-Caveat Lector-

Modern Methods of Forced Confessions
A Letter from the Father of John Pitner - Posted: 10.03.00
In 1996 the FBI hired an informant to produce evidence they could use to
remove John Pitner from circulation because of his criticisms of the federal
government. This informant talked a man, Gary Kuehnoel, into selling his Uzi
without the legal forms. He then told the FBI that John Pitner had sold it,
though Pitner did not own it, and was home recovering from a stroke at the

The FBI's informant failed a polygraph three times, then confessed that he
had lied. But the FBI had what they wanted, and proceeded to put the
informant on the witness stand to commit perjury anyway. Court records show
that presiding judge John C. Cougenhour was made aware that the informant
had failed the polygraph test and confessed to lying, but allowed the
testimony and forbade making the jury aware.

The owner of the Uzi in question confessed in open court to the sale, stated
that Pitner had nothing to do with it, was sentenced, served his time and
was released about two years ago. Solely on the basis of admitted perjured
testimony John Pitner was convicted of the same offense confessed to by
another, and is still in prison.

Though he has been imprisoned twice the length of time as the man who
confessed, he is not serving time, for he has never been sentenced, and is
being held perpetually in a
federal detention center awaiting a sentence judge Cougenhour refuses to
hand down. Attempts have been made to appeal, but no appeals are allowed
until after sentencing.

Facing the consequence of an appeal that will surely come if judge
Cougenhour is ever forced to hand down a sentence, the court has now come up
with a brilliant plan to eliminate that threat; force a confession.

Earlier this year John Pitner's aging father, WWII and Korean War veteran
Col. Richard Pitner was diagnosed with cancer. He and John fear he may not
live long enough to
see his son free. Judge Cougenhour and the prosecutor have attempted to make
John a deal he could not refuse; confess and be released immediately, which
would eliminate appeals, or face a new charge of conspiracy to defend the
United States against a UN invasion.

John Pitner refused, and is scheduled for trial in November on that charge.
But even if he is not convicted, he may never be sentenced, and therefore
never released, for a charge for which another man has already served his

Earlier we had made John an honorary columnist from his prison cell,
transcribing his handwritten articles. But among his punishments was a
cutoff of all communication.
Personal communication was allowed to resume only if we stopped publishing
his work. This resumption of publication will result in punishment, how
severe we do not know. John has requested a resumption with full knowledge
of the severe consequences he faces. We should
bear in mind that other prisoners have died for less.

Earlier we send John a copy of the Constitution, but it was confiscated by
the warden on the grounds that it was a dangerous document.

>From the Belly of the Beast

Well, here is an update on my case, as well as one of the latest of many
indignities I have been made to suffer at the hands of the federal beast. I
was chained, handcuffed, shackled and trundled off to federal Kangaroo Court
to be forced to participate in an arbitration
hearing where I was proffered a chance to graciously accept either a bench
trial by a biased judge (Coughenhour) or to plead guilty with immediate
release. Not much of a choice eh? Kind of like asking what brand of poison I
would like at my last supper.

Needless to say I adamantly and ungraciously declined their kind offers and
proceeded to tell them what to do with any future ones. For this bit of
uncooperation I was rewarded with a few vague utterances from he prosecution
as to clearing up some ambiguities in my case? or maybe a little extra time
for my lack of cooperation in condoning their twisted oppressive system of

Then I was made to spend eight hours sitting in a little cage, on a
stainless steel bench, before once again being handcuffed, chained, shackled
and brought back to my nice
home here at the Federal Detention Center. All in all not a very enviable

However I must say that while sitting in that cage I was provided a minor
but nevertheless troublesome distraction. You see, I had the dubious
distinction of meeting two rather rough, tired and dirty looking individuals
who were also sharing the same cage as I, and of course the same stainless
steel bench as well. Upon conversing with them I learned the nature of their
heinous federal criminal misconduct. It seems they were apprehended for
camping without a permit in a national forest. Their possible punishment for
such a dastardly deed? Six months in federal prison and an undisclosed fine.
Is this a harbinger of things yet to come?
Unfortunately I believe so.

As for being released, yes I too would be definitely overjoyed at the
prospect of my release from this oppressive cement box. But I am afraid that
is not going to happen if it means compromising my position to fight against
the scurrilous rot that plagues this country.

It would have been so very easy just to have copped a plea at the outset of
this tribulation, thereby affecting my release over a year ago. But I just
could not bring myself to do so, for there is so much more involved in this
battle than the mere question of my innocence or

I know there are a lot of sheeple, patriots and others who think that I am
crazy, or suffer some inordinate desire to be a martyr, but nothing could be
further from the truth. The truth is, put simply, I abhor the twisted
mindset of the sons of dogs whose sick insatiable quest
for wealth and power methodically destroys the hopes, dreams and thereby,
lives of countless innocent victims, through their stealthy cunning theft of
our God given rights to freedom and liberty.

I, like many others before and after, took an oath to serve and defend the
Constitution of this country against all enemies, foreign or domestic, which
I considered to be a great honor as well as my duty. I know also that many
others felt the same way and even died in
fulfillment of that oath. Knowing that oath to be good for life, I
nevertheless reiterated it seven years ago, adding to it a vow to do all
within my power to stop those who's aspirations are to destroy our
Constitution, thereby enslaving and oppressing the good people of this
nation, dead in their tracks.

This fact now leads me to my most current dilemma of know many good people
within the patriot movement seem to be so oblivious to the extreme
importance of this case, and
all the ramifications it entails. Not only is this case proof positive of
just how arrogant and corrupt the federal government along with it's
judicial branch have become, but it is a tailor-made opportunity for all
professed patriotic individuals to publicly get in their face and expose the
very powers that seek to destroy the foundation of our freedom and liberty;
Our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

The numerous blatant vicious and heinous anti- Constitutional machinations
of these globalist tyrants are all too apparent when confronted by the
detailed evidence of their bogus charge, i.e. overall conspiracy to defend
the United States against UN foreign invasion), and actions, the illegal
search of my home without a warrant, my kidnapping and subsequent initial
faux-trial, where they shamelessly used perjured testimony to indict,
tampering with evidence, the knowing use of perjured testimony on the stand,
on and on add nauseum.

The next trial will serve to dramatically heighten the public awareness to
just now far these traitors will go to silence those who are insolent enough
to expose their evil aspirations. Our power to do so will be in direct
proportion to those who are also willing to become
embroiled in this battle.

Therefor I am earnestly, and most humbly, asking for any help that can be
mustered for this upcoming battle on November 27th. Please! And remember, we
are also dealing with a newly elected administration, which gives us a new
chance to gain Constitutional ground and show
them who the real boss in this country is.


For those wishing to correspond with John Pitner, his address is:
John Pitner 26151-086/EC-23
c/o FDC Seatac
P.O. Box 13900
Stattle, WA 98198

His father can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Judge John C. Cougenhour can be reached at
1010 5th Avenue
Seattle, WA 98198

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