Drosen is and was a fraud; and further the bible code I have, the
communist time table is NOT this stupid numerical fraud perpetuated upon
the public by an Israelie and a former Washington Post reporter.

My bible code theory was copyrighted in 1969 and I still hold the
copyright.....Mark Lane (jewish) stole it for his movie Executive Action
but used disclaimer revealing he had "borrowed" data from the
Assassination Committee of which I was a member headed by Bud

In 1974 the meeting at Georgetown had Marchetti, Mailer, Kaiser, and
Lane - and the only brain in the bunch was Kaiser.

So this cabbalistic crab that Joshua2 mentions, has nothing to do with
my research for my code was used once by CIA - and it is used by the
Jewish Mafia.....for all the time, the only mistake I made, was I
thought the Mafia was Italian, even unto the Kiss of Death......

So no more crap equating my bible code to that Israelie and fraud who
tried to cover tracks of real killers.

This calendar was the property of Gideon and his 300 now the
3000......and any high degree Mason upper echelon, knows what it is -
and I have a very very special bible,  which even my MI6 friend had
never seen but knew how to communicate.

So much for Bob Woodward's flunkee.....

So never compare my theory and code, my COPYRIGHTED work, with the likes
of those people who had a chance to make a fast buck....further in 1974
Mafia bought the 5 major publishing houses.

This bible was the property of someone very high up in government - next
to the King so to put.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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