-Caveat Lector-

> -Caveat Lector-
> On Thu, 8 Feb 2001, Nurev Ind Research wrote:
> >
> > Barry Chamish is usually 80% full of shit. This time he outdid
> > himself by another 19%.
> I believe he's 80-plus percent on the money.  In fact, I can
> pretty safely say that if he claims something as fact, IT IS!

How do you know this?

> >
> > Let's not forget that this guy makes his living off of gullible
> > conspiracy geeks.
> >
> > Just a friendly word of advice from someone who knows.
> >
> ???

??? what does this mean???

> I think the man has a great deal of integrity, and is a very fine
> and dedicated investigative journalist.

Well, you might have a lot of work to do on refining your judgment.
He's in the ' conspiracy writing ' business. His political analysis
is off the wall. I personally corrected some of his more blatant drivel
here on CTRL.

He and Joel Bainerman are good buddies who use each other as references as
if the other is an expert at something when they are not. Bainerman uses
phony names and Chamish quotes him under those names as well.

These guys know who their most gullible target audience is. Zionist
Christians, conspiracy geeks, and plenty of feeble minded UFO enthusiasts.

Sorry Mike,


> Best,
> Mike

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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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