-Caveat Lector-

the Aids files http://www.iae.nl/users/lightnet/health/aidsfile.htm

What about if someone discovers that he or she has been infected with the
so called "HIV" virus?

The information the infected person will receive from the medical doctor,
nurse, or other appointed health department
officials will be that the HIV virus is the sole cause of Aids.
And that over the years the final result will be the breaking down of his
or her immunity system.

The recommendation the person will receive is to start taking the AZT drug
or a similar cocktail in order to prolong life
and postpone death. A frightening and bleak prospect for the person in
question. In the coming years many more people
worldwide will pay a visit to their health departments or officials, as
personal testing kits to discover if someone has been
or has not been infected with HIV will become more and more available.

It may be better therefore to become your own Sherlok Holmes, developing
your skills as a private detective to unravel
the truth.

You won't usually get the following information from doctors or health

1) Doctors Kill More People Than Guns and Traffic Accidents Combined.

2) Doctors and official health officials have not been trained in the
Medical Schools to look for the
causes but to treat symptoms. Neither have they been educated how to
maintain, improve or recover the
human immune system, other than by the treatment with drugs or by the means
of surgery.

3) They are blindly following the guidelines of their Governmental Health
Department which in its turn
is financing, following and supporting the guidelines of the World Health
Organisation which is
maintained by the money collected from its citizens. (your tax money?)

4) There is not one single scientific document proving that HIV is the
cause of AIDS, it is a

5) It was reported in 1996, that there are 65 known "false positive
triggers" for HIV tests -- so how is it
possible to know that people are infected and live with "HIV", taking into
consideration the false and
dubious test results?
(The false positive triggering conditions are included on this page.)

6) The recommendation of the drug AZT or the cocktails not only kills the
virus but also the healthy
cells. In other words, the treatment is to eliminate the virus while at the
same time endangering the life
of the patient and adding the case to the statistics published by the World
Health Organisation. One
could wonder if it would be more appropriate to call the World Health
Organisation the World
Pharmaceutical Organisation.

7) The world-wide brainwashing propaganda that AIDS is being caused by a
virus, is financed by the
AIDS establishment. The brilliant idea behind it is to first create a
problem using fear and afterwards
offering the solutions. The deadly HIV virus being the problem and the
poisonous drugs, AZT, and the
cocktails the solutions.

8) All other scientists, researchers, publishers, individuals are
constantly being censored and ridiculed
in order to avoid that people become aware of this assault on humanity.

9) The World Health Organisation, according an article published in 1983,
has been influenced and
taken over by pharmaceutical interests, playing the money game. This same
World Health Organisation
is also behind the push for the global vaccination programs and the
fluoride propaganda machine
poisoning children, adults and the environment.

10) Who knows but.... with the insistence of treating AIDS with toxic
drugs, the censorship to avoid
other points of views, it looks as if the AIDS Establishment is following
the Global 2000 depopulation
program, a global goal to eliminate at least 50% of the world population.

Therefore we suggest you to become your own Sherlock Holmes, a good
detective, assuming your own
responsibility by following your intuition.

"One of the intentions of corporate-controlled media is to instill in
people a sense of disempowerment, of immobilisation and
paralysis. Its outcome is to turn you into good, non-thinking consumers. It
is to keep people isolated, to feel that there is no
possibility for social change."

David Barsamian, journalist and publisher:

" The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit
the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively
debate within that spectrum - even encourage the more critical and
dissident views. That gives people the sense that there's free
thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are
being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the
debate. "

Noam Chomsky, American linguist and US media and foreign policy critic

The AIDS files for you to discern;

World Health or World Pharmaceutical Organisation?

