Source:  The Downey Eagle, May 12, 2000, Page 5

The publisher's corner

Is there really a 'euro dollar'?
by Jerry Andrews,

        Many of you know that in an effort to unify the European continent, eventually 
becoming a United Countries of
Europe, the first step was to have a single currency.  Such a plan was advanced and 
adopted, to be based on the "euro dollar."  The policy
was implemented and the change-over was January 4, 1999.

        Most of the currencies of the world are referenced against the U.S. dollar.  
In the case of the euro, it debuted at $1.17 and has now
declined to 89 cents.
This is a 24 percent decline to purchasing power for the member nations.  No one knows 
quite why the euro has fallen so, but they are not
happy about their money (purchasing power) being devalued 24 percent.  As to be 
expected, not all European nations joined;  England
specifically stayed out.
So the English pound has increased in value against the euro if only by default, and 
thus British and American travelers are bargain
shopping in Europe.

        To start with there are no euro bills or coins in circulation, even though all 
the banking in the subject
countries is in euros.  For instance, their bank statements, telephone bills and 
electric bills are all in euros, but they pay in the
existing currency of their country (marks, francs, lire, etc.) at whatever the 
exchange rate is for that country against the euro.

        So the question is why hasn't euro currency - bills and coins - been 
introduced into circulation to replace the
individual currencies?

        For two years now the introduction has ben repeatedly postponed, which doesn't 
add confidence to the project.
Therefore. this past weekend, it was with more than passing interest that while dining 
out, I overheard a conversation at the next table
about the weak euro and other problems.

        The story I heard was that the German government was to be responsible for 
making the currency engravings and
coin dies.  They did this.  They got the best engravers available, made the plates and 
printed a small press run so that each bank could
have one sample bill and a front/back photograph of each denomination to used for 
reference in spotting counterfeits.  This was all done
with the expected high German efficiency, quality workmanship and proper security.  
Transportation was by train with armed guards.  As
expected, everything was done to perfection.  The final part of the German assignment 
was to deliver the plates to France.  They were
delivered to the French government representatives, all duly accepted and signed for.  
The the German couriers and security went back home.

        The problem appears to be that after the French government took possession, 
the plates are now missing, gone,
as in stolen, which is, in fact, why the bills are not in circulation and time is 
running out since replacement was supposed to be completed
by this summer.  There is no money yet;  it is all on ledger sheets.  And with the 
plates missing, you can't just make new ones.  Obviously
the design needs to be changed.  But to do that it must be acknowledged the plates are 
missing.  Not likely.  They still need bills of a
different design so the native currency can be replaced.

        To keep this in perspective, I have no idea if the missing plates story is 
true.  But I was surprised to read
in Monday's 'Orange County Register'  that the euro was 
taking another hit and that, in fact, there are no euro
bills of coins in circulation.

        I remember when all this came to pass and the nationalist battles that took 
place.  Some of the one-worlders
here even wanted the U.S. to turn in our money too, as well as make our Supreme Court 
subject to the World Court.
Hopefully neither idea will come up again before the next century.
Could this be a contributing factor to the highly touted expected
burst in the 'bubble'?



We are a Nation of the Rule of Law;
however, I, for one, will not be Ruled by the Lawless.

To All Elected Officials:
  "Stop stealing my earnings
   that you use to give to
   those whom you know will
   vote for you."

There's not a dime bit of difference between a DemoRat and a RepubRat,
they're simply two wings of the same bird of prey which pecks at your
earnings while insidiously devouring your Freedom.

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