-Caveat Lector-

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 02:39:58 +0200
From: Barry Chamish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Post Deletes Interview


by Barry Chamish

      Josh Wander, the gutsy Jerusalem Post Radio interviewer,
who's conversation with me was placed on the Weekender section of
the Post's radio page last Thursday, just called to say that,
"Our interview was taken off the site. The order came from

       In that interview, I traced Ariel Sharon's ties to the
Council On Foreign Relations and promised listeners that there
would be no change of policy with the new prime minister, only a
change of style. Oslo would continue and its promulgators, Ehud
Barak and Shimon Peres would lead the cabinet as before.

       "I think what got them angry, "explained Wander, "were
your accusations against Henry Kissinger. I heard he's on the
Post board." That wouldn't surprise me since the chairman of this
board is CFR hotshot Conrad Black.

       In the past few days I have received a torrent of mail
about the interview. Typical was this comment from Australia;
"Israel has a true free media. In Australia they ban opinions
against the CFR and other hidden governors." Wander noted, "I
know, it's like the Rabin assassination, you were hushed up."

       Was the interview deleted because I used salacious
language or made false accusations? My correspondence hints at
nothing of the kind. Here is a letter from an editor of the ZNS
press service;

> Hi Barry:
> Shalom, and "todah rabah" for the link to your "Jerusalem
> Post" radio interview.  I found it fascinating for several
> reasons.
> First, it was gratifying to me to hear you expose the CFR.
> You did a magnificent job, especially considering the limited
> time available to you on that show.  You were superb!
> Second, you packed more meat and potatoes into the few
> minutes available to you than any other guest I've heard on
> radio.  Your presentation was very, very well organized, it
> never flagged, and you articulated your points clearly.
> Third, your familiarity with the past 50 years or so of
> international political history was readily apparent.  You
> came across to me as a extremely intelligent, mature,
> level-headed, and dedicated scholar-journalist.  I salute
> you!
> Again, many thanks for pointing me to your radio interview.
> Hearing your voice and delivery style helped me think of you
> more as a real person, a friend of mine in Israel.
> If you know Rabbi Marvin Antelman, and if you could visit him,
> he could
> show you his copy of my recent book, "Money -- Ye shall have
> honest weights
> and measures."
> To find out more about "Money," visit:
> http://www.principiapub.com
> "Money" blows the whistle on the CFR but does so only
> indirectly.
> Shalom.
> Best wishes,
> Jim Ewart

    So I'm hushed up, meanwhile, Sharon is determined to place
two totally corrupt politicos in his cabinet. Barak will soon
face the music for approving an election financing scam involving
fleecing foreign donors through phoney charitable funds which
lined his back pocket, and Peres's central role in murdering
Yitzhak Rabin will soon become the country's scandal of the

    And meanwhile, eight young men and women are murdered in a
bus atrocity and Hizbullah murders a soldier on patrol and our
government exacts precisely no revenge.

    And meanwhile, Arafat flies to Spain and Morocco last week,
followed by a snap visit to Israel by Spain's prime minister and
our government hides the fact that its decisions are being
determined through Spain and the Vatican.

    And meanwhile I am being fed information which I cannot yet
confirm but which you're going to get anyway. I'm told Clinton's
Marc Rich pardon is leading in a most unpleasant direction for
him. Certain people tracing the extent of his bribes have
uncovered tantalizing hints that Clinton was about to receive a
huge chunk of money from an Arab oil account if he succeeded in
getting Israel out of Judea and Samaria and East Jerusalem before
the end of his term.

    And on Dec. 31/2000, the first conference on the Rabin
assassination was held in Jerusalem. I am told the event
terrified our security establishment so much that they decided to
create a diversion so big, that it would sabotage the conference.
The incident was the murder of Binyamin Kahane and his wife

    That's what I was told.

    And now, for doing my best to save my dying nation, the
Jerusalem Post has deleted their radio interview with me. If you
think that is unfair, their complaints dept. can be reached at

    Look what that interview uncovered. Thanks to the courage of
Josh Wander, solid proof of Sharon's CFR connections emerged.
Read this beauty:

> http://www.foreignrelations.org/public/pubs/Sharon_1-24-01_Vid.html
> General Meeting
> Videoconference from Tel Aviv to New York and Washington, DC
> Wednesday, January 24, 2001
> ----------
> "A Conversation with Ariel Sharon"
> ----------
> Ariel Sharon
> Chairman, Israel's Likud Party
> New York Presider:
> Marilyn Berger
> Journalist
> Washington, DC Presider:
> Judith Kipper
> Director, Middle East Forum,
> Council on Foreign Relations
> Video Presentation
> To view these proceedings, you will need Windows Media Player
> 6.4 or
> higher, running on a Windows 98, NT, or 2000 operating
> system. Mac
> versions are also available. You can
<http://www.microsoft.com/windows/mediaplayer/en/default.asp>download the
> player for FREE.
> ----------
> Video Sharon - 56k
> Video Sharon - 250k
> This meeting was on the record.
> ----------
> Website Guide | About the Council | Council
> Highlights | <http://www.foreignaffairs.org>Foreign
> Affairs<http://www.foreignaffairs.org> Magazine | Council
> Publications | Search | Home
> ----------
> Copyright 2001 by the Council on Foreign Relations, Inc.
> All rights reserved.

    YESSIREEE FOLKS, come one, come all and get your very own
copy of Ariel Sharon's CFR Show. Purchase your video from CFR
Productions. It's fun for the whole family and compact enough to
fit in your purse. If you order right now, you will receive, at
no extra charge, our exciting video, Globalization And The Coming
End Of Israel, starring some of your favorite diplomatic puppets
like Yossi Beilin, Ehud Barak, Binyamin Netanyahu, our very own
Henry Seigman and many, many more. Hurry because this offer only
lasts until Israel is demolished.

* * *

> The author's book The Last Days Of Israel is available from
> Dandelion Books in the US. Write [EMAIL PROTECTED] The
> new edition of Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin is available from
> Brookline Books.  Write [EMAIL PROTECTED] Both books
> are available in Israel from the Zionist Book Club. Write
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call 02 6712284. All books by the
> author are sold over amazon or barnesandnoble.  Please visit
> http://www.webseers.com/rabin In March, the author will be on
> an American lecture tour which so far includes Brooklyn, NY,
> Springfield, MO, Denver,CO, Salt Lake City, UT, Honolulu,HI
> and Dallas,TX.  Interested parties may contact the author to
> reach the organizers of the events. And apologies to his
> faithful readers. There will be no updates for some 40 days
> beginning in early March.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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