Since the Japanese Hiroshi Nakajima became top-ranking manager of the World
Health organisation  changes have been
dramatic over there. Pharmaceutical industries are taking over rapidly. The
headquarters in Geneva are quietly changing into a
sycophantic bureaucracy, where officials (Nakajima only wants men) dare
talk only in a whisper and anonymously. (translation of
an article in Vrij Nederland of 21 October 1989 by Rudie van Meurs)

Factors Known to Cause False Positive HIV Antibody Test Results

The AIDS establishment has managed to convince many people that the HIV
antibody tests (ELISA, IFA and Western blot) are
"99.5% accurate". In this article Christine Johnson from HEAL Los Angeles,
lists conditions documented in the scientific literature
known to cause positives on these tests, and gives her references.

Since false-positives to every single HIV protein have been documented
(36), how do you know the positive WB bands represent
the various proteins to HIV, or just a collection of false-positive bands
reacting to several different non-HIV antibodies?

Factors Known to Cause False-Positive HIV Antibody Test Results

* Anti-carbohydrate antibodies (52, 19, 13)
* Naturally-occurring antibodies (5, 19)
* Passive immunization: receipt of gamma globulin or immune globulin (as
prophylaxis against infection which contains
--antibodies)(18, 26, 60, 4, 22, 42, 43, 13)
* Leprosy (2, 25)
* Tuberculosis (25)
* Mycobacterium avium (25)
* Systemic lupus erythematosus (15, 23)
* Renal (kidney) failure (48, 23, 13)
* Hemodialysis/renal failure (56, 16, 41, 10, 49)
* Alpha interferon therapy in hemodialysis patients (54)
* Flu (36)
* Flu vaccination (30, 11, 3, 20, 13, 43)
* Herpes simplex I (27)
* Herpes simplex II (11)
* Upper respiratory tract infection (cold or flu)(11)
* Recent viral infection or exposure to viral vaccines (11)
* Pregnancy in multiparous women (58, 53, 13, 43, 36)
* Malaria (6, 12)
* High levels of circulating immune complexes (6, 33)
* Hypergammaglobulinemia (high levels of antibodies) (40, 33)
* False positives on other tests, including RPR (rapid plasma reagent) test
for syphilis (17, 48, 33, 10, 49)
* Rheumatoid arthritis (36)
* Hepatitis B vaccination (28, 21, 40, 43)
* Tetanus vaccination (40)
* Organ transplantation (1, 36)
* Renal transplantation (35, 9, 48, 13, 56)
* Anti-lymphocyte antibodies (56, 31)
* Anti-collagen antibodies (found in gay men, haemophiliacs, Africans of
both sexes and people with leprosy)(31)
* Serum-positive for rheumatoid factor, antinuclear antibody (both found in
rheumatoid arthritis and other autoantibodies)
- (14, 62, 53)
* Autoimmune diseases (44, 29, 10, 40, 49, 43):
* Systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, connective tissue disease,
dermatomyositis Acute viral infections, DNA viral
infections (59, 48, 43, 53, 40, 13)
* Malignant neoplasms (cancers)(40)
* Alcoholic hepatitis/alcoholic liver disease (32, 48, 40,10,13, 49, 43, 53)
* Primary sclerosing cholangitis (48, 53)
* Hepatitis (54)
* "Sticky" blood (in Africans) (38, 34, 40)
* Antibodies with a high affinity for polystyrene (used in the test
kits)(62, 40, 3)
* Blood transfusions, multiple blood transfusions (63, 36,13, 49, 43, 41)
* Multiple myeloma (10, 43, 53)
* HLA antibodies (to Class I and II leukocyte antigens)(7, 46, 63, 48, 10,
13, 49, 43, 53) * Anti-smooth muscle antibody -(48)
* Anti-parietal cell antibody (48)
* Anti-hepatitis A IgM (antibody)(48)
* Anti-Hbc IgM (48)
* Administration of human immunoglobulin preparations pooled before 1985 (10)
* Haemophilia (10, 49)
* Haematologic malignant disorders/lymphoma (43, 53, 9, 48, 13)
* Primary biliary cirrhosis (43, 53, 13, 48)
* Stevens-Johnson syndrome9, (48, 13)
* Q-fever with associated hepatitis (61)
* Heat-treated specimens (51, 57, 24, 49, 48)
* Lipemic serum (blood with high levels of fat or lipids)(49)
* Haemolyzed serum (blood where haemoglobin is separated from the red
* Hyperbilirubinemia (10, 13)
* Globulins produced during polyclonal gammopathies (which are seen in AIDS
risk groups)(10, 13, 48)
* Healthy individuals as a result of poorly-understood cross-reactions (10)
* Normal human ribonucleoproteins (48,13)
* Other retroviruses (8, 55, 14, 48, 13)
* Anti-mitochondrial antibodies (48, 13)
* Anti-nuclear antibodies (48, 13, 53)
* Anti-microsomal antibodies (34)
* T-cell leukocyte antigen antibodies (48, 13)
* Proteins on the filter paper (13)
* Epstein-Barr virus (37)
* Visceral leishmaniasis (45)
* Receptive anal sex (39, 64)
AIDS TESTS (with the corresponding references)



