-Caveat Lector-


   There are  literally tens of thousands of dishonest, hypocritical,
cowardly conservatives who supported the Vietnam War while refusing to
personally participate.
   George W. Bush, who rode out Vietnam in the Air National Guard his daddy
got him in. Lt Col Reese R. Bricken, commanding officer of Bush's unit, said
Bush "asked to transfer to a postal unit that met one weekend night per
month, with no other training, no pay, his request was denied."  Hiding out
in the Air National Guard the Bush record shows that in his last 18 months
of service, he failed to show up for a single drill, performing absolutely
no duties."
   Vice-President Gore served his country in uniform from 1969-71, including
a tour in Vietnam.
   House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt served his country in uniform,
   House Minority Whip David Bonior served his country in uniform, 1968-72.
   U.S. Senate Minority Leader  Tom Daschle served his country in uniform,
Compare the Democratic patriots to the armchair cowards in the Republican
   Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert avoided the draft, did not serve.
   Majority Leader Dick Armey avoided the draft, did not serve.
   Majority Whip Tom DeLay avoided the draft, did not serve.
   Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott avoided the draft, did not serve.
   Dick Cheney got a graduate school deferment.
   Pat Buchanon won a deferment for a bad knee.
   Phil Gramm won a marriage deferment.
   Bill Bennett won a graduate school deferment.
   Newt Gingrich won a graduate school deferment. Gingrich sought and won
graduate school deferment, explaining that people on his intelligence level
should not be wasted in war.
   Jack Kemp won a medical deferment for a football injury while  in the
NFL, yet kept on playing while other men were dying.
   Rush Limbaugh won a deferment for an ingrown hair follicle on his butt.
(true story)
   Dan Quayle's family pulled strings to get him in the reserves.
   Pat Robertson was en route to Korea with a combat unit when his U.S.
Senator father detoured him out of harm's way.
   Kenneth Starr won a deferment for psoriasis.
   J.C. Watts  was nowhere in sight when he became draft elgible.

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