See my comments inserted below.

On Tue, 06 June 2000, "Samantha L." wrote:

> In a message dated 6/6/00 7:35:15 AM Central Daylight Time,
> > >   What makes me believe there are genuine ET contacts occurring (with or
> >  > without black op intrusion as well) is the remarkable spiritual
> awakenings
> > so
> >  > many are having.  As subjective is this is, I just don't believe that
> evil
> >  > intentions can awaken deep spiritual truths.
> >  But that has no bearing on whether these entities are physical beings from
> >  another planet.
>   Huh?  First, I said extra-terrestrial/extra-dimensional.  If not ED or ET
> then the alternative would be that covert military ops are undertaking
> disinformation campaigns which have the purpose or the side-effect of causing
> spiritual awakening.  That would be rather like my dog preparing a a fine
> gourmet meal.  What an intriguing idea.

>>>>See my earlier post for a comment on this particular question.>>>>>

> >  Why do you presume that physical beings from another planet would be
> 'good'
> > in
> >  the moral sense?  Why would ETs magically be able to 'awaken deep spiritual
> >  truths'?  Does coming from another planet magically bestow divinity?
>   I personally believe that yes, beings from elsewhere in the universe
> visiting here would be, by definition, moral and enlightened beings - that
> there is a fail-safe-clause in the ordered universe that allows only beings
> of a certain spiritual level to achieve certain technologies.  If one thinks
> of imagination as having a direct correlation to
> inventiveness, then this is not so far-fetched.  There are pathways of
> thinking in the creative sense which are closed to darker minds.  There
> simply is not the access to a great expanse of ideas in psychologically
> unhealthy and repressed beings.  Or that lesser beings, of a barbaric nature,
> might achieve some technologies but be prevented from using them outside
> their zone.  I postulate that this is indeed an organized universe with
> rules, regulations and heirarchies, and no, I have no evidence for such......
> So it wouldn't be that divinity is magically bestowed, but that to be free to
> roam the universe, a civilization would have to achieve a certain level of
> enlightenment first in order that harm might not spread.

>>>>>>I must admit that your idea has a certain something to it that makes me wonder, 
>but then again it is just a theory you have.  There really is no justification for 
>the idea, though it would be great if we could be assured that only good and kind 
>moral beings would come to us.>>>>>

> >  If 'contact' is occurring, it could just as likely be with
> extra-dimensional
> >  beings that have been here all along, and aren't from outerspace.  And
> these
> >  beings could just as easily be 'evil', and conning the easily duped into
> >  believing that they are 'good'....
>   If they are extra-dimensional, how logical is it to postulate that they may
> have been here all along, when we don't even understand the nature of
> extra-dimensions?  Where is the "here" in the "extra-dimensional beings that
> have been here all along?  Cleveland?  They could be evil, duping people into
> believing in their goodness.  They could be evil and accidentally causing
> spiritual awakening.  I don't think it's very likely.  Is there some evidence
> for the presumption that if extra-dimensional beings exist that they are all
> evil?

>>>>>>Nothing says they all have to be evil, but nothing says they all have to be good 
>either.  If there are beings of an extradimensional nature around there is no reason 
>to presume that they haven't been here for a long time, at least as long as we have.  
>As for "where are they", they could be all around you and even occupying the same 
>space as you do, only non-percievable (except under certain circumstances perhaps), 
>and non-experiential (at least normally), because they occupy a different dimensional 
>realm within the same space as we occupy in our "third" dimensional realm.  It would 
>be more plausible to presume that such entities if they exist, are in fact neutral or 
>indifferent to us in a moral sense, and any interaction they have would be for their 
>own interests and they would be oblivious to us or our desires, fears, etc., rather 
>than that they are moral in any sense that we understand, whether good or evil.  That 
>seems logical to me, but hey, that's just me.
> >  >   There is a difference in depth between an mc experience and a
> spiritual
> > one
> >  > - the flavors and tones are distinct - though sometimes off only by a few
> >  > degrees.
> >  This is a subjective analysis, and is not evidence.
>   Well wonders never cease.  You figured that out all by yourself?
> Samantha
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