-Caveat Lector-

Well, the energy mess in California couldn't happen to better bunch of
guys.. Why not let the socialists/marxists/lenninsts who TOTALLY run that
state impose price controls on electricty and gasoline??  I will just sit
back and wait for daily rolling blackouts, gasoline shortages... What will
ths socialists who run California do then??? I know!!! Electricity and
gasoline will be rationed by yet more coerecive social controls!!!!!

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 26 May 2001 10:05:13 -0700
From: Roger Voss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: SNET: Lights out for Bush administration?

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

Lights out for Bush administration?
© 2001 Dallas Morning News

[My response]

The Californians elected the idiots running their state that created the
energy debacle they're now suffering from. They obviously deserve the
results of their leftist inspired "collectivist" stupidity.

One thing that is damn sure -- not one dime of tax payer federal money
should go to subsidize their energy cost.

On the one hand, logic and rationality dictates that interfering by using
govt. enforced price controls will result in prolonging shortages and
causing other problems. Unfettered price information is what will stimulate
increased production by market participants. Plus, setting prices for
things like gasoline doesn't protect consumers -- it just wrecks economic
havoc in a different fashion by creating shortages and long rationing
lines. (Who can afford the economic consequences of waiting in those
lines?) High prices curtail consumption too but simultaneously provide
economic incentive to production to take measures to increase production
which will then bring prices back down as supplies increase again relative
to demand. Price controls by govt. do not have these beneficial effects and
thus prolong misery and even create new forms of misery.

There perhaps is no unbridled idiocy that is more transparent than the
notion of government price controls. But it is also the ultimate form of
political pandering to an ignorant and perhaps poorly (or mis) educated
constituency. (Govt. run public education in Calif. is notoriously abysmal.)

That's the rational side of the issue. Then there is the moral side.

Calif. is run by socialist that have been attempting to creep govt. control
over private industry that is very similar to the fascist-socialist
economic model of Mussolini's Italy. Britian's Prime Minister, Tony Blair,
has dubbed this neo-fascist socialism the "Third Way". The majority voting
public of Calif. has been conned by the siren songs of these neo-fascist
socialist. They now need to fully reap the rewards for their folly so they
can learn an important lesson: Socialism is always an evil force that is
the most successful ideology known to man for sowing human misery and
promoting elitist, statist tyranny.

Hm, these suckers in Calif., of course, didn't vote for Bush anyway. The
rest of the country really holds a dim view toward Calif -- especially all
those counties across the nation that voted for Bush (that is, the vast
majority of the American land). If ever there was a people deserves to reap
the fruits of their foolishness it is those folks in Calf. that have voted
for their socialist nitwit politicians.

As for you people in the press and other media: You fabricate and
perpetuate a world view that is unique to yourselves and your fellow
statist. You leftist that claim to be helping the downtrodden are nothing
but cynical-minded, calculating political demagogues that use people in
order to grasp power for your own narrow purposes. The good people these
days turn on their filters when you spew your Orwellian propaganda nonsense
and deceit. We know whose side you're on and it sure isn't the side of the
American people that revere our nation's traditional heritage -- the
greatest heritage of any civilization in history. The deceitful liars of
the ilk of CNN, etc., are collapsing and experiencing hard times for good
reason. The game is up. We're getting our information elsewhere other than
from you journalistic prostitutes. Now and then bothering to tune into the
dominant corporate-controlled media is just an exercise to hear what our
enemy is saying.

And please don't retaliate by the typical leftist tactic of dismissing me
by saying that I'm some sort of anti-Hispanic, right-wing hate monger. My
maternal grandmother was from Mexico and I revere that part of my heritage.
Hm, maybe that's the problem with some ethnic groups in our nation today.
They're so caught up in themselves that they're unable to appreciate their
own ethnic heritage while at the same time be fully acceptive of the myriad
of other heritages in this country. Being a mongrel American, such as
myself, enables one to appreciate the diversity of our ethnic heritages
while especially revering how they have come to blend together to create a
unique and dominant American traditional heritage. As is always the case,
those that cast the label that others are race and ethnic haters and
promote other forms of political correctness fascism -- they should first
examine the plank in their own eye as Jesus Christ recommended. Leftist
aren't too hip on Jesus Christ, though, or any of his good teachings. Is a
pity because their political correctness fascism creed is a rather pathetic
and dismal substitute.

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