The HIV Western blot consists of a thin nitrocellulose strip in which are
embedded proteins claimed to be unique to HIV. Each
protein is labelled with a 'p' followed by its molecular weight in
thousands. Serum is added to the strip and if there are antibodies to
a particular protein this band will 'light up'.

The HIV Western blot is not standardised and thus around the world
different combinations of bands are considered positive.
Hence a positive test in one country is not positive in another. An African
would not be positive in Australia. A person from the
MACS would not be positive anywhere in the world including Africa. Yet the
HIV Western blot is considered to be highly specific
and is considered synonymous with HIV infection.

According to data presented in Lundberg et al. (JAMA 260:674-679) when the
US FDA criteria are used to interpret the HIV
Western blot less than 50% of US AIDS patients are HIV positive whereas 10%
of persons not at risk of AIDS are also positive
by the same criteria.

AZT is death.

By Celia Farber
Spin Aug. 1993

Celia Farber picks up the pieces of a shattered medical establishment at
the Ninth International Conference on AIDS in Berlin.

To anybody who has followed the literature on AZT throughout, this is not
news at all, but merely "official" confirmation of what
has been known for years. If one had launched a full-scale truth-finding
expedition - groping through the fallen rubble of AZT
propaganda to find the kernel of truth underneath it all - the Anglo-French
Concorde study would not have seemed revelatory at

Concorde went on for three years, examining 1,749 HIV-positive but healthy
people at 38 health centers in the U.K., Ireland, and
France. Because the research lasted the longest of all AZT studies to fate,
and its pedigree was unassailable (it was conducted by
the highly reputable British Medical Research Council and its French
equivalent), Concorde could not be dismissed.

The team concluded that AZT - a highly toxic and carcinogenic drug -
neither prolongs life nor staves off symptoms of AIDS in
people who are HIV-antibody positive but still healthy. The blueprint for
the Concorde "disappointment" has been in the literature
for many years. As we reported in November 1989, the first objective study
was completed in France in 1988 and was published
with very little fanfare in the Lancet, a British medical journal.

The study found that AZT was too toxic for most people to tolerate, had no
lasting effect on HIV blood levels, and left the patients
with fewer CD4 cells than they had started with.

If Concorde appeared surprising, it was because we in the U.S. have been
captivated by self-induced AZT mythology for so many
years. It was our FDA that approved AZT for use in 1987 based on very
flimsy data and with a little arm-twisting, and it was our
National institutes of Health (NIH) that expanded the parameters for AZT to
be given to all healthy, HIV-positive people. In 1989,
the NIH cited a study, known as Protocol 019, that it said had "clearly
shown" that early administration of AZT would keep AIDS
at bay in that population.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institutes of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases (NIAID), recommended that anyone
with HIV antibodies and less than 500 CD4 cells should start taking AZT at
once. At that time, that meant 650,000 people in the
U.S. I had heard that the Concorde team had been under tremendous pressure
from AZT's manufacturer. Burroughs Wellcome,
to soften its results.


