Brother and Sisters, Am sharing this with you in the hope that it will answer a 
question I feel that is so often thought of but never
What happened? or, How did our Nation get to this point in its history?
In past multi-part Postings I have received numerous negative criticisms, only to 
discover that the Reader failed to read ALL of the
I do hope this will not occur again, and you read all the parts before you
respond.  Regardless of your diverse views of life, I love each and every one of you;  
if not for you I wouldn't have the opportunity to
share with you articles which can open your mind just a bit more, to let the Light of 
goodness enter your Soul which will enable you and
yours to shed the stench of the forces of darkness who have captured your ability to 
exercise right from wrong.

SOURCE:  The New American, May 8,2000, page 35.

Americanist Chairman

Martin Dies, as chairman of the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HCUAA), 
fought a desperate battle to expose Red subversives

Who was Martin Dies?

Why is he worthy of honorable recognition as one of our 20th century heroes?

Unfortunately, his name draws a blank response from most people today.

One is reminded of the wisdom of the poet's words that the good which men do is "oft 
interred with their bones."

For the colossal good that this man did lies deeply buried in the past by the 
prevailing liberal Establishment that he strenuously opposed.

Martin Dies was a seemingly ordinary young Democrat congressman from Texas elected in 
1930 to the House while still only 29 years old.

Born in Colorado City, Texas, in November 1900, Dies grew up in East Texas, graduated 
from the University of Texas, and received his LL.B.
degree in law from the National University in Washington, D.C., in 1920.

In the same year, he married and began the practice of law in Marshall, Texas.

A rugged individualist from the beginning, Dies has been described as a husky six 
footer with the bulldog look of a squared, cowpuncher

But this man was far from ordinary -- in fact, he was astonishing.

Smack in the middle of the blatant pro-Communist climate in the wake of Franklin D. 
Roosevelt's (FDR) ascendancy to the White House in 1933,
Martin Dies, a Democrat, took it upon himself to buck his own party's rabid opposition 
to investigating Communist subversion and
infiltration of government, academia, labor unions, and the media.

He became the first chairman of the House Committee on Un-American Activities in 1938 
and led its efforts until 1945.

For effectively exposing Communist subversion he was viciously attacked, just as 
Senator Joseph McCarthy was in the 1950s.

In this day of the supposed "end of Communism" it is difficult to understand the 
sacrifice and courage Dies' decision meant in the 1930s.

The influx of Marxists, pinkos, socialists, fellow travelers, and New Deal leftists 
who followed FDR to Washington had taken over all forums
and drowned out other voices.

Prior to FDR, four Presidents had refused to recognize the Soviet Union, so revolted 
were they by the Soviets' brutality, perfidy, and
revolutionary aim of overturning governments and social institutions worldwide.

Yet in 1933, much to Dies' dismay, FDR handed Soviet envoy Maxim Litvinoff a letter of 
recognition in exchange for a letter promising that
the Soviets would not allow subversive groups to operate in the United States.

The next day, the Communist International announced it would pursue exactly such 
activities while Litvinoff assured the comrades that the
latter was a mere scrap of paper that would soon be forgotten in the realities of 
Soviet-American relations.

Following U.S. recognition of the Soviet Union, the picture of Washington -- as 
described by Dies in his 1943 book 'The Trojan Horse in
America' and in his 1963 autobiography 'Martin Dies' Story -- defies belief.

It was literally open-house at the White House for revolutionaries of every stripe, 
including Earl Browder, General Secretary of the
American Communist Part, who came and went at his pleasure even though deserving 
Democrats could not gain an audience with the President.

Communists, fellow travelers, socialist, and, of course, the indispensable dupes were 
all protected, encouraged, and even pardoned for
unlawful acts by the FDR administration.

A sort of pro-Marxist frenzy swept over Washington.

Businessmen were encouraged to give away trade secrets and technical know-how to the 

High U.S. government officials were in frequent attendance at Soviet Embassy parties, 
where there was plenty of champagne and much talk of
revolution, including such plans as requiring corporations to have a federal permit in 
order to operate.

It was against this Red tide that an alarmed and distressed Martin Dies decided to 

Aware that the growing strength of the American Communist Party depended largely on 
subversives who were not even American citizens, Dies'
first move was to introduce a bill to exclude and deport alien Reds.

