-Caveat Lector-

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2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
Washington DC 20037
World Wide Web: http://www.LP.org
For release: June 6, 2001
For additional information:
George Getz, Press Secretary
Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222

Think Florida's black voters got it bad?
Third-party voters face worse injustice

WASHINGTON, DC -- A new report says many African-American
voters in Florida were unfairly prevented from voting in last year's
presidential election. But that's nothing compared to the massive,
ongoing discrimination against third-party voters all across the USA, the
Libertarian Party said today.

"When it comes to civil rights, what was done to African-American
voters in Florida may be an outrage," said the party's national
director, Steve Dasbach. "But what is done to third party voters -- in
election after election, in too many states -- is a civil wrong.

"With all the outrage about what happened in Florida, we have to ask:
is it wrong to discriminate against voters because of their color, but
acceptable to discriminate against voters because of their political

This Friday, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights will release the
results of its investigation into voting irregularities in the hotly
contested 2000 presidential race in Florida.

After that election, numerous black voters complained they had been
improperly purged from the voter rolls, harassed while trying to vote,
forced to use unreliable voting machines, or confused by the state's
"butterfly" ballot.

The report, which has already been leaked to the media, says the
state's voting system was marred by "injustice, inefficiency, or
ineptitude," causing black voters to be 10 times as likely as whites
to have their ballots rejected.

But those charges -- as troubling as they are -- are mild compared to the
voting injustice faced by third-party candidates, said Dasbach: Laws that
prevent them from ever getting on the ballot.

"Third-party supporters face the ultimate discrimination, since their
candidates are blocked by law from getting on the ballot in many
he said. "There is no greater civil rights violation than being prohibited
by law from voting for the candidate of your choice." Some examples:

* In Georgia, no third-party candidate has been able to qualify to run for
the U.S. House in 37 years.

* In Arkansas, no third party has been able to qualify candidates to
run for state house or state senate since 1970.

* In Florida, no third-party or independent candidate has been able to
qualify to run for governor since 1920.

And if you start a new political party and want to run a full slate of
candidates for federal and state offices in all 50 states, you need over
3.5 million signatures to get on the ballot. By contrast, a new party in
South Africa needs only 10,000.

If Americans learn anything from the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights'
report, said Dasbach, it's that voting discrimination is a real problem
that must be solved.

"Voting and running for office are fundamental rights, and the
government should treat every American equally, regardless of race,
creed, sex -- or political party," he said.

"Yes, it's an outrage that African-American voters may have been
prevented from having their votes counted in this one state, in this
one election. But it's a greater outrage that millions of third-party
voters have had their voices silenced, in many states, in election after

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Best Wishes

Vote: The only commodity that is peddleable without a license.
-Mark Twain

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