-Caveat Lector-

-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Biles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: alt.assassination.jfk
Date: Saturday, May 12, 2001 2:45 PM
Subject: Some new Garrison records...

>Below are a few of the Garrison records I've purchased recently that I'll
be adding to my site
>as soon as I can get my FTP client working again. (There will also be some
stuff from Arch
>Stanton and another outside contributor as well.)
>Joe Biles
>News Clipping on Louisiana v. Clay Shaw
>A Dallas judge ruled today that the widow of Lee Harvey Oswald must come to
New Orleans
>next week to testify in District Attorney Jim Garrison's Kennedy
assassination probe.
>Texas District Court Judge John Mead told Mrs. Marina Oswald Porter at
Dallas she is a
>"material and neccessary witness" in the New Orleans investigation of the
slaying of
>President John F. Kennedy.
>Meanwhile, Thomas Edward Beckham, another out-of-town state witness sought
by Garrison,
>appeared at Criminal District Court here today, but his grand jury
appearance was delayed
>until Feb. 15.
>MRS. PORTER IS NOW SCHEDULED to appear before the jury Feb. 8 and 9.
>She appeared at the Dallas court with her husband, and would make no
comment after the
>judge's decision. She had previously said she would return to New Orleans
"if I have to."
>The court action today was a hearing on Garrison's subpena [sic] under the
>agreement for return of witnesses.
>Judge Mead presented Marina with a check from Garrison's office to cover
her traveling
>expenses to New Orleans.
>IN THE NEW ORLEANS COURT action, Beckham, 27, asked that his grand jury
appearance be
>put off until he had a chance to confer with his local attorney, newly
elected state
>Rep. Edward H. Booker.
>Assitant DA James L. Alcock agreed to the request and Judge Matthew S.
Braniff told
>Beckham to appear before the jury at 9 a.m. Feb. 15 "without further
>Beckham arrived in town shortly after midnight from Omaha, where a court
had ordered him
>to return as a material witness at Garrison's request.
>The witness will remain in town at his own expense because the delay was at
his own request.
>BECKHAM WAS accompanied to court this morning by three men with pistols.
One was James
>Hauger, 32, who said he resigned from the OMaha police force two days ago
to act as
>Beckham's bodyguard.
>The other two were an unidentified brother of Beckham's and Herman Henning,
who carried
>credentials as an auxiliary sheriff here. Two other brothers of Beckham's
were also with
>IN HIS ROLE as a cowboy singer, Beckham said he has an album cmoing out
>"Material Witness." He first described it as a "kinda party record on
Garrison," but
>later said it was "just a bunch of songs I've done and doesn't have
anything to do with
>Beckham said he needed the bodyguards because he has been threatened both
in Omaha and
>here. He said his mother, who lives here, has had telephone calls from
persons who warned
>Beckham would be harmed if he appeared before the jury.
>Garrison's original subpena [sic] for Beckham alleged that the singer was
an associate
>of the late David William Ferrie, a key figure in the DA's probe of the
slaying of
>President John F. Kennedy.
>THE SUBPENA [sic] SAID Beckman [sic] and Ferrie were both ordained priests
in the "Old
>Orthodox Catholic Church of North America."
>The document also said that Beckham was reported to be in Dallas in
November of 1963, the
>month the President was killed.
>HSCA Record #: 180-10088-10486
>AGENCY FILE #: 007271 [2 OF 6]
> BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally came
>and appeared:
>who, after first being duly sworn, did depose and say:
> I can remember walking into the Bourbon House one
>afternoon around 3:30 P.M. around the middle of September in the
>year 1963. I noticed Kerry Thornley sitting alone at one of the
>tables in the Bourbon House and I told him hello and sat down at
>the table next to him.
