-Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 16 Jun 2001, BB wrote:
>Yes, what WAS the name of "that doctor"??  This well informed intelligentsia
>never did say, or recall.
>There are NO "mormon" towns.
>He assaulted and raped almost the entire female population - yup, that
>sure sounds likely.  Sounds like a scene from Don Giovanni.

Point of fact, the TV newsmagazine "60 Minutes" DID have a report some
years back on a doctor who DID do just what was described...sexually
assaulted and possibly even raped a goodly number of women in his care...

I don't remember anything about the Mormon church being mentioned, but I
couldn't in all honestly say that it WASN'T mentioned, either...as I
said, it was some years back.  What I DO remember is that the women who
were assaulted and raped seemed incredibly naive when it came to sexual
matters...the sense I got from the report was that the doctor was astute
in assessing which of his patients were naive and trusting and wouldn't
speak up if they felt uncomfortable with a 'procedure'....women who were
more 'wordly' who'd gone to this doctor reported he either never tried
anything with them, or if they did they nipped it right in the bud and
never went back to him...unfortunately, most of these women who
recognized that 'something wasn't right' and went to another doctor
didn't report this first doctor...

And the way he got away with it was to place a curtain over the women, so
that they couldn't actually SEE what he was doing...they just felt
'something' being stuck into them which the doctor told them was a type
of 'medical instrument'...

The naive women didn't question that statement, even though they felt
extremely uncomfortable with the procedure, both physically and
emotionally...they'd been raised not to question authority figures, which
included doctors...basically it was "if the doctor says it's okay it must
be okay, who am I to say it's wrong?"...

>Oh yeah, fox, or wolf, or something....  yeah, what WAS his famous name?
>Seems like the author's name of this viscous trash is "psychotic",
>or "anti-Christian", or "religion-hater", or something similar.

Mormonism, while basing some of its tenets on Christ, is a religion
separate from Christianity, just like Christianity is separate from
Judaism, even though it has its roots in Judaism...calling an anti-Mormon
post "anti-Christian" makes as much sense as saying someone who bashes
the Catholic Church is antisemitic...


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