-Caveat Lector-

California Supreme Court validates search warrant with wrong

Associated Press Writer

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- The California Supreme Court delved into
the sensitive area of police search-and-seizure law Monday,
validating a warrant with the wrong address.
Still, the unanimous decision did not break new ground in search-
and-seizure law. Instead, the ruling reinstated the conviction of a
Los Angeles County man in which authorities found drugs,
weapons and bogus phone-access cards in his Santa Fe Springs
The high court said although the warrant's address was false,
authorities searched the correct house in 1997. California and
federal courts have upheld warrants that provided wrong addresses
and faulty descriptions of houses subject to a search.
Defense attorneys argued it was an illegal search because the Los
Angeles County Sheriff's Department searched a house not
authorized by a warrant, in violation of the U.S. Constitution's
Fourth Amendment.
Defendant Luis Amador's attorneys claimed that a neighbor's
house may have been the residence to be searched and that
authorities illegally stumbled on his small amount of
methamphetamine for sale, a loaded firearm and hundreds of
counterfeited telephone access cards.
The state Supreme Court held Monday that, despite the address
error and an erroneous description of the residence, the officer who
applied for and executed the warrant had previously viewed the
house from the outside with an informant. And there were no other
residences with the faulty address, the court noted.
"The warrant and the officer's knowledge together leave no doubt
that the magistrate found probable cause to search one particular
house to the exclusion of all others, i.e., the house actually
searched," Justice Ming W. Chin wrote for the court.
Magistrates or judges issue warrants at the request of law
enforcement authorities.
An appeals court threw out Amador's conviction after concluding
the search was reckless.
In reinstating the conviction, the high court said that, to exclude
evidence seized with a defective warrant, police conduct first must
be examined. That is to avoid so-called "exploratory searches,"
which result when warrants do not clearly state a purpose or
provide false information.
But in this case, the court found, authorities' conduct was not in
dispute. The court said that "complete precision" in describing a
residence to be searched is not required.
When warrants contain inaccurate descriptions, for example, they
can be thrown out if they lead or could lead to the wrong house
being searched, Chin wrote.
"We find the executing officer was easily able to locate and identify
the specified premises and there was little probability that another
premise would be mistakenly searched," Chin wrote.


A strong conviction that something must be done
is the parent of many bad measures.
-- Daniel Webster

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