Let's all get real here!
It's been a known fact that we could have had engines that utilize
alternative fuels for decades! It's the almighty dollar that keeps us using
the same type of engine since its conception prior to the turn of the century.
We sent men to the moon and back 31 years ago; you mean to tell me that
technology could not come-up with a "revolutionary" engine since that time?!
Another point of fact; if the powers that be insist on keeping the gas-driven
engines,then why can't they build an engine that gets 200 mpg? The fact of
the matter is they could if they wanted to-technology dictates that this is a
very simple exercise in engineering.However, the oil companies wouldn't be
making the billions they do if this was put into practice.
So let us all sit back and continue to let the goverment/oil companies tell
us that this is how things are going to be whether we like it or not.Either
pay our prices, or don't drive or heat your home.We can afford it, the hell
with the rest of you!
It's time we demand an alternative to this forced mode of powering our
vehicles and furnaces.How long do we stand for this unecessary bull? How any
more lies from these thieves are we supposed to swallow? Things don't have to
be this way, we, as a people, let it continue!
See you at the pumps!

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