-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tenorlove" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2000 10:53 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Lizard People Crap was ....Satanisme in the Vatican

> -Caveat Lector-
> --- tenebroust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > -Caveat Lector-
> >
> > Interesting theory that Bill.  Could it be that when he says they are
> > "Lizards" it is a metaphor used to include them all in one group and
> > that he dare not name it?
> Like snake in the grass, maybe?

It's clear now, and has been for a long time for some us, that for many of
the loony Ickeites, the term Reptilian"'PREDATORS" is a code word for Jew, I
quote from one of my posts below:

[ Here's a sample, from an anti-Semitic bigot who is given credit in Ickes
book "The Biggest Secret," as an "editor," one Ivan Fraser, who expressed
the Ickeites style of sentiment on a public forum. Here's a couple of
samples of this madman's racial hatred, and crass banality, quote:

"The predators use the Jews as their main tools. Many Jews are vampires and
suck in the energy fields of those around them. People who buy houses once
belonging to certain Jews find they have taken on a living hell. Those that
try to associate with Jews find they are not welcome."

Further on, this Fraser "editor" of Icke writes about his hated Jews:
"Recognise them for what they are, the philosophy for what it is and don't
borrow their money, eat their produce, support their art, buy into their
politics, etc. Then they will have no host. Let them ghettoise themselves if
they want to and separate themselves. But be aware that unless they change
their beliefs they will always hate you and seek to own you and your
property and desire to see you destroyed." ]

This misanthropic throwback to the Dark Ages is not an uncommon sentiment
from devotees of the Icke cult.

As far as the Vatican and Satanism is concerned, the term Satanism, like
many others, comes in the form a chameleon. It means various things to
different users. In the Reformation Era, the Roman papacy was identified as
the system of "Antichrist," and the very "seat," or throne of Satan by
Reformation scholars.

It's rituals were identified as Witchcraft, the Catholic "Mass," which was
the height of its "magic," was seen as Satanic, and thoroughly pagan in
origin. In the "Mass, " according to THE very LAW of the papal institution,
the Vatican to this day sacrifices its "god" daily upon an alter, where its
"priests" EAT, according to the LAW, the very "FLESH," and DRINK, the
LITERAL "BLOOD," of their deity. This open ritual cannibalism, and
superstition is practiced openly without a qualm of conscience by Western

It is claimed that 49% of the US population is Roman catholic. One then
assumes that at least scores of millions of Americans practice this
superstition, which Reformation scholars viewed as witchcraft and Satanism.

Aside from that, the number of children abused and ruined by the perverse
activity of Roman Catholic priests is well attested.  In addition, the
propaganda value of "Satanism," and Demonisation, is immense, and the
Vatican has profited from such considerably in the past, as it does today in
order to drive the superstitious into its supposed "safe haven" domain. In
this, it employs both a religious and a secularised form for its work,
whether such is a horned, hoofed figurine, ghosts, demons, 'godless'
Communism -  or technocratic evil "aliens," so on and so forth.

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