I have been working on something and Nicky I think you are in bed now,
but perhaps someone can assist me.

Has anyone ever heard of the Tarot Card Assassins.....now Tarot Cards
are very sinister ancient Egyptian Cards.   Once my mother bought a deck
- her mother had photographic mind and was clairvoyant and had twin and
was like Corsican Brothers......he got hit, she felt it.   Boy when that
guy died I bet she sighed a sign of relief.

Anyway, the bible code/calendar is somehow keyed to Tarot Cards....MEM -
stands for Hanged Man Fear Death by Water....from Ezekial's and the
Waste Land from where TS Eliot took same....but psychics play major
roles in murders of major importance....most royals follow astrology as
did Reagan.

Anyway - you have CUPS, WANDS, Slaughter of the Innocents, and so up.

Now following my code I believe little Jon Benet was murdered maybe
because of her mother too.....remember how some called little JonBenet
"daddy's little whore" (forgive language).....this stuff comes out of
bible and keyed to my bible code you have this scarlet evil lady - the
whore of Babylon with CUP in hand....Cup signifies an award I think,
plus this little girl was not a Beauty Queen....,maybe took little
Princess role, but she was only 6 years old and this equates also to
Moors Murders where a little girl tortured and murdered, and Detective
Tyrell (parents lived not far from me, but he was with Scotland Yard)
found key to murder IN BOOK OF PSALMS ON A SHELF.

Now also in book of Pslams Tyrell fund a slip of paper with locker
number leading to tapes of this murder - church bells tolled and the
music Santa Claus is Comin to town, because this little girl was
murdered on same date, as litle Jon Benet - Christmas Night......

Now CUPS....Payne Stewart had just won the Ryder Cup.....nest think you
know he was flying with his friends and all were dead.....CUP is key
word here.......JFK Jr., was Water for the Hanged Man fears death by
water, and is Catholic and hangs upside down.....Teddy nearly met death
by water on this bridge and the Tarot Card Asassins were part of Mason
Famly and fronts for an intelligence operation for this I am positive.

Ancient Egyptian Cards.   Little Princess of Wales, said she wanted to
be Queen of Hearts and JFK Jr., was a King of Hearts as well.

So does anyone, maybe Nicky - undertand waht I am saying.

Last time my house was robbed my old information on Tarot Card Asassins
was lost, but I have enough yet to go on.

These are games people play - but the murder of Sharon Tate and little
JonBenet - these beautiful people - a little  6 year old girl and
Colorado Bundy had top off there and is place of intrigue.

Who are the Tarot Card Asassins.....they have to be involved in deep
astrology and are spies for whom, assassins for whom - are familiar with
bible code and believe me - this stuff all merges into rings, and rings
- like old Anslinger once said - as for the Mafia, pulll up one string
of spagetti and up comes the whole plate.....so they too thought Italian
when this thing is so evil, so deranged - it has to be a part of
MI6/CIA/Mossad/KGB....but I am thinking KGB involved and big money

Cui Bono?   Who profits......who would lose outif if JFK Jr. went for
that Senate seat?

119th Psalm....songs of degrees - MEM - remember.....stands for Hanged
Man Fear Death by Watre....look at the plane crashes from Flight 800 and
even the Titanic keyed to ancient hymns of Aton....this is so evil it is
beyond belief.....

Ramseys got away to safety for they feared for their lives.    Look at
Littleton and say two kids pulled off all that stuff without having a

The iniquities of the fathers visited upon the chidren....Slaughter of
the Innocents, Falling Towers (commu;nication breakdown), CUPS may stand
for Ryder Cup Stewart and his strange death and little JonBenet - so
strange that the murder was patterned after Moors Murders and Tyrell the
Inspector from Scotland Yard thought linked to JFK murders.

History is repeating itself again only this time it is only FORTY YEARS
LATER.....the last push to take over and go into NWO and perform acts of
genocide- destroying the innocents of our children...........and then
destroying our children with drugs and filth and garbage for their
innocent minds to see on TV and in movies - protect your children - for
they want to destroy this entire generation except for a select few -
the money changers.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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