-Caveat Lector-


February 3, 2001
Washington Times

Terry McAuliffe, meet Ron Carey

Don't expect Thursday's untimely arraignment of former Teamster
boss Ron Carey in federal court on multiple felony counts to cast
a pall on today's election of Terry McAuliffe as chairman of the
Democratic National Committee (DNC).  Since both men have been
among former President Clinton's most ardent supporters and
financial benefactors, they long ago lost any sense of shame.

Indeed, before Mr.  Carey was expelled for life from the
Teamsters for corruption, he funneled millions of dollars to the
Democratic Party and its candidates from the union's general
treasury and its political action committee.  As it happens, at
the DNC, Mr.  McAuliffe — who, by his own admission, has
cumulatively raised hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars
for the party, Mr.  Clinton's 1996 re-election campaign, Mr.
Clinton's legal defense fund, his presidential library project
and Hillary Rodham Clinton's New York senatorial race — received
credit for some of the most questionable — perhaps illegal —
Teamster donations.  Moreover, during a 1999 trial that resulted
in the conviction of former Teamster political director William
Hamilton on charges of fraud, conspiracy, embezzlement and
perjury, testimony from former DNC finance director Richard
Sullivan implicated Mr.  McAuliffe in a convoluted
money-laundering scheme involving Teamster treasury funds that
eventually found their way into Mr.  Carey's re-election

Implicated in another Carey-related Teamster election scandal are
three of organized labor's most powerful bosses: AFL-CIO
Secretary-Treasurer Richard Trumka, who inexplicably retains his
No.  2 position at the labor federation despite AFL-CIO rules
that require Fifth Amendment-asserting bosses to step down;
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
President Gerald McEntee, who has been the architect of the
AFL-CIO's last three multimillion-dollar congressional election
campaigns on behalf of the Democratic Party; and Andrew Stern,
president of the Service Employees International Union, which
John Sweeney built into a powerhouse before Messrs.  Carey and
McEntee helped to elect him AFL-CIO president.

For his part, Mr.  Carey has been indicted by a federal grand
jury on seven charges of perjury and making false statements in a
four-year investigation into illegal fund-raising during his 1996
re-election campaign.  In addition to Hamilton's conviction last
year, three top campaign aides during Mr.  Carey's 1996
re-election effort have pleaded guilty to numerous felonies
related to schemes to divert Teamster treasury funds into Mr.
Carey's campaign.  The grand jury has charged Mr.  Carey with
lying to a federal watchdog group assigned to oversee the union,
federal election monitors and a grand jury probing the scandal in

While Messrs.  Carey, McAuliffe, Trumka, McEntee and Stern have
all denied doing anything wrong, chances are that a Carey
conviction may well bring a new set of indictments in this sordid

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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