> I can also recall that Peter Deageano was sitting at
>the table with me eating a hamburger. I struck up a casual
>conversation with Pete and Kerry. A short time later a person
>walked into the Bourbon House and joined Kerry Thornley at his
>table. I recall associating a sense of familiarity with this
>individual as the same individual who had received some publicity
>as a Communist because of his earlier activity of distributing
>Fair Play for Cuba leaflets in front of the International Trade
>Mart in New Orleans.
> Also, I associated him as the person who was inter-
>viewed by Bill Stuckey of WDSU.
> We engaged in casual conversation for a short period of
>time and then approximately ten to fifteen minutes later, I left
>the Bourbon House.
>HSCA Record# 1801007610190
>Agency File #: 008269 [Pt. 13]
>To Jim Garrison from Harold Weisberg 4/9/69
>Interview with Tommy Baumler, Jack Burnside, Barbara Reid
> It was Grand Central Station at Barbara Reids [sic] last evening and
>night. By prearrangement I met Tommy Baumler there a little before six.
>He was accompanied by an attractive girl friend, Frances.
> When Tommy wanted to be off the record, he either signaled me to turn the
>off or asked me to, on the tape. Some of the times I wasn't taping, alas,
>I just didn't have enough tape.
> He delineated a self-portrait of an unabashed facist, congenital and
>conscious. He is aware of the meaning of his beliefs and considers what he
>describes as his beliefs as proper. He is an exponent of the rights of
>He says that whatever happens, the Shaw case will end without punishment
>for him because federal power will see to that. This, he says, will also
>be the destinies of Andrews, Thornley, if he is convicted, and any others,
>and he is unconcerned about the import, entirely without indignation about
>injustice and the failure of justice. He was quite illuminating about Guy
>Banister, said Dion Turner is his client and is legally insane, met Kerry
>Thornley, but he doesn't know where, disputes Rocco di Nicholas's story
>that he saw Oswald and, I think, if the occasion arrose [sic], just might
>us in some ways. He is close to Courtney and a number of lawyers
>clients in whom you have interest.
> There is reference to Philip Geraci and a camp on the other side
>of the lake, strangely, as Philip's camp. I asked Tommy which of his
>I might well see, and he asked me if I had spoken to Lewallen.
> Tommy, literally, rolled rapidly over to where Barbara was sitting, took
>book from her, uttered a slight curse when he saw she had read accurately,
>immediately offered to buy it, offering a thousand dollars. This
immediately recalled
>to me what he had said about Banister's files and their value, about how
they were
>coded so they'd have no value without the code, and the inference that
their value
>included blackmail of his clients.
> He [Baumler] spent some time describing the activities of a man he said
had to
>be CIA and engaged in what he wanted me to understand was a major
propaganda campaign,
>designed to influence public opinion here, including that of jurors and
about you
>personally. He described him as a "nondescript" man in two ways on
different occasions,
>as a working-class man and as a "middle-class" businessman. Gray hair, skin
olive to
>ruddy, medium height and build. Knowledge of case "tremenduous", attitude
>antagonistic." It is Tommy's thought that if the CIA could put 500 men like
>working throughout the country, it would kill the probe. He is, according
to Tommy,
> Tommy met Ferrie twice, once when he was talking to two army colonels in
>a dining room when he [illegible] international law [illegible] airport,
when he
>recognized Tommy, who did not recognize him.
> Tommy says he never met Oswald, that Rocco Di Nocolas is wrong, and he
>knew the source was di N.
> He did not recognize Kerry Thornley from the Times-Picayune photo printed
>2/22/68 but said, "Oh, sure" (convincingly) when I showed him the picture I
had, a
>print made backwards, reversing the hairline.
> I have told Louis and Jim what he and Dion told me of his scheme for using
>interdictions as a means of effecting draft evasion and at the same time
>financial assistance for those interdicted. I think it is Dion who told me
he has
>two of the universities organized, that his fee is $250.00, that it takes
six weeks.
> Although he says he had her interdicted, she says that he approached her
>it and that it has not been accompplished [sic]. Tommy told Barbara that he
would do it
>if she came up with the money. He made it clear to me that the purpose
would be to make
>it impossible for her to be a witness.
