You need to study your history a lot better!
Starvation was the name of the game at that time and
even children participated in the crusades.  Why would
areas be plagued by rats?

The Naked Rise Of Communism by Frank L. Kluckhohn
Monarch books      Derby, Connecticut       1962
it cost .75cents in 1962, it will cost you from
$6.00 to $8.00 US Dollars for a paperback copy today.
And the hard back is more.
It is an excellent book and shows what Communism actually
does.  After that research the "Travels of John Smith"
During his time cannibalism was still widespread across the
Asian and European continent.

The question I have is did The Piper take the children
or did the townspeople see the potential that he might
be able to teach them a trade for a better life?

Bad health habits can lead to rats.  Did the Piper actually
play a pipe or teach the town how to get rid of the rats.
Some one that did not like rats and knew how to get rid of
them.  I wish I was that good.  And the coin of value is
not money but education.

Watch what you say about the Piper (keyword) without doing a
lot more study.
ThePiedPiper 13August2000

Aleisha Saba wrote:
> Ty:  The bible code I have is a timetable calendar which was in the 1954
> Gideon placed Bible, but only in this one very special bible.....
> It has nothing to do with cabala or with this stupid Washington Post
> Reporter who came up with his own number code - that is old hat.
> This is a bible calendar code where certain murders or acts of sabatage
> are keyed to certain dates and times......the astronauts took a Gideon
> Bible with them to the moon from which they read - they also jokingly
> took Jean Dixon's predictions (astrology) to the moon for she as a
> political propagandist over and over reported Russia Will Beat Us to the
> Moon.....
> Now this calendar code is somewhat abstract - for you read one thing but
> the names are different, but same old cast of characters......Albert
> Speer in his book with regard to men at Spandau (and Nixon latched onto
> Speer)  for October was a reference to the bible watchword calendar,
> which was taken away from the Baron by the Russians for you see this
> bible code, the Russians are onto and used....masonic stuff and the
> masonic order is an international order.
> So somehow two forces used this calendar - one for good and one for evil
> - yet, behind these two forces you have the same pupeteer pulling the
> strings, hiring the killers - in God's name they murder and in Satan's
> name they would rule the universe......
> Same guy authored the whole book for good and for evil.
> This bible goes into every country in the world can
> communicate in any Romans 13, as I recall it is said
> they seek to kill me, for I am telling you the truth....and in Hebrews -
> need to kill the witness so they cannot testify.....Luke 22 is the Mafia
> Kiss of Death and this has become a burlesque of the truth.....cute
> stuff, but behind it all cold blooded murder like Dallas November 22,
> 1963 and the day Lincoln was Shot (and Johnson was half shot).....Jim
> Bishop always used The Day.......was honest an approach but
> assassination is such a polite politically correct as they say term?
> So first you need to pick up the code watch words like Acts
> 19.......Apollo he craft that came to naught timed to bible code and
> then you find further that Paul and Barnabas were called Mercury and
> Juperter....and in Song of Solomon, you find Gemini - the Twins, Castor
> and Genesis you find the astrological symbolism for the 12
> tribes....Gad, is the Overcomers.....remember that old song We Shall
> Overcome and Song of Solomon, I am Black but Comely equates to Black is
> force triggers another but behind it all, the same old
> puppeteers and he who has the gold calls the tune.....
> Like Pied Piper of Hamlin.....the children were led away to the
> mountains to death, because the parents refused to pay the Piper and the
> iniquities of the fathers were visited upon the children....oh see
> America today, our children being drawn away and sometimes to their
> deaths at the rock festivals where drugs are
> television and kids of this generation believe it was always this way?
> See Macho Man Clinton lad the kids off to primrose path with his evil
> ways.....but then what one does in his own bedroom is his own business -
> but in the Oval Office, it is everybody's business especially when we
> see America destroyed from within.
> See how they spend money as though there is no limit.....70 million to
> investigate little Monica and Clinton while they ignore Los Alamos?
> Do you know when the Mafia meets in a motel, they open the Gideon Bible
> as if to call a meeting......used to be the Gidons were called the
> Christian Commercial Travelers and sold "insurnce"....traveled in pairs,
> dressed in Fuller Brush Man - and never answer your door
> to the Avon Lady if you get involved in oh so secret stuff - for these
> people are used like the busy bee Eastern Stars and self styled local
> masonic spies who spy on their neighborns - busy bees all.
> I always keep my house off limits to friends and foes anymore.......for
> there is nothing like a little man playing super spook for your locak
> Knights of Pythias or Masonic Order with the Support Your Police
> Stickers stuck all over hell.
> MNASON - diligent seekers of the truth......only the truth is, what you
> see is what you gets.
> And I do not like what I am getting and never did like what I see.
> There is only one book with great truths and that is the
> between lines and like a Shakespearian Play enlightenment comes in
> degrees - even Freud took to the bible (Job 19 to 21 in particular for
> you even find his couch there)......
> Be a cold day in hell when I fall on all fours moslem style to worship
> anybody and I do not believe man should get on knees before God, for it
> took us too long to get to our feet......and there are those who want us
> to humble ourselves before the likes of Henry Kissinger who would have
> us begging for food  and crumbs from his table - did that guy ever work
> for a living, for he is not that bright - for he is KGB Agent Code Name
> Bor - and America now reflects his image and the image of Clinton is
> just as corrupt.
> Our children need to know that America did not live this way in the
> past....for the music makers and the evil pens of propganda work
> overtime to corrupt the core of the golden apple.
> So as one of the 6 billion I take my stand.....for I am the last Rose on
> Rose Hill......and I have never seen, a black rose yet - until I look
> into the soul of a Clinton or a Kissinger.   Evil is as evil does.
> A. Saba
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Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually
you will be.

Atrocities happen when the people about you -
 start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
      ---- Thomas Jefferson <br><br>

My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people:
those who do the work and
those who take the credit.
He told me to be in the first group -
 there is less competition there. -
Indira Gandhi
ICQ 14484977

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