JKR wrote:

>Subject: Re: Eleusinian Mysteries
>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Rev. pH33r c0w)
>Date: 12/10/00 8:01 PM Central Standard Time
>Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>On 10 Dec 2000 23:51:26 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kansan1225) wrote:
>>      Modern Freemasonry is a continuation of the mystery religions
>>of antiquity.  Clandestine Luciferian Masons (CLuMs) re-enact the
>>story of Osiris, Isis, and Horus in their rituals and their real life
>>productions, such as the assassinations of JFK, JFK, Jr., etc., and
>>the landing on the Moon.
>>      Another such cult was that of the Eleusinian Mysteries, to be
>>discussed in the December 2000 issue of the monthly newsletter
>>"Contemporary Indications of a Conspiracy".  (Yes, Heidi, you will
>>be discussed and your photograph will appear, but it's not all about
>>you.)  You may e-mail me for ordering information and take
>>advantage of the Christmas special.
>will you be talking about the use of ergot and its effect on the
>initiates of the Elusinian Mysteries? will you be talking about the
>Elusinian Mysteries at all? will you be using any historical data or
>just rambling about modern pop stars and their connection to ancient

For a mere pittance you can have the answers to all these important
questions.  You will also get a bonus.

And with the Christmas special, you will be really ahead of the game.

I am serious.  The Secret of Monica "S." Lewinsky and the connection of
Heidi Klum to America's secret destiny are amazing.  I am surprised myself by
my own discoveries.

Try it and then you can let everybody else know if I am telling the truth
about the importance of these discoveries.

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