The debate on the ultimate causes of climate change continues. Alfred Webre
 Government Sends Imminent Warning of Climate Change...06/10/00
 by Mitch Battros  (ECTV)

 The US government sent out an urgent call today stating the earth changes
 we are experiencing today will only increase for sometime to come.

 I am in perfect agreement with this statement. However, it appears
 selected government officials want to attach their findings to what is
 widely known as "global warming". It is unfortunate that the meaning of
 global warming, which simply means "warming globe", has been carelessly
 (and perhaps purposefully) sold to the public to mean "human caused".

 As you know, I have written countless articles showing the cause of our
 weather phenomena is to a much greater degree caused by a very natural
 cycle of the Sun. My research suggest it is an approximate 75-25 split,
 with 75% of global warming being caused by solar cycle, and 25% caused by
 fossil fuel and other human pollutants.

 Please note, 25% is a hugh number, and we do have a large measure of
 control over this issue. I can tell you I do everything I can on a daily
 basis to remain environmentally conscience. I hope you will join me. We
 Can Make A Difference!  Having said this, I feel it important to point out
 that research suggest we would experience the extreme weather shift we see
 today "If There Were No Humans On Earth".

 Feel free to view many of the articles I have written, as well as several
 articles written by many scientist and specialist in this field of study.
 Go to our breaking news "archives" for back issues. Remember! we are all
 just kind of guessing. Follow your truth, not mine (or anyone else).

 You will note the article below sent out today, does have a sense of
 urgency. Again, I agree with most everything it says, but remember "global
 warming" simply means "warmer globe".

 Mitchell Battros

 U.S. to List Potential Radical Climate Changes...06/10/00
 By Patrick Connole

 WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A coalition of U.S. government agencies will unveil
 Monday the first national assessment on the potential consequences of
 climate change over the next 100 years, revealing a wide range of impacts
 if the Earth continues to warm significantly, according to a draft made
 available to Reuters on Friday.

 Cold winters in the Northeast could become a thing of the past,
 alleviating some health stresses, the nation's food supply should be safe,
 and forests may proliferate.

 But at the same time, there will be drought concerns in every region of
 the United States, maple syrup will not flow easily in New England, and
 ecosystems may disappear entirely.

 Sources with environmental organizations who helped draft the assessment
 said the project offers a slew of scenarios for how the United States will
 be affected by a projected temperature rise of 5-10 degrees Fahrenheit by
 the year 2100.

 Dr. Janine Bloomfield, an expert with the Environmental Defense
 organization in New York City, said the report is not final and will be
 open for public comment from Monday.

 ``There are specifics on the impact on ecosystems, as well as the rate and
 magnitude of climate change,'' Bloomfield said.

  Regional Differences, Overall Uncertainty

 The assessment breaks down how regions and specific sectors could be hurt
 or helped if the Earth warms at the same rate it has in recent years due
 to the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. It was written
 by a panel of scientists from several government agencies, academics,
 private groups, and other interested people ranging from farmers to

 According to the draft, the country must be prepared for the changes
 ahead, even if the exact impacts remain uncertain at this point.

 ``It is very likely that some aspects and impacts of climate change will
 be totally unanticipated as complex systems respond to ongoing climate
 change in unforeseeable ways,'' it says.

 Even if steps were taken in the near-term to reduce human greenhouse gas
 emissions, the report says, the level of gases already in the atmosphere
 will leave the world susceptible to climate change for the next century.

 ``Even if the world takes mitigation measures, we must still adapt to a
 changing climate,'' the draft says.

 ``Similarly, even if we take adaptation measures, future emissions will
 have to curbed to stabilize climate. Neither type of response can
 completely supplant the other.''

 An international attempt to tackle climate change, the Kyoto Protocol, has
 not been finished but it aims to reduce sharply the amount of fossil-fuel
 emissions from major industrial nations to 1990 levels by the years

  Hotter Weather, Storms

 The following are some of the key findings listed in the assessment draft,
 which sources expect to remain in place when the Global Change Research
 Program officially unveils the report next week. The report was written

  + Increased warming. Assuming continued growth in world greenhouse gas
 emissions, the climate models used in the assessment project that
 temperatures in the United States will rise 5-10 degrees Fahrenheit on
 average in the next 100 years.

  + Differing regional impacts. Climate change will vary widely across the
 United States. Heavy and extreme precipitation events are likely to become
 more frequent, yet some regions will get drier.

  + Vulnerable ecosystems. A few ecosystems such as alpine meadows in the
 Rocky Mountains and some barrier islands are likely to disappear entirely,
 while others such as forests in the Southeast are likely to experience
 major species shift or breakup. The goods and services lost through the
 disappearance or fragmentation of certain ecosystems are likely
  to be costly or impossible to replace.

  + Widespread water concerns. Drought is an important concern in every
 region. Floods and water quality are concerns in many regions. Snowpack
 changes are especially important in the West, Pacific Northwest and

  + Secure food supply. U.S. crop productivity is very likely to increase
 over the next few decades, but the gains will not be uniform across the
 nation. Falling prices and competitive pressures are very likely to stress
 some farmers.

  + Forest productivity is likely to increase in some areas as trees
 respond to higher carbon dioxide levels. Climate change will also cause
 long-term shifts in forest species, such as sugar maples moving north out
 of the country.

  Alarm Bells Should Be Going Off

 Science and environmental groups lauded the draft as a ''balanced
 assessment'' of the potential impacts of climate variability and change on
 the United States but warned that unless the nation saw the report as a
 ``wake up call,'' nothing good would come from its release.

 In a joint statement from Environmental Defense, National Environmental
 Trust, Natural Resources Defense Council, Union of Concerned Scientists
 and the World Wildlife Fund, the groups said it was time to take climate
 change seriously.

 ``Places that Americans love like Florida's coral reefs and the alpine
 meadows of the Rocky Mountains could suffer greatly from global warming,
 according to the report,'' said Jennifer Morgan, director of the World
 Wildlife Fund's Climate Change.

  ``America's alarm bells should go off today,'' she said.

 Sunspots = Solar Flares = Magnetic Shift = Shifting Ocean and Jet Stream
 Currents = Extreme Weather

 Mitch Battros
 Producer - Earth Changes TV

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