-Caveat Lector-

Nurev Ind Research wrote:
> Even Libertarians are sometimes capable of truth. The problem is that
> they are incapable of the WHOLE truth. The government is half the
> problem. The Rich and their economic system is the REAL core of
> the problem.

        "What we call the 'government' is nothing but a front for
the corporations.... Marxism is nothing but state monopoly
capitalism. The USSR was nothing but a big company town."
- Nessie

> C'mon. Let me hear you shout it out Libertarians. Capitalism SUCKS!!
> "______________________________________"
> Hmmmm. I thought so.
> Joshua2

That's because a libertarian couldn't *honestly* say it.
If one did, they wouldn't actually be a libertarian, they
would be a political anarchist (i.e, libertarianism without
capitalism; or a 'left-libertarian'/'libertarian socialist',
as they've styled themselves these past 150 or so years).

At the core of modern American libertarianism is Ayn Rand -
a self-professed "radical for capitali$m", (with books like
"Capitali$m: The Unknown Ideal"). Thus, for these
brainwashed, Randian feebs, even considering the notion that
capitalism and it's Corpus Grunch "SUCKS", would be like a
Christian denying that Jesus ever existed (was a plagiarized
ancient myth based on astro-theology and entheomycology).

        "The thing I keep running into with libertarians is that
they are purposely blind to the following: if you start with
a weak state and a laissez-faire economy, eventually
megacorporations will coalesce and become a defacto state,
usually fascist and obviously not held accountable by the
democratic process. And the megacorps will mold and embolden
the state so that it has the authority and agenda to serve
them. I don't have to wonder about the viability of this
theory, since I have discovered that the US is more or less
living proof." -Daniel Pouzzner

        "Each system in its own way is a system of plunder, an
organizational device to get everyone living (or attempting
to live) at the expense of everyone else, while the elitist
leaders, the rulers and the politicians, scalp the cream off
the top." - Antony C. Sutton

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