> With what has happened since and what there is grounds for suspecting,
>may have been the beginning of a strange kind of play involving her that
may have
>been intended as it seems, as a diversion, or as a booby-trap. I am still
>to learn which.
>The Bernard Fensterwald / J. Gary Shaw 1981 Interview with Tommy Baumler
>[The following is from an unpublished lunch interview of Gary Shaw I wrote
for the Mineral
>Wells Index. Shaw resides in Cleburne, Texas, home of another newspaper
published by our
>publisher, CNHI. This was to have run several weeks ago, but I was laid off
due to the
>so-called "recession." Silly liberal media... I hope to have the notes from
the actual
>interview available soon.]
> One of the subjects I asked Shaw about was his 1981 interview with New
>Attorney Tommy Baumler. Baumler had worked for Guy Banister, a right-winger
and virulent
>anti-Communist private investigator, infiltrating leftist groups on college
campuses. Many
>witnesses place Oswald in Banister's office during the summer of 1963. Shaw
recalled vividly
>the interview:
> "We spent probably a week in New Orleans looking up some of the characters
> from the Garrison investigation. ... One of them was Tommy Baumler, who we
> finally found. We were kind of off the beaten track and we found the
> and we were led into the back of the house in a long room and he's sitting
> the end of a table as long as from here to there [gesturing], probably
> fifteen feet long, sitting like a big frog man, you know?
> "And he never moved--I don't know whether he couldn't move or just exactly
> what. But he had Lieutenants or somebody on each side of him, one of them
> who had brought us in, and one who sat behind us the whole time."
> Baumler told Shaw unequivocally that "Oswald worked for Banister." He also
>said that Banister was very close to Clay Shaw, the New Orleans businessman
who was
>tried and acquitted in 1969 of charges that he conspired to murder
President Kennedy.
>HSCA Record#: 180-10109-10089
>Agency File#: 002930
>November 6, 1967
>TO: JIM GARRISON, District Attorney
>RE: Interview with:
> 1824 Dauphine St., New Orleans, La.
> Mr. JOHN SPENCER informed Jim Alcock and
>me that he was the landlord at 1824 Dauphine Street [Handwritten note by
>propinquity-happy Jim Garrison: "This is seven blocks from Clay Shaw's
>residence."] when THORNLEY lived there with JEANNE HACK whom THORNLEY said
>was his wife. He said that the night of the assassination around 8 o'clock
>the Secret Service came to his door asking for KERRY THORNLEY. He informed
>them that THORNLEY was at work and they contacted him at the restaurant
>he was working and took him back to the apartment and talked to him for
>2 or 3 hours. SPENCER said that the next morning the FBI also came and
>THORNLEY for quite some time. About 2 or 3 days after the assassination he
>said that he found a note in his mail box from THORNLEY saying, "I must
>I am going to Washington, D. C. area, probably Alexandria, Virginia. I will
>you my address so that you can forward my mail." SPENCER said it was quite
>unexpected as THORNLEY had at least 10 days left in the month before his
>would have been due; that from the way the note was written he got the
>that THORNLEY was under some pressure and for some reason had to leave.
> He said that after the note he went to THORNLEY's apartment which was Apt.
>"C," and every bit of paper in the apartment was torn up in little bitty
>resembling confetti. THORNLEY had even watered down the paper so that the
>was blurred preventing anyone from reading any part of it.
> SPENCER said that THORNLEY never expressed any feelings one way or the
>about President Kennedy. SPENCER said that he has never seen LEE HARVEY
>THORNLEY or JEANNE. ... SPENCER said that he knows CLAY SHAW and that on a
>of occasions SHAW came over to his residence at 1824 Dauphine to give him
some tips
>on restoring the property. However, he said that to his knowledge SHAW had
>met THORNLEY and when SHAW was at his property THORNLEY was not living
there at the
>time. [Sic; another grammatical error by the Assistant D.A. made famous for

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