-Caveat Lector-

> A recession hiting Mexico is not good for the USA. This means that there will
> a flood of illigals coming across the border. Can the economy in the USA
> absorp them? Not all of them. >
> BHoward

You fail to appreciate that the Mexicans are not coming to the USA.

The de facto reality is that these Mexicans are returning to "Old
Mexico." Soon that part of the US will be absorbed back into
Mexico. Within a few years Mexicans and Mexican - Americans
will be the majority in CA; TX; AZ; and NM.

For better or worse unlimited immigration (legal and illegal) has
become the official policy of the US...we have apparently decided
that we need hundreds of  milliions of more Americans. After all,
there is lots of undeveloped land that has to he paved over...lots
of wildlife left to be exterminated...lots of cities need more haze
and pollution...lots of water to still pollute.

Don't we want North America to be the New India of the 21st

The Soviet Union was absolutely stupid. Instead of spending billions
for useless nukes, all they had to do was send their army to Mexico
and have them illegally cross the border and they would be speaking
Russian in California today instead of Spanish.


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