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Financial Scandals

A Guide with Links to Information Sources



Classic Financial Scandals
BCCI, Barings, Daiwa, Sumitomo, Credit Lyonnais, Bre-X, Lloyds, NASDAQ,
Savings and Loan, and others.

Political Corruption
Corruption in governments and official organisations in Great Britain,
Europe, the United States, Japan and other countries.

Organized Crime: the Mafia etc.
The Cosa Nostra or Mafia, the Yakuza and other major criminal organisations
and their role in financial scandals.

Money Laundering
How it is done and what is being done about it.

Official Regulatory and Anti-Fraud Organisations
Links to the web sites of official organisations combating fraud.

Other Organisations Fighting Financial Crime
Professional Bodies, Investigative Services and Forensic Accounting.

Finding More Information
Links to other sources of information.

Financial Scandals in Fiction
Is truth always stranger than fiction or can fiction forewarn us of dangers
lying in wait? Information about the works of Linda Davies, former investment
banker and now a novelist.

    Derivatives, non-existent gold reserves and copper futures have been the
stuff of frauds on an almost incomprehensible scale. The activities of Nick
Leeson, Toshihide Iguchi, Yasuo Hamanaka and other super star traders have
made the bank robbing activities of Jesse James and the outlaws of the old
Wild West seem like pathetic, kindergarten stuff in comparison. This is a
guide with lots of links to information on these and other lesser-known
financial scandals. While most of the cases in these pages involve real or
suspected criminal activity a few are included simply because the scale of
the incompetence or greed makes them scandalous.
The largest section, Classic Financial Scandals. includes the best known ones
of recent years, e.g. Barings Bank, BCCI, BRE-X, etc. and some other very
large ones that have received less publicity. In addition there are sections
on related topics such as political corruption, money laundering, organised
crime, official regulatory and anti-fraud organisations, other bodies
fighting fraud, and finally, financial scandals in fiction. The last section
is about the work of my sister, the novelist and former banker Linda Davies.
Among the links from that page is one to a set of pages on the financial
crime genre in general.

The Lycos Directory, formerly Point Survey, rated the Financial Scandals site
in the top 5% of Web sites.

Scout Report for Business and Economics Selection, 26 February, 1998.

CrimeImagine Success business site award, April 2000.

See also the flattering article about this site in WebPointers Online.
Why not check out Maxima's Inside Fraud Bulletin?


The Financial Scandals site contains links to sources of information on
various frauds, scams, swindles or scandals in banking, finance and related
areas. It is maintained by Roy Davies, e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] I make
no judgements as to the reliability of the information. Presumably that from
official bodies should be more reliable and authoritative than information
from satirical magazines or individuals with an axe to grind - but then again
it could be argued that official bodies have a vested interest in playing
down their own shortcomings! Readers will have to make up their own minds
about these issues.


There have been  visitors to this page since 30 January 1998.
Between 7 December 1995 and 30 January 1998, when this site was reorganised,
this page received over 29,000 visitors.
[ Top ]
[ Banking Thrillers by Linda Davies ]
[ History of Money ]
[ Other Money links - Past, Present & Future ]
[ Search Money Pages at this site ]
[ Roy Davies' Home Page ]
[ Inside Fraud Bulletin - link to another site ]

Roy Davies. E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Last updated 3 April 2000.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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