-Caveat Lector-

Jesse Jackson Makes Finances Public

CHICAGO (AP) -- The Rev. Jesse Jackson has revealed financial
details for the four civil rights organizations he leads --
details that have long been kept private.

In a 102-page report Jackson gave the Chicago Tribune, he
indicated he receives a total annual salary of $120,000 from the
four organizations, the newspaper reported Tuesday.

Jackson has been under scrutiny since Rainbow/PUSH acknowledged
in January it paid $35,000 in severance pay to Karin Stanford,
with whom Jackson had a child during an extramarital affair.

In an interview with the Tribune, Jackson said the revelation had
sparked a ''concerted attack'' against him.

''I've seen this attack by the right wing before,'' Jackson said.
''It's about trying to dismember our organization.

''What we have to be judged by is the work we try to do,''
Jackson said. ''It's public service, not perfect service.''

In addition to his annual salary, Jackson said he earned $5,000 a
week from hosting ''Both Sides with Jesse Jackson'' on CNN and
undisclosed income from speaking engagements.

The Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, the Citizenship Education Fund, Push
for Excellence and People United to Save Humanity collectively
employ 102 people who are paid an average annual salary of
$42,145, the report said.

Jackson's travel expenses accounted for about $614,000 of the
more than $1.3 million his Chicago-based organizations spent on
travel last year. But more than $450,000 of that was covered by
Democratic Party committees as part of ''get-out-the-vote''
efforts, said Billy R. Owens, Jackson's chief financial officer
and author of the financial report.

Owens said Jackson's security detail for the days he spends in
Chicago costs his organizations about $62,000 annually.

Jackson's four organizations have distinct agendas and budgets,
but they share some board members, top staffers and office space,
the report said.

The Rainbow/PUSH Coalition and Citizenship Education Fund have
significantly larger budgets than the two other less visible

Citizenship Education Fund, which includes Jackson's' efforts to
boost the involvement of minorities in business, estimated its
revenues in 2000 at $10.2 million. Rainbow/PUSH, which finances
Jackson's social activities, including marches and housing
discrimination complaints, reported revenues of $5.2 million.

The organizations are financially sound, said Owens, whose
$137,500-a-year salary makes him the only employee with a higher
salary than Jackson.

Owens said a review of financial records since 1997 is not yet
complete, but ''there's been no evidence, thus far, to make me
believe that anything is wrong.''

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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