But his warning that the American Communist Party was "directed and controlled by 
Moscow," recently substantiated by the release of KGB
files, was mocked.

And his bill, which passed the House, was prevented from coming to a vote (and was 
therefore allowed to die) in the Senate by liberals led
by Robert LaFollette of Wisconsin.

But Dies had just begun.

In 1938 he accepted FDR's urgent plea to chair an investigation into un-American 

It is something of a puzzle as to why FDR wanted such an investigation and wanted Dies 
to head it.

Dies came to believe that FDR felt confident he could force the committee to limit its 
investigation to Nazis and Fascists.

But master of manipulation that FDR was, it's more likely that his real objective was 
to cause Communism to be sensationalized as the 'only
enemy,' thus diverting attention from his own seizure of power, while media ridicule 
of accusations of Communists in high places would cause
Dies' claims to be discredited.

Something of this sort did, indeed, happen.

When Dies made it clear he intended to fully investigate Communism as a 
kissing-cousing of the other two totalitarian "isms," the liberal
reaction was sure and swift.

Every federal department especially the Justice Department, which Dies had expected 
would provide information, rejected his requests and
refused to cooperate.

Although it was common knowledge that under President Herbert Hoover the records of 
the Communist Party, including its full membership list,
had been seized by the government, these records had been destroyed or disappeared.

Dies was forced to begin from scratch in an atmosphere that could not have been more 

Government employees became indignant and abusive, ridiculing the Committee's 
documented findings and parading in protest.

Men and women in high positions were sponsoring, endorsing, or joining front 
organizations that supported Communist "ideals."

Government officials defended employees found to be disloyal, refusing to fire them.

Yet during the seven years that Dies chaired HCUAA, which became almost universally 
known as the Dies Committee, open hearings were held in
every principal American city (where they were disrupted by riotous mobs), and a 
tremendous record of Communist subversive activities was
amassed through the seizure of records of 160 Communist organizations.

Specifically, what kind of activities was the Committee charged with exposing as 

Obviously, rooting out disloyal government employees was of prime importance.

Dies cited examples of the kind of routine hiring that was going on;  for instance, a 
fellow named John Herling was offered a government
post which he declined in writing, stating that he believed "in the abolition of the 
capitalist system."

Herling also scorned the administration's radicals who tried to rationalize the need 
for the position.

In other words, here was a man rejecting a New Deal job because it wasn't Red enough.

Eventually, however, he was mollified and persuaded to accept the post of principal 
consultant to the Office of Coordinator of
Inter-American Affairs.

Another fellow named David Saposs, a pro-Communist activist who urged workers to "take 
control of industry and government and build a
workers' Republic," was hired as chief economist of the Labor Relations Board and 
later became assistant to the chief of the Labor Division
of the War Production Board.

When another person named Sam Schmeller was fired from the FBI in 1935 because of his 
Communist activities, in a few weeks he was appointed
to the Social Security Board and became a leader in the American Peace Mobilization, a 
Communist front that promoted and organized sabotage

Although the Dies Committee had no authority to fire anyone from his government post, 
it reported to the Executive the names of more than
5,000 employees with Communist records.

But this was like running to the police only to find they are complicit with the 

Dies pointed to the Office of War Information as being the perfect spot in government 
for radical propagandists;  it had enormous power,
prestige, and vast funds, all mobilized to pour out "information."

Stunning lies and distortions in reports from this office calling Chinese Communists 
"agrarian reformers" shocked John Birch as an Army
intelligence officer in China -- before he was brutally bayoneted to death by these 
"peaceful reformers." a crime that was covered up for
years in order not to shatter the government's perfidious myth.

According to Dies, it was incredible how Communists found their way into the Office of 
War Information, the Federal Communications
Commission, and the radio stations through the device known as the Trojan Horse, a 
reference to the famous Greek stratagem by which Troy as

This tactic originated at the Seventh World Congress of the Communist International in 
Moscow in 1935, when thousands of comrades gathered
from Communist Parties throughout the world.

(for those suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder Syndrome
 you may wish to postpone reading the rest until you've decided
 your ready to resume;  I recognize that many of you may have
 attended our corrupt government schools and were administered
 mind-altering drugs to keep you 'quiet', and were not exposed
 to articles such as this by your Fabian-Socialist teachers.)



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