimeter waves produce biological
effects. They have also shown that not only are the effects seen at
very low power, but they are also frequency-specific." Tyler goes on
to discuss the results of this new thinking and the possible effects
of these low energy radiations in terms of information transfer and
storage, and their effects on the nervous system. Research has shown
that very specific frequencies cause very specific reactions, and,
once a critical threshold is passed, negative reactions occur. It has
been fourteen years since Tyler€  '²s paper was delivered and the
controversy began to take form. Now there is even more energy being
pressed into the anchoring of the newest means of killing and maiming
one another. "Imagine a world where land mines don€  '²t blow up but
off an eerie sound that makes intruders feel sick. Or a war where
attackers don€  '²t use missiles to stop tanks but microwaves to shut
engines." The Institute for Non-Lethal Defense Technologies at Penn
State College has been established in cooperation with the United
States Marines. The institute was created to evaluate weapons created
by organizations outside the military. The new institute will look at
legal, ethical, political, environmental and physical effects of
new technologies. There has been a good deal of speculation about the
possibilities of creating artificial weather and of controlling the
weather. This it not new and has been the subject of on-going
research for decades. Moreover, in 1976 the United States signed
international treaties calling for a ban on "geophysical warfare".
use of new weapons is not limited to governments and sophisticated
science laboratories. In April, 1997, the United States Secretary of
Defense, William Cohen made the following comment: "Others are
engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter
climate, set off earthquakes and volcanoes remotely through the use
electromagnetic waves." This is not new either but has its roots in
1960-70's era research by American scientists and continues to appear
in numerous articles and reports. The idea of creating artificial
weather including cyclones is being explored. In a recent article in
the Wall Street Journal it was reported that "a Malaysian company,
BioCure Sdn. Bhd., will sign a memorandum of understanding soon with
government-owned Russian party to produce the Cyclone." The deal with
the Russians was set up so that if the technology did not work the
Malaysians did not have to pay for the attempt. There have been other
reports of Russian research into this area. What else might be on the
way? In a 1989 patent a most interesting bit of science is revealed.
The development of new energy weapons has occupied the imaginations
and resources of our national and private laboratories. One such
weapon idea is owned by the United States Department of Energy. It is
a new kind of weapon which allows electromagnetic or acoustic energy
to be focused into a tight package of energy which can be projected
over great distances without dissipating. When scientists thought of
this energy being projected through the air it was always assumed
the energy would dissipate, dispersing at such a rapid rate that no
weapon€  '²s effect could be realized. What has been discovered is
there is a way to create such a system. In a U. S. patent the
following summary appears: "The invention relates generally to
transmission of pulses of energy, and more particularly to the
propagation of localized pulses of electromagnetic or acoustic energy
over long distances without divergence." "As the Klingon battle
cruiser attacks the Starship Enterprise, Captain Kirk commands "Fire
photon torpedoes". Two darts or blobs of light speed toward their
target to destroy the enemy spaceship. Stardate 1989, Star Trek
reruns, or 3189, somewhere in intergalactic space. Fantasy or
The ability to launch localized packets of light or other energy
do not diverge as they travel great distances through space may
incredibly be at hand." The patent describes the energy effect as
"electromagnetic missiles or bullets" which could destroy almost any
object in their path. Remember Star Wars? That weapon concept would
move the theater of war to space. In 1995, the funding for Star Wars
was widely reported as a dead issue when full funding was defeated by
the United States Congress. Star Wars did not end. As many unpopular
programs do - they just get new names. "This year the Ballistic
Missile Defense Organization (once called the Strategic Defense
Initiative) got $3.7 billion. That€  '²s up from $2.8 billion in
1995, and
is very near the peak level spent during the Cold War." What is
interesting is that - the billions spent on Star Wars systems, which
these became known as, were only for "research" according to the
military€  '²s mission statement. The technology is being advanced in
hope that a system might be developed early in the next century.


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