Joshua2 writes:
I hope you're right Bob but I am forced to believe otherwise. The government
and the Military have been eroding the Posse Comitadas (?) protections over a
period of years now, and all it takes is for the Presidents signature to use
the military against its own citizens.

Bob writes:
     Much of what you say is true.  The government has been growing steadily
and taking powers not afforded by the Constitution.  Government needs to be
put in it's place - small and no danger to the population from which it
derives it's powers.  Presidential Decision Directives and Executive Orders
have no place in government … the President is not part of the legislative
branch and has no power to make law.  The military is controlled by
civilians, the government, most notably the President.

Joshua2 writes:
And then there's shit like this...


Now comes documentation on other plans the Pentagon was
pursuing in those days. Articles by Tim Weiner in the New
York Times Nov. 19 and Nov. 23 tell of some of them.

The military plans approved for development by the Joint
Chiefs of Staff on March 13, 1962, as part of the CIA's
Operation Mongoose included:

u Operation Bingo, a plan to fake an attack on the U.S.
base at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, providing cover for a
devastating U.S. military assault on Havana.

u Operation Dirty Trick, a plot to blame Fidel Castro if
the 1962 Mercury space flight carrying John Glenn crashed.

u A "Remember the Maine" incident, in which "we could blow
up a U.S. warship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba," said a
Pentagon memorandum. "We could develop a Communist Cuban
terror campaign in the Miami area," it went on, "in other
Florida cities and even in Washington. The terror campaign
could be pointed at Cuban refugees seeking haven in the
United States. We could sink a boatload of Cubans en route
to Florida (real or simulated), or create an incident which
will demonstrate convincingly that a Cuban aircraft has
attacked and shot down a chartered civil airliner."

The Times reports said no there is no evidence that these
plans were ever carried out. Perhaps.

Perhaps others that did become operational are still
classified "top secret." Cuba has provided very convincing
evidence, for example, of bacteriological and biological
warfare aimed at its crops and livestock.

Nevertheless, these few scenarios reveal enough about the
mentality of the military to demolish the benign image of
U.S. foreign policy so carefully cultivated by the rulers of
this country. In truth, Washington hasn't changed since the
days when U.S. Marine Corps Gen. Smedley Butler said he had
been nothing but a gangster working for U.S. banks and
corporations in Latin America in the 1920s. ****************

Bob writes:
     The military has been involved in many unsavory exploits, but has always
been controlled by the Government.  Smedley Butler was right about the US
butting in where it doesn't belong and exploiting other countries for big
business.  If our Government wasn't corrupt and didn't take bribes, this
unauthorized use of the military would not occur.  The military should only
be used to protect the people of the US from invasion.  ALL Government
employees from the city street sweeper to the President should be held
accountable for accepting bribes.  Corporations that offer bribes should be
disbanded and the officers prosecuted and jailed.  Corporations are a legal
way of passing the buck and not taking responsibility for actions taken.

Joshua2 writes:
Department Of Defense:

Les Aspin, Secretary of Defense -- CFR
Frank G. Wisnerll, Under Secretary for Policy -- CFR
Henry S. Rowen, Asst. Sec., International Security Affairs -- CFR
Judy Ann Miller, Dep. Asst. Sec. Nuclear Forces & Arms Control -- CFR
W. Bruce Weinrod, Dep. Asst. Sec., Europe & NATO -- CFR
Adm. Seymour Weiss, Chairman, Defense Policy Board -- CFR
Charles M. Herzfeld, Dir. Defense Research & Engineering -- CFR
Andrew W. Marshall, Dir., Net Assessment -- CFR
Michael P. W. Stone, Secretary of the Army -- CFR
Donald B. Rice, Secretary of the Air Force -- CFR
Franklin C. Miller, Dep. Asst. Sec. Nuclear Forces & Arms Control -- CFR

Allied Supreme Commanders:
1949-52 Eisenhower -- CFR
1952-53 Ridgeway -- CFR
1953-56 Gruenther -- CFR
1956-63 Norstad -- CFR
1963-69 Lemnitzer -- CFR
1969-74 Goodpaster -- CFR
1974-79 Haig -- CFR
1979-87 Rogers -- CFR, TC