By John Lauritsen
New York Native 19 Oct. 1987

I argued in a previous article (Native #215) that the theory behind AZT
(now known by its trade name of Retrovir) was false,
inasmuch as the hypothesis that HIV causes AIDS has been refuted by Prof.
Peter H. Duesberg, a world-renowned molecular
biologist at Berkeley; that AZT's alleged benefits were not backed up by
reliable evidence; that its toxicities were firmly
established and severe; and that therefore the drug should not be
prescribed, recommended, or used.

In his interview with me (Native #220), Prof. Duesberg referred to AZT as
"a poison" and as "cytotoxic" (lethal to body cells).
Duesberg said that the theories behind AZT were false, that there was "no
rationale for treating with AZT", that prescribing AZT
was "highly irresponsible", and that AZT was "guaranteed" to be harmful:
AZT hits all DNA that is made.

It is hell for the bone marrow, which is where the T and B cells and all
those things are made. It's hell for that. It has a slight
preference for viral DNA polymerase compared to cellular DNA polymerase,
and that's based on in vitro studies only, but that's
certainly not absolute.

It kills normal cells quite, quite extensively. At the time these articles
were published, the only reports on the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) trial that was the basis for granting government
approval to market AZT, were in the popular media or a
promotional film produced by AZT's manufacturer, Burroughs-Wellcome.
Doctors who prescribed AZT did so on the basis on
very limited information, along with the assurances of the Public Health
Service that AZT represented the "best hope".


Chemical Name: Azidothymidine
Generic Name: Zidovudine
Nick Name: AZT
Brand Name: Retrovir ® (Retrovis ®)
Manufacturer: Glaxo-Wellcome

The label on an AZT bottle from the Sigma Co.

The AZT advisory on the label reads: "TOXIC. Toxic by inhalation, in
contact with skin and if swallowed. Target organ(s): Blood
bone marrow. If you feel unwell, seek medical advice (show the label where
possible). Wear suitable protective clothing." Note
the skull and bones on the label; the indication for a deathly poison
(bottle contains only 100 mg, healthy people are prescribed 500
to 1500 mg a day)


The impossible choices facing HIV-positive women.
By Celia Farber
Mothering Sept./Oct. 1998

The story of Kris Chmiel

Kris Chmiel is a housewife and mother of two young children, living in
Denver. When she was pregnant with her second child, a
movement had just gotten under way to test all pregnant women in the state
of Colorado for HIV, the virus widely believed to
cause AIDS. (Critics remind us that what is tested for is not, in fact,
HIV, but antibodies to HIV.) She was perfectly healthy and
in her first month of pregnancy. She wasn't worried -- she had been
monogamous with her husband for the past nine years.

When the test came back "positive," she literally did not believe it. Her
doctors strongly urged her to immediately start taking the
AIDS drug AZT, in an effort to prevent transmission to her child. "They
finally wore me down," she says, "even though it was
totally against my intuition." In her fifth month of pregnancy, Chmiel
began taking 500 milligrams of AZT, a drug that has been
routinely given to pregnant HIV-positive women following a 1994 study --
ACTG 076 -- which claimed efficacy in reducing the
transmission from mother to child.
(1) (AZT stands for azidothymidine and is marketed under the names
Zidovudine or Retrovir.)


Mainstream doctors say 'fringe' science is risking lives of children By
Mark Kennedy
The Ottawa Citizen 7 Sept. 1999

A growing number of HIV-positive mothers in Canada and the United States
are going into hiding as part of an "underground
railroad" to avoid having their children treated with anti-AIDS drugs. Some
of the Canadian women, concerned that
child-protection agencies will take away their babies, are fleeing to the
U.S. to remain anonymous and stay beyond the reach of

The development is part of a recent trend that is infuriating the country's
leading AIDS doctors and researchers. A group of
U.S.-based dissident scientists has argued for years that HIV is not the
cause of AIDS and there's no point in taking the drug
cocktails designed to prevent the virus from turning into AIDS.

