-Caveat Lector-

Tsadoq -thanks you for further clarification.....as I said I had my
theory copyrighted way back in  1969, for at that at that time many
things were happening.....

Also at that time I was a few steps ahead of the killers -  when I
dumped Bill Turner and Jon Christian who had me spying out an obvious
devious masonic accomplice - when he and his wife said they were giong
to pay me a visit I understood then that they were on to me, but I had
his picture with Bob Hope and Mike Mazurki in one of his 7 Sermons by
Jerry Owen that they sent to me to deciphere....there is no decipherian
- for instance, if you were to write a story about Apollos 19.......when
you read this under you really see what is going on - well it is
there......and names in the bible are changed from time to
time.....Diana Princess of Wales was a Lady in Waiting prepared to marry
a Prince......good news and bad news......even to the psychic, the
seller of ROYAL purple - we find her story and the murder in part....she
was prepared for the kill by cheap tabloids.....and oh how they mourned
when she died but I think Dodi's father got revenge on the White Fiat
which was found with a deady body in ame in lone country location body
burned beyond identification....maybe the reporter/spy got wise.

So there are avengers of blood.......some character assassinate and set
up and others murder which initially starts the chain reaction.

Note how quiet it is about Littleton......like Viet Nam someone does not
want paraplegics put on public display.

Clinton and his body bag count  he takes enough security around he lives
in fear in USA but goes to Viet Nam and shakes hands.....Return to this
Manchurian candidate to his homeland and the Indonesian gold which
Kissinger helps to control.....$500,000 a year for a few meetings and
all he can steal.....

With Kissinger you had tail wagging big dog, but two Rockefellers who
died oh so mysteriously back in late 70 period - that is when Henry
really stepped into his masters shows.

Read story about Legion in Luke......that is when Gerald Ford had to get
a swine flu  becaue word got out it was paralyzing people and killing
some......more bad vaccine, they said lataer.....but the name Swine Flu
and one vaccine for the more refined, called Victorian flu......this was
old nazi experiment used and you might find reference to it in Spear of
Destiny - it has been 20 years since I read that.

So Tasdowq you pretty well express what I am trying to say.....when I
really saw the truth was when I read the story in deut.38 and 39 text of
Kings last sermon where he had seen the promised land, but would not get
to enter it....and then he was at the zenith of his career and his name
had been slandered and he was not a perfect man.....he walked into the
spider/s web and was trapped....but the first date I looked up was April
4 using the bible calendar/code......it is a code if you have a code
book  but the calendar was ONLY in the 1954 special bibles and my
brother in law had attended a Geneva conference about that time, why I
do not know.....I was much younger than.

Neither Shall He Return To His House anymore were key words to order
execution of JFK and RFK....astrologrs mark of Doom is also in Job.

There is a reason for keeping this code quiet and probably because so
many innocent people involved as fronts.....

So whenever Bob Hope used to tell stories about the two traveling
salesmen......I used to detest him......but when in a movie he made a
crack about a downed space craft in a jungle and the zulus were
worshiping same, he said "they must have found out how much it
cost"....a Line in Acts 19 relates to by this craft you know we have our
wealth, plus Apollo the craft that came to naught....in this one King
James Bible concordance,  Acs 16 to 19 equates to sabotage.

Now my other friend (a distant cousin who had son in law at and in CIA
and Langley)  said he thought Teamsters involved and that is when I
realized this is what I thought and wrote Frank Fitzsimmons who took
Hoffa's place; unknown to me Hoffa was in same prision cell as this
Jewish Mafia Doctor or associate Mafiaso who had Meyer Lansky on his
farm several times I know for sure....so I wrote Fitzsimmons but J.
Edgar Hoover told him I was getting information on my own, that I did
not have access to secret files.    Now who has more fun then people but
those two Teamsters came to my democrat meeting wearing shoulder
holsters in big builck Electra and this one guy (Dow Norman or Norman
Dow) leaned over and said "Baby you will never be closer to the Mafia
then you are right now"....tried to intimidate me....but he wore his
Masonic ring and that is when I changed the chapter name in my
manuscript to Is This The Mafia Mason FBI Lodge...and boy were those
masons mad.

Lower degree ones, that is.......the one came up to me and said
AUAK..... and I said No, I AM not

Big dunce.

So thank you.......it is abstract and sinking into sublime
pictures........my MI6 friend said the Kennedys were being punished for
something that happened 500 years ago - maybe War of the Roses for they
named a star in the Heavens after the White Rose and there is a JFK
white rose.......symbolism, is so nice - cutting down the flowres in
their prime, nipping the rose in its bud, and gunning down Presidents
when at their power in thieir zenith in the open sight of others,
SUDDENLY....high noos and low noons.

Its all in the game plan.

All threat of a Kennedy removoed with little JFK Jr......timed to the
landing on the moon celebration where the astronauts took the Gideon
PLACED bible to the moon, for I knoiw the likes of Werner von Braun, had
this code and somehow the bible is timed to moon and other spacescrat -
even the Challenger.....

For why did the Russian trawlers always spying on coast line suddenly
take off........then the Challengr blew up before our very eyes......
so they named a host of stars after all the people aboard this another
craft that came to naught.....

So KGB using KKK as  a front but the two Grand Dragons I knew knew what
and who they were.......and when Walker spies caught in thir own little
KGB created KKK using KKK for front, these great Dragons who also rule
in the sky - went back to sleep - they do not want such people in their

Klansmen I knew were honorable men such as Senator Byrd was Klansman,
John Glenns parents were Klan, as was Warren G. Harding for they are
just Southern type masons.......and hre is where a lot of the fun begins
if you like to track down infiltrators.....as they say, yo9u cannot
control it, destroy it....goodbye little Princess of Wales.

And little JFK Jr. who knew the secrets of the murders.


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