-Caveat Lector-

Way back it was reported that CBS and maybe some of the other major
networks (only 3 at the time in our area at least) had used simulated
pictures - and gotten caught and admitted to same.

As for von Braun (and that little v designates nobility) he had a choice
- for he could have gone to the Russian cause but chose America.

He was a German and not a Nazi; further,  during WWII he once said he
would rather go to the moon than win the war  - fpr von Braun was a real
nobleman and not a nazi peasant.....

Today we have those who would attempt to destroy the image of the space
program and the first to so do was a Civil Rights movement who wanted
money spent on the ground as if welfare was not already draining this
country dry.....

I would rather go to the moon and stars and leave the ones who want to
wallow in the mud to so do.

This Cold War was a very vicious war; I know of one former CO and
Andrews AFB and his wife both drug off a train who escaped using the
underground in Europe; this same thing happened to my sisters who
traveled once to Slpain - in France hostile forces who knew who they
were pretended not to speak English though once, they had.....

This Bell had hostilities - these astronauts were trained well and were
loyal to their country and more than just the three, died for same.

Maybe they were not as well known as those who died on the USS Liberty -
here we see the enemy face to face - and the men who later then died on
USS Cole regardless it has been sabotage and/or murder.

My brother in law forbid me to say the Apollo was sabotaged keyed to
this bible timetable I have (Acts 19 and throw in Acts 16 for a clue to
works of propagandists).......all timed date wise and two forces at work
- the KGB caused the murder ofo the astronauts in cahoots with the
Mossad or this thing called Jewish Mafia....

Later I was told that a highschool in Huntsville had been named in honor
of othe three Astronauts.    Now as for the Challenger - round up the
ususal suspects.......these people are good at sneak attacks.

When I got into deep water was when I stated a member of the Teamsters
Union had been involved - and boy it hit the fan - Frank Fitzsimmons was
then told by J. Edgar Hoover that I had cleared a security check, that I
was getting information on my own and not satisfied with that - this
hoodlum sent out two Teamster hoodlums with shoulder guns to attempt to
intimidate me....however, the one was a mason, so he said he was also
Mafia......golly gee.

So I hit the truth when I ran across this very curuous Gideon Bible
timetable - we now reign supreme in the heavens - no need for soldiers
anymore to fight the dirty ground wars.....

And these bastards - these people out to make a fast buck - claiming we
did not go to the moon?   Ought to take the bastards up there and dump
them with their little cameras.   One way tickets.

As for von Braun, he died right before he was scheduled to come into the
area in which I livie; my brother in law made it possible that I would
get to meet him - but he did not live to make the trip.

I always loved the Red Baron and I have his photograph and von Braun -
both were aristocrats and of the nobility - which has nothing to do with
great wealth, but a way of life.

A man such as von Braun who wanted to go to the moon should not be
judged with the Nazi Zionists who murdered their own - at least the ones
who did not have the money to buy themselves a one way ticket to Zion

This planet is dying.....but the one thing it will leave behind are
memories of what it could have been......people hated von Braun for his
genius - his great intellect......compare von Braun to this jewish
assassin and low class hoodlem Marc Rich aka Reich of the so called 4th
Reich who attempted to destroy the US Steelworkers - and wonder why
there is not a certain amount of hatred directed at him and at his
floosie wife - class tells.

Take another good look at Jonestown, and those were Jewish Nazi Doctors
at Jonestown who got away while the American doctors died - this was
according to my old MI6 friend who had the scoop on the entire matter.

About Jonestown - Mark Lane (real name Levy) he alone virtually escaped
to write the book and tell the truth, his authorized version - he tries
to pass himself off as CIA but the man has a way to be there when - well
let us say he was with Larry Flynt, Dorothy Kilgallon, etc., at
Jonestown, and connection through a gentleman in Michigan to Heaven's

Why no big memorial to von Braun - and yes, why no big memorial to our
boys in WWII who died - they were told they were dying for freedom?
they died because zionism laid the traps.

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