-Caveat Lector-

From: "Johannes Schmidt III" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> You're obviously some sort of skeptic of claims of prophecy etc., aren't you?

Not at all.  I used to be a spiritualist medium, the only one in my 'church' who 
actually was able to give
accurate predictions.

I definitely believe that prophecy is possible...but one needs proof of it BEFORE an 

I could tell you that I have a parrot who predicts the future.  I could tell you that 
this parrot of mine told
me that JFK Jr. was going to die in an airplane crash, and that this parrot also told 
me that the 2000
election would result in a draw.  Does this mean I have a parrot that prophesizes the 
future?  How would you
know?  All you have is my claim that my feathered medium is able to tell me of future 
events, when in
actuality all I am giving you is a list of HISTORIC events which I claim the bird 
foretold.  But if I don't
provide you a prediction for an event which has yet to happen, it is just so much 
paper lining the parrot's

> But if this hypothesis is correct, it wouldn't require any
> supernatural ability to see the future. It would either be
> in the manner of instructions which are then carried out,
> or simply as a tool for communication. Have you seen/read
> Red Dragon/Manhunter? Where Hannibal Lecter was able to
> communicate with anoither serial killer by placing ads in
> the paper, using his legal books as a cipher. This is what
> I was suggesting. After all, as Aleisha pointed out, every
> prison cell and every serial killer therein (and out) seems
> to have a bible handy.

But in this case, Aleisha is claiming that it is specific just to her one copy of the 
1954 edition of Gideon's
Bible...not just any bible, and not just any edition...

All I'm asking is that she share this 'suggested daily reading list' with us...I'm not 
even asking she post
the whole list, just a month's worth.  Say, for the month of January...then we could 
assess it for ourselves.

And if she is unable or unwilling to do so, then she should shut the hell up about it 
once and for all,
because without providing us with it, it is just so much paper lining the bottom of a 


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