-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Clinton kept lid on PLA jet threats 
Buzzing of U.S. forces started year ago, but White House failed to tell 



By Paul Sperry
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com 

WASHINGTON -- The Navy and Air Force told the Clinton administration in 
December that Chinese fighter jets had begun a systematic campaign of 
"buzzing" dangerously close to U.S. planes and ships in waters near China as 
early as a year ago, but the administration failed to brief Congress, 
WorldNetDaily has learned. 

The provocations started in April 2000 and got closer and closer, 
congressional sources say, but the Pentagon didn't formally complain to the 
White House until December -- out of respect for its ongoing "strategic 
partnership" with China. 

"The Clinton administration wanted to keep all this quiet, which they did," a 
senior Senate aide told WorldNetDaily on the condition of anonymity. "They 
never told the Congress." 

Calls to the Pentagon were not returned by deadline. 

China is holding the crew of a U.S. surveillance plane after it made an 
emergency landing Sunday at a Chinese military base after colliding with one 
of two Chinese fighter jets that were reportedly shadowing it in menacing 

Congress expects China will release the 24-member crew by the end of the 
week, Hill sources say. 

"They'll be out by Friday at the latest for the simple reason that the 
congressional delegations leave for China on Saturday morning," a Senate aide 
said, "so they (Beijing's communist leaders) are not going to risk that." 

But hopes of recovering intact the EP-3E spy plane, which contains hi-tech 
surveillance equipment, are dim. 

"I don't think we're going to get the plane back for a long time," he said. 
"And when we do, they'll give it back in bits." 

China's People's Liberation Army likely will try to reverse-engineer the 
electronics system to gain insights into the U.S. military's top-secret 
signals-gathering technology. 

In such emergencies, the EP-3E crew is trained to destroy secret documents 
and manuals and disable hardware on board, so they won't fall into potential 
enemy hands. 

But even if crew members managed to carry out such security procedures, it 
won't stop the communists, skilled at reverse-engineering, from taking the 
equipment apart and trying to replicate it. 

The U.S. crew, described as very young, was flying a mission in the South 
China Sea to track weapons systems the PLA recently bought from Russia, which 
forged military ties with China during the Clinton administration. 

"They were following the Sovremenny destroyer," the senior Senate aide said. 

China's 7,300-ton Sovremenny destroyer, armed with eight nuclear-tipped 
SS-N-22 Sunburn anti-ship missiles, is of particular concern to the U.S. 
Pacific fleet because it is chiefly designed to kill American aircraft 
carriers -- which stand as a major deterrent to the mainland Chinese 
communists taking U.S. ally Taiwan by force. 

Despite Beijing's claims, Hill sources say flight-path coordinates show the 
EP-3E plane was flying outside the internationally recognized 12-mile limit 
on territorial waters, and did not intrude into China's airspace. 



Paul Sperry is Washington bureau chief for WorldNetDaily. 

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