Jeez Nessie,

That stuff below is totally incoherent.- I saw no connection to what I


> nessie wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
> >
> >the USA and the Brits are covering for Iran and Syria who cooperated
> >with them in the Gulf War by staying out of it and thus preventing a Pan
> >Arab
> >coalition from defending Iraq.
> Iranians aren't Arabs.

But they are Muslims, and more importantly, they are a 500 pound gorilla.

> What's more, a Pan Arab coalition in the Gulf War
> was flat out impossible since the war was between two Arab states, Iraq
> and Kuwait,

That's very naive. Kuwait is an oil company town and Iraq is a full fledged
nation state. Kuwait is protected by the West because Big Oil buys Western
politicians to rent out their militaries on an as need basis. Big Oil did
not want to lose Kuait"s oil field to Sadam. Bush created a 'Golf of Tonkin'
incident to do away with the threat ( but not entirely ).

There was ALWAYS the danger of citizens of the varied states forcing their
respective governments into war to defend Islamic territory against the Great
Satan. No one really gave a shit about Kuwait but Bush and the oil companies.

Bush forced Israel to not retaliate if attacked. Can you imagine what deals
were made for Israel to goof around with its national security like that?
This was Sadam's best hope. This is why he lobbed those scuds into Israeli
cities. He hoped to provoke a retaliation. Once Israel joined in battle on
the West's side, the coalition would fall apart and the Arab/Moslem Sates
would have to defend Sadam.

This is not speculation. The US promised to upgrade Israel's high tech
hardware. It has since come out that if the Israeli decision to let the US
protect Israel under attack went bad...Israel was prepared to use nukes as
a last resort. This was an insane gamble by all involved. The world was put
at serious risk to protect Europe's, and Japan's oil based economies which
were supplied by that part of the world.

> both of whom, incidently, were created by Britain by fiat not
> long after WWI.

For Britain's and Holland's Royal owned Oil corporations.

> On the other hand, the Libyians almost certainly didn't do it.

It's no secret who did it. The info was public knowledge and was presented
in an old Frontline on PBS. I remember it as well as other sources.


> FWIW, I interviewed Bobbie Riconosciuto a few years ago and she talked a
> little about Lockerbie. Bobbie is the wife of Inslaw case figure Michael
> Riconosciuto, a man whose name should be familiar to any serious
> concpiracy buff. Opinions vary as to who and what Michael Riconosciuto is.
> He's been called an intelligence operative, a computer wiz, a drug dealer
> and a pathological liar. He was one of the last people to ever speak with
> Danny Casolaro. He claims to have warned him.
> Here's what his wife said about Pan Am 103:
> (snip)
> Bobbie: Well, I didn't know all of what they were doing. You know, Michael
> would tell me things off the cuff, you know. I think when it finally hit
> home was when Pan Am 103 went down. I listened to the news . . . Michael
> had come home; he'd been home maybe three hours. And he hadn't been home
> in a couple of weeks. And he was just being . . . he had just gone to bed.
> I was listening to the news and they were talking about this plane going
> down over Lockerbie and the fact that the CIA station boss from Beirut was
> on the plane and you know, I'm uh, sitting there thinking, "Wake him up or
> not? If I wake him up, I betcha he's going to leave." I don't want him to
> leave. He needs to be home. He's tired. You know, I kinda have to wake him
> up. You know, back and forth, back and forth. Finally I decided I had to
> wake him up and he left about an hour later. He made phone calls from the
> house that night that he had never really made before. He never used to
> make any of those kind of calls from the house. He would go to a pay
> phone, and you know and called them so there wasn't, you know, I mean,
> Michael was the king of change. The kids always knew where to get spare
> change. His pockets were always full of quarters. And that night he called
> several people and he told them not to talk to Bob. He told them not to
> talk to certain other individuals, Ted in particular. I'd never seen him
> so agitated. He left that night. He said he'd be back in a couple of hours
> and he flew to Oklahoma. I don't know if you want to pursue this . . .
> (We had a brief off record discussion of the implications, legal and
> otherwise, of discussing classified material, particularly bio-war. Bobbie
> was becoming increasingly nervous. Neither of us, we both agreed, wanted
> to fight a treason bust. Neither of us cared to be "silenced.")
> Nessie: Let's talk about the plane.
> Bobbie: Oh, OK . . .
> Nessie: So Michael runs out of the house in the middle of the night. He's
> scared. You must have been scared.
> Bobbie: I was very concerned, because what he basically said when he left
> was that somebody had made a decision, and the decision was that anybody
> who was aware of certain things that had happened during given operations,
> specifically, um, uh, Yermay, Fidco, those companies, those proprietary
> companies that the operation to redo the, uh, structure of Beirut after
> the bombing, anybody that was aware of those operations, looked at them,
> were on that plane. OK, they were gone. That's heavy. The ones that
> weren't gone, were, shortly thereafter.
> Nessie: Now, did Michael explain this to you when he was packing, did you
> know ahead of time, or did you figure it out later?
> Bobbie: I knew about Fidco. I didn't know much about Yermay, although I'd
> heard of it. I knew a little, just real surface things about PROMIS, why
> they did what they did, how it was being used. Um, I didn't know anything
> really beyond that, except that that was when at the end of that time when
> Michael walked away, that that was the principals in Fidco and the
> Wackenhut/Cabazon Joint Venture, that's what they were very irritated at
> Michael about, OK, was it had to do with that. I didn't know the
> specifics. The only thing that I knew that the people that were on that
> plane were people that Michael trusted. They were people that Michael had
> worked with. And that they were basically honest folk. And that they were
> on their way home to dump it. OK? They were on their way home to open
> their mouths.
> Nessie: So they were walking away from it.
> Bobbie: Because it was, it was ugly what was happening. You know? The
> double and triple dealing, the uh, you know, all of that, that kind of, of
> stuff that wasn't, had nothing to do with anything as far as security
> went. It didn't have to do with intelligence operations that were
> normally, went through normal channels any more. It was ugly stuff that
> needed to be stopped. And, you know some of the family, some of the
> family, uh, Michael talked to. He went through the same kind of thing when
> Gerald was murdered. You know he talked to Gerald's wife, and she, I mean
> she called often for along time. She talked to him because, you know it
> wasn't, it wasn't OK. They hung him out there to dry. To get off that way.
> And it shouldn't have been like that. And there came a point where Michael
> said enough is enough. I, uh, . . . the Pan Am 103 thing, Les Coleman, he
> filed an affidavit in the Inslaw case that we tried to get entered into
> evidence in Michael's trial and the judge wouldn't allow it. He wouldn't
> allow anything that had to do with that. He, he instructed the prosecution
> on how to limit Michael's ability to defend himself. It should have been
> expected.
> (snip)
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