-Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>Yes, so true. But as an American, that is my frame of reference and the
only political unit I have any real exposure to.

Then allow me to suggest that you expose yourself to the other 94% of
humanity. A good place to start is:


>How I see it is that the US has

>been set-up as a caricature of capitalism and the USSR was set up as a

>caricature of communism/socialism set in place for control of the natural

>resources of the world.

As I see it they are both capitalism. One is private monopoly capitalism.
The other is state monopoly capitalism. But a boss is a boss is a boss. In
neither case do ordinary people like you and I have real power over
everyday life. In both cases the few control the many, and exploit us to
their own advantage.

>The human population included.

We're livestock. Nations are just glorified livestock paddocks. Borders
are fences that our owners use to keep us separated into managable sized
herds. Our rulers themselves care not a fig for nationalism, except as a
tool to manipulate us. Capital has no borders.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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