-Caveat Lector-


SAT SEPT 23, 2000 18:08:22 ET XXXXX


The DRUDGE REPORT has learned that it was an e-mail trail that
caught a gore campaign staffer in a lie about his knowledge of a
possible Gore mole in the Bush campaign.

In one e-mail, the Gore staffer warned a friend to be "hush-hush"
about the mole issue.  The e-mail was generated just 3 days
before a confidential videotape of Bush preparing for the
presidential debate was passed to the Gore team from Bush
campaign headquarters in Austin, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned!


Gore staffer Michael Doyne, who reported directly to National
Field Director Don Fowler Jr., son of former DNC chair Don
Fowler, was suspended this weekend after giving conflicting
accounts about the possible mole to ABC NEWS hotshot Jackie Judd.

Doyne bragged to a friend that there was a mole in the Bush
campaign who "knew where Bush was going before Bush knew."

Doyne later warned the friend in an -email to be "hush-hush"
about the mole issue.

Senior FBI officials have expressed great interest in the timing
of Doyne’s e-mails, according to sources.

Less than 72 hours after Doyne sent the e-mail to his friend
warning to stay "hush-hush", a package containing the Bush debate
prep tape arrived at the Washington office of former Rep.
Thomas Downey, who has been helping Gore prepare for upcoming
debates.  The package also contained confidential documents from
the Bush campaign.

=> ABC NEWS confronted Doyne on Friday and he denied
=> telling his friend about a mole.  He also denied receiving
=> any confidential information from the Bush campaign.

Lawyers quickly moved in.  Gore campaign communications director
Mark Fabiani launched a massive spin cycle.  Gore officials
prepared a sworn statement for Doyne to sign.

"I am not aware of any 'mole' or Gore sympathizer within the
George Bush presidential campaign," Doyne said in his affidavit.
"I have not knowingly had any communication or received any
information, written or oral, from anyone at the George Bush
presidential campaign," he also stated, adding that he was
unaware of anyone else in the Gore camp doing so either.  "

But just hours after Doyne’s affidavit was prepared, Doyne was
asked for comment about an e-mail in which he advised his friend
to be "hush-hush"!

Doyne changed his story.

=>  Doyne told ABC News he "didn’t intentionally lie."
=>  He claimed he did not remember the discussion or
=>  writing the e-mail "because it wasn’t significant."

Michael Doyne did not respond to phone calls late Saturday.
Knocks on the door of his home on Acklen Park Drive in Nashville
went unanswered.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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