-Caveat Lector-

I don't intend wasting anymore of my valuable 7 posts
but I have some advice for mrC who is out of Context again.

all you do is slag people off and back yourself up by
quoting D-Notice mediated 'quality' Journalism.
If you're half as useful as you pretend to be you would have
posted something original that wasn't in the readers digest.
Can you not give us some theory - some idea thats you're own.?
you jump off the deep end with me again for some heterophobic
reason best known to yourself - and appear to have NO INTENTION
of conducting an open and frank discussion about anything -
why are you on this list anyway.?
whats you're analysis ?? how does the world work for you ???
don't be afraid - come forth and give us YOUR perspective
This is the Conspiracy Theory Research List - where we research
conspiracy theories

You on the thousands of years old practise of drinking medicinal Coca
> what are you talking about? what do you think it is the dentist is using
> give you a local anaesthetic?
in case you are not aware - you have taken the discussion OUT OF CONTEXT
tbere is and was a practise - probably today very little understood of
drinking Coca, the medical survey by Gold MD 1920's was sidelined by
new Federal rules.
I wasn't talking about its modern alternative use as a PAINKILLER
the reason they drunk it was because it eliminated the antagonists in the
bloodstream that end up making us old. It was the drink of Pharohs
It is probably true that if we all drunk Coca Infusion we would all be very
healthy indeed - thats the issue that I really want to open out - not
that Coca today has an alternative use

> > kundalini - the electrical
> > system that the ordinary human being isn't aware of.
> speak for yourself you ignoramous- people have been practicing kundalini
> yoga for centuries.

some people can f****king SEE IT and can DRAW IT - can you see it ??
[snipped out lots of pink flame]

I look forward to hearing all about your own research - maybe on Lilith,
and her Kundalini friends ?? or maybe on how the background radiation
from the granite in aberdeen affects human behaviour ? :)
I also hear that one of the original Holds of the Scottish Knights Templar
was in that area - and that in the north east of scotland - the KKK has its
Do you know anything about the Horse Secrets of the North East, and
you are into Lilith - do you go and worship/celebrate at the many Pictish
stones ?? - do you have any theories on the Golspie stone ??


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