Superintendents of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point:
1960-63 Westmoreland -- CFR
1963-66 Lampert -- CFR
1966-68 Bennett -- CFR
1970-74 Knowlton -- CFR
1974-77 Berry -- CFR
1977-81 Goodpaster -- CFR

CFR Military Fellows, 1991:
Col. William M. Drennan, Jr., USAF -- CFR
Col. Wallace C. Gregson, USMC -- CFR
Col. Jack B. Wood, USA -- CFR
CFR Military Fellows, 1992:
Col. David M. Mize, USMC -- CFR
Col. John P. Rose, USA -- CFR

Joint Chiefs of Staff:
Adm Wm. Crowe, Chairman -- CFR
Gen. Colin L. Powell, Chairman -- CFR
Gen. Carl E. Vuono, Army -- CFR
Gen. John T. Chain, Co Sac -- CFR
Gen. Merril A. Mcpeak, Co Pac AF -- CFR
Lt. Gen. George L. Butler, Dir. Strategic Plans & Policy -- CFR
Lt. Gen. Charles T. Boyd, Com. Air Univ. -- CFR
Lt. Gen. Bradley C. Hosmer, AF Inspector General -- CFR

Secretaries of Defense:
1957-59 Mcelroy -- CFR
1959-61 Gates -- CFR
1961-68 McNamara -- CFR, TC
1969-73 Laird -- CFR
1973-75 Richardson -- CFR, TC
1975-77 Rumsfeld -- CFR
1977-80 Brown -- CFR, TC
1980-88 Weinberger -- CFR, TC
1988- Carlucci -- CFR
1988- Cheney -- CFR

Bob writes:
     You are absolutely correct.  The CFR should have no power to control the
military, not to mention the Government.  How these people are stopped I have
no idea, at least in a legal sense.

Joshua2 writes:
We agree totally on your assesment up to the point where you place most of the
blame on the government. The problem is not so much the government as it is
the economic system.

Bob writes:
     I cannot see how an economic system can be separated from the Government.

Joshua2 writes:
 The Capitalist system created the Rich, the Super Rich,
and their corporations. Not just in this country, but in other countries with
diferent forms of government than ours. They are also in the same boat as we.

Bob writes:
     I am not sure that Capitalism creates the elite rich.  Our system is not
completely capitalist and seems to be headed more in a socialist direction.
I see nothing in the Constitution that allows for the formation of
Corporations.  I know Corporations are chartered by individual States, rather
than the Federal Government.  I think the charters are the keys to
controlling corporations.  Corporations should be chartered for a definite
period of time and the officers of the corporation should be responsible for
the actions of the corporation.  In this way corporations are held
responsible for products that kill or injure people or damage the environment.

Joshua2 writes:
Until you people on the Right, and especially Libertarians come to grips with
this, nothing much will change. The ONLY institution that Corporations and the
Rich are afraid of is GOVERNMENT. The only powerful institution we have ANY
influence over is the government. It would be stupid and suicidal for me to
destroy ( rather than capture ) the only weapon lethal enough to kick the shit
out of large corporations. Microsoft being a perfect example.

Bob writes:
     I associate "Right" with Republicans and Libertarians, I am neither.
Corporations buy Governments with money.  Governments then give corporations
money that is not theirs to give such as price protections, leases on
"government" land, water rights, mineral rights, rights to the airwaves.
Governments steal these things from the population at large and in a sense
bribes the corporations to give them more "clean" money.  It is hard to know
which came first - the chicken or the egg - government or corporations.

Joshua2 writes:
The problem is Capitalism. The symptoms are concentration of power and wealth
into a few hands. The outcome is fascism.

Bob writes:
     So, do you propose a utopian government where no one can work to get
ahead?  Communism has been shown to be as corruptible as any system.  Look at
Russia, they do not have anything like a standard of living as we have.  When
government dishes out "each according to his needs" some apparently have more
needs, not necessarily those who do the work, more those who do not work, but
follow the party line.

Joshua2 writes:
PS: The Marines are ready and willing to be used against their own population.

Bob writes:
     The Marines are not who they used to be.  Thanks to the "Politically
Correct" way of thinking, the military readiness of this country is somewhat
piss-poor.  Hopefully their collective intelligence is also not what it used
to be.

Bob Stokes

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