Deterrent power of self-protection
By Jerry Andrews

There are a few topics that cause instant tension.

Pro-life, pro-choice probably heads the list.

Assisted suicide would not be far behind.

And then there are guns.

Gun ownership and use has taken on a life all its own. The rhetoric on guns
has taken on a total right, total wrong tone; there seems to be no middle
ground. To confuse the issue, statistics on homicide and police shootings
are all lumped together with accidental shootings. And they are stirred in
with self-defense statistics. Unfortunately, President Clinton has taken
every opportunity to exploit the tragic loss of life in school shootings.
Our most heartfelt sympathy goes out to the parents, but as with many other
sensitive issues, the emotions do not fit the facts.

The Million Mom's March purportedly organized by Hillary Clinton's Hollywood
friends, the Thomases, and Dan Rather's publicizing of it may have actually
done a disservice to rational and intelligent gun controls. The March seems
to have galvanized the broad cross-section of law-abiding middle Americans
who own guns and intend to keep them. In nearly every political race where
gun ownership has been an issue, the pro-gun candidate won. This may be
troubling for Al Gore and why he is backing off, publicly at least, from his
previous gun-free America talk. Outside of large urban areas, the possession
and legal use of firearms is very popular. One only has to drive across the
country to understand what open spaces mean and why you see gun racks in
pickup trucks.

Instead of the inflammatory language and impossible numbers touted by
Handgun Control, Inc. (30,000 deaths a year) the real facts are more
interesting. For instance, Israel has the highest gun ownership and an even
lower crime rate than Canada where they only have pictures of handguns to
look at. In England the only people who have guns are the military and the
aristocracy. Yet the overall crime rate for England and Wales is 60 percent
higher than in America. While here you're more likely to be shot to death,
in England you are more likely to be bludgeoned or strangled to death. But
dead is dead.

An interesting statistic in the Los Angeles Times this week said "drowning
continues to be a leading cause of accidental death, particularly for
children." While children's deaths are tragic from any cause, it is
particularly reprehensible that the shameless exploitation of school
shootings by Clinton and Gore will cloud the issues for a constructive gun
control consensus. Clearly the current White House capitalizes on turf
warfare by gang members, convenience store hold-ups and drug deals gone bad
as reason to take guns away from the rest of the nation.

In fact, guns at home, or concealed in "carry" state, are a major deterrent
to crime. In every state where carry laws have been enacted, the crime rate
has gone down. The real statistics show that a citizen's right to defend
himself, and especially herself, deters crime. Yes, a few people, even
children, will accidentally die, but many times more will live because of
the deterrent force of self-protection.

Pro Libertate - For Freedom

No More
        "Remember, your Mother chose love and gave you life.
                Do the same for your child."
         Visit the Unborn Memorial.

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