-Caveat Lector-


Friday October 20  9:35 AM ET
Hastert Shelves Genocide Measure
By SHANNON McCAFFREY, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Clinton (news - web sites)'s
intercession scuttled a
House resolution that would have labelled
a nearly century-old mass killing of Armenians in Turkey as
House Speaker Dennis Hastert shelved the measure Thursday -
just hours before a scheduled House vote - after a letter arrived
from Clinton cautioning that it could affect national security.
Clinton said a vote on the resolution ``could have far-reaching
negative consequences for the United States.''
``The president believes that passage of this resolution may
adversely impact the situation in the Middle East and risk the lives
of Americans,'' Hastert, R-Ill., said in a statement. ``Every patriotic
American should heed the president's request.''
After the decision, Turkish Foreign Minister Ismail Cem told private
TV news channel: ``It is the correction of an error, it is the
prevention of a situation which would have overshadowed Turkish-
American relations.''
Armenians say 1.5 million of their people were slaughtered as part
of the Ottoman Empire's campaign to force them out of eastern
Turkey between 1915 and 1923.
Turkey, a key U.S. military ally and NATO (news - web sites)
member, says the death count is inflated and that Armenians were
killed or displaced as the Ottoman Empire tried to quell civil unrest.
The Ottoman Empire became Turkey in 1923.
Turkish officials have said U.S. adoption of the resolution could
harm the close relationship between the two nations. Some
repercussions already have been felt since the House International
Relations Committee approved the resolution earlier this month:
-Turkish legislators threatened not to renew the mandate for U.S.
forces patrolling northern Iraq.
-Turkey's top general, Huseyin Kivrikoglu, cancelled a trip to the
United States to meet with Army Gen. Henry H. Shelton, chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
-Turkey stopped issuing tourist visas to Armenians trying to cross
the border between the countries.
The United States uses the Incirlik air base in southern Turkey to
patrol the no-fly zone in northern Iraq, and Turkish President Ahmet
Necdet Sezer has called Clinton to express concern over the
``I think it's outrageous that the Clinton administration has bowed
to these threats from Turkey. ... It sets a very dangerous
precedent,'' said Ross Vartian, executive director of the Armenian
Assembly of America.
Heightened tensions in the Middle East over the terrorist bombing
in Yemen of the USS Cole, in which 17 sailors were killed,and
violent clashes between Israelis and Palestinians have made the
situation even more sensitive.
Clinton's letter urged the speaker ``in the strongest possible terms''
not to bring the legislation to the floor. He cited America's interest
in containing Saddam Hussein, working for peace and stability in
the Middle East, stabilizing the Balkans, and other concerns.
American interests could be harmed if the measure were brought to
a vote, the president said.
Though nonbinding, the measure would have put the House on
record as siding with the Armenians in the long-running dispute.
House Republicans had advanced the bill toward the floor in large
measure to help GOP Rep. Jim Rogan, whose district's voters are
nearly 8 percent of Armenian ethnicity, in his difficult re-election
contest after serving as a House manager in Clinton's

The press is the hired agent of a monied system
and set up for no other purpose than to tell
lies wherever its interests are involved.
-The Letters of Henry Adams, Vol. II, p. 99. p244

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