With Carl Limbacher and Staff
For the story behind the story...

Tuesday July 11, 2000; 12:03 AM EDT

Judge Orders Search for Vince Foster's Computer Hard Drive

As part of a ruling on Monday ordering a full evidentiary hearing
into missing White House e-mails, U.S. District Court Judge Royce
C. Lamberth told the Clinton administration to search for the
hard drive in the computer used by the late Vincent Foster, the
deputy White House counsel who was found shot to death in a
Virginia park seven years ago this month.

"The court will also order the search of Vincent Foster's hard
drive due to the fact that there is evidence that Foster as
deputy White House counsel at the time of the underlying events
in this case had a supervisory role over both then-associate
White House counsel William Kennedy and the director of Office of
Personnel Security at the time, Craig Livingstone," Lamberth

The search order came in response to Judicial Watch's $90 million
Filegate lawsuit, after the White House failed to produce
thousands of missing e-mails deemed relevant to several
congressional an independent counsel investigations more than 20
weeks after their existence came to light.

Questions about Foster's computer hard drive have swirled for
years. In his 1996 bestselling book Unlimited Access, former
White House FBI agent Gary Aldrich revealed that by the time
Whitewater investigators finally got around to looking for the
drive, it had been deliberately destroyed.

Aldrich related what a computer expert from the White House
Information Resources Management Division had told him about how
this key piece of Whitewater evidence was lost:

"Foster's computer had been taken out of his office after his
death because it wasn't being used, and someone else needed it.
But when it was turned on, when someone tried to use it, it
wouldn't 'boot up' -- the hard drive wouldn't function....

"The computer repairman didn't know the history of the computer,
that it had been Foster's computer, so he simply took the old
broken hard drive out and installed a new one. He programmed the
new drive and took the old hard drive back to the shop and tossed
it into a scrap barrel.....

"One of the guys testified about it to Kenneth Starr's group or
was interviewed about it; I don't know which. Staff knows about
it, but I don't think anyone knows who 'did' the hard drive.....

"There's only one way I know of to destroy a hard drive. You turn
on the computer and order it to perform a function of some kind,
and while the hard drive is working to finish the function, you
pick up the case and you drop it sharply on the floor, or on some
other hard surface. The disk will usually self destruct on

While Foster's original computer hard drive may be lost forever,
back-up disks or archived tapes with the same information may
still exist. Judge Lamberth's order places that evidence within
the purview of the Judicial Watch lawsuit.

And even if Foster's own computer records are completely gone,
information he shared with others in the White House counsel's
office may still be retrievable.

The court's order also covers computer hard drives for those with
whom Foster worked closely in the counsel's office, including
William Kennedy, Linda Tripp, Betsey Pond, Deborah Gorham, and
Bernard Nussbaum, Judicial Watch's Tom Fitton told
late Monday.

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