-Caveat Lector-

Speculation as to who is this ABC reporter/analyst can be found on this FR


She is a former managing editor of The Cook Report (tracked congressional
races) -- left in Feb. 1998 and now congressional/political reporter for
ABC News. A May 16, 2000 Washington
Post article says she "just bought a condominium" in Adams-Morgan, the same
area as that Condit lives and that Tryst is located.


New York Post
July 7, 2001

ABC Reporter Dated Condit

By Niles Lathem

WASHINGTON - The day after intern Chandra Levy disappeared, Rep. Gary
Condit was out on the town with another woman, The Post has learned.

The woman - who works for ABC News - has told colleagues she had dated the
married California Democrat and still remained friends with him, two
sources at the network said.

The Post is withholding the journalist's identity.

She is an attractive, well-liked and hard-working off-air reporter at ABC
News whose lengthy association with Condit so concerned her network bosses
that they barred her from working on the Levy story when she offered to
land the elusive Condit for an interview.

The woman has not been questioned by police, and she declined comment to
The Post.

ABC News spokesman Todd Polks said the reporter told her bosses she has had
a "professional friendship, not a romantic relationship" with Condit that
goes back many years. She says they met on May 2 to discuss the California
energy crisis.

The meeting took place during a rare Washington visit by Condit's wife, who
was waiting at the couple's D.C. apartment.

Polks said Condit has been a "source" of the reporter's on political issues
for years.

According to a timeline of Condit's activities in the week Levy vanished
provided by his staff, he had drinks with an unidentified journalist in his
favorite D.C. hangout - a café named Tryst - before going home for dinner
with his wife, Carolyn.

Levy's family has charged Condit was Chandra's mysterious boyfriend, but
the congressman has denied they were romantically involved.

Flight attendant Anne Marie Smith has also claimed she was having an affair
with Condit.

Marina Ein, a public relations specialist hired by Condit's lawyer, said
she knows of no links between Condit and the reporter.

"His personal life has zero to do with Chandra's disappearance," Ein said.

                      Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

          FROM THE DESK OF:

                    *Michael Spitzer*    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

    The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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