They argue the side effects of the drugs are so severe that they pose a
greater risk to the patient than HIV itself. Montreal doctor
Mark Wainberg, president of the International AIDS Society, dismisses the
dissidents as "fringe people" who are trying to "make
themselves out to be more important than they are." He wishes people would
just ignore them so their views aren't given

"Let me give you an example. There are people out there who deny that the
Holocaust happened. Do we want to give them equal
credibility?" Nonetheless, it appears the message is getting out, despite
the best efforts of the medical community to persuade
people with HIV that the anti-viral drugs offer the best, if not the only
hope, of staying healthy.


By Celia Farber
Spin Nov. 1989

On a cold January day in 1987, inside one of the brightly-lit meeting rooms
of the monstrous FDA building, a panel of 11 top AIDS
doctors pondered a very difficult decision. They had been asked by the FDA
to consider giving lightning-quick approval to a highly
toxic drug about which there was very little information. Clinically called
Zidovudine, but nicknamed AZT after its components, the
drug was said to have shown a dramatic effect on the survival of AIDS

The study that had brought the panel together had set the medical community
abuzz. It was the first flicker of hope - people were
dying much faster on the placebo than on the drug. But there were
tremendous concerns about the new drug. It had actually been
developed a quarter of a century earlier as a cancer chemotherapy, but was
shelved and forgotten because it was so toxic, very
expensive to produce, and totally ineffective against cancer. Powerful, but
unspecific, the drug was not selective in its cell

Drug companies around the world were sifting through hundreds of compounds
in the race to find a cure, or at least a treatment,
for AIDS. Burroughs Wellcome, a subsidiary of Wellcome, a British drug
company, emerged as the winner. By chance, they sent
the failed cancer drug, then known as Compound S, to the National Cancer
Institute along with many others to see if it could slay
the AIDS dragon, HIV. In the test tube at least, it did.

At the meeting, there was a lot of uncertainty and discomfort with AZT. The
doctors who had been consulted knew that the study
was flawed and that the long-range effects were completely unknown. But the
public was almost literally baying at the door.
Understandably, there was immense pressure on the FDA to approve AZT even
more quickly than they had approved thalidomide
in the mid-60s, which ended up causing drastic birth defects.


By John Lauritsen
New York Native 7 Jan. 1991 [revised 16 Jan. 1991]

Those who have eyes to see are witnessing genocide-the genocide of gay men.

Unscrupulous pharmaceutical companies, corrupt government officials, venal
physicians, stupid and cowardly media people,
incompetent and dishonest researchers-none of these things are new. They
are business as usual. Where, then, does the buck

Who is responsible for pharmacogenocide?
My thinking on this question was altered recently when I read Confessions
of a Medical Heretic by Robert Mendelsohn, who
uncompromisingly places the blame on the members of his own profession:
Despite the obvious corruption of the drug
company/doctor marketing connection, I don't blame the drug companies, the
detail men, the government agencies which are
supposed to police these activities, or the patients who badger their
doctors for drugs.

Doctors have enough facts in their possession to know what's going on. Even
where the drug is fully tested and the side effects
and limitations of the drug are well known, most of the harm is done by
doctors indiscriminately prescribing the drug. Doctors,
after all, are the ones who claim the sacred power and the ethical
superiority that goes with it.

The drug companies are in business to make money, and they do that by
selling as much of their product as they can at as high a
price as they can. And although the drug companies subvert the scientific
process through which drugs are tested, certified, and
made available to doctors, once the drugs are available, they do let
doctors know-albeit subtly-just what these drugs can and
cannot do. All of us who know the truth about AZT will have to do what we
can. Friends who are on AZT must be told directly
and forcefully that they must get off the drug if they want to live. Public
health officials, representatives of AIDS organizations,
and various and sundry other "AIDS experts" must be confronted with their

Above all, doctors must be told that they have no right to prescribe a drug
that can only lead to the deaths of their patients. The
buck stops with the AZT-pushing doctors.
They are responsible. *


By John Lauritzen

This is the story of a toxic drug, with no scientifically proven benefits,
which is being given to thousands of people, including who
are perfectly healthy. It is a collusion among corrupt government
officials, incompetent researchers, and an unscrupulous
pharmaceutical company.

The AIDS Catch

In 1987 the Centre for Disease Control in Atlanta USA, revised and
broadened its definition of AIDS, listing 25 diseases. So many
different diseases points away from one single viral cause argues Peter

DR. PETER DUESBERG: "AIDS is a collection or syndrome of 25 old diseases,
conventional diseases. Not one of them is new.
They've all been known for centuries, or at least for decades. With the
provision that you have to find antibody to HIV or you ­ or
virus or some other traces of that virus, when they are found then those
who believe in the virus as the cause of AIDS, say, those
25 diseases, any one of them or combination of them, are caused by the virus.

For example, if you have tuberculosis and you find HIV, they say HIV has
done it. Eighty years ago, a hundred years ago Robert
Koch used to say tuberculosis bacillus has done it."


Meditel 1993

At Old Mulago Hospital, Dr. Martin Okot-Nwang is in charge of the TB wards.
He is concerned about the way TB and AIDS
statistics are being wrongly reported. TB is a disease that occurs where
there is poverty, malnutrition and lack of medicines.
Conditions all rife in today's Uganda. Figures have doubled recently in
these wards.

The rise in TB cases in Africa has led some scientists to speculate that
the HIV virus is making some people more susceptible to
the disease but it is hard to find any evidence for this. What IS
documented is that flaws in the clinical case definition, that is the
combination of symptoms used for diagnosing AIDS without an HIV test, have
meant that many TB cases have mistakenly been
called AIDS.

New US Government Guidelines & Home-Testing Kits

New government guidelines for tracking the AIDS virus are getting mixed
reviews from advocates, who say the old system was
outdated but the new one raises privacy concerns. The guidelines, published
Thursday by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, asks states to report all HIV cases rather than just cases
of full-blown AIDS.

Testing sites would report HIV cases and patient names or identifying codes
to state health departments, which would pass case
data on to the CDC. Names and other identifying information would be kept
at the state level. States that don't comply with the
guidelines risk losing federal funding for HIV surveillance ranging from
$50,000 for Wyoming to $3 million for New York City.

The guidelines will mainly affect people who request an HIV test during
visits to their regular doctor or when having lab work
done that goes on their medical record. Most states have clinics that offer
anonymous HIV tests, and home-testing kits can be
bought over-the-counter at many drug stores.
New US Government Guidelines

Censoring the other news about Aids

Regular updates from AIDS Frontnews

Inventing the Aids Virus

(ISBN 0-89526-470-6)
By Peter Duesberg

"We know that to err is human, but the HIV/AIDS hypothesis is one hell of a
mistake. I say this rather strongly as a warning.
Deusberg has been saying it for a long time"
-Kary B Mullis, Nobel prize in chemistry, 1993-

Peter Deusberg is a professor of molecular and cell biology at the
University of California at Berkeley, a pioneer in retrovirus
research, and a recipient of the Outstanding Grant from the national
Insitute of Health. His articles challenging the HIV/AIDS
hypothesis have appeared in scientific journals worldwide including The New
England Journal of Medicine, Science, Nature, The
Lancet, British medical Journal, and Proceedings of the National Academy of
Peter Duesberg Homepage

And more links

Go To Page 2 For What's New? Latest Updates

Read also "THE VACCINATION FILES" Another Assault on Humantity?

Go TO   http://www.iae.nl/users/lightnet/health/aidsfile.htm

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