In a message dated 8/2/01 4:35:33 AM Central Daylight Time,

The true Zionists in Israel during WWII were busy
fighting off the arabs who were armed by the Nazis, not off consorting with
Hitler. Only liars believe lies.

The "true Zionists" were indeed consorting with Hitler and Mussolini and

You need to read your history and not the propaganda that passes as being
"fair and balanced".

The real enemy of the German Zionist's of that era were German Jews who
favored assimililation, the future Jewish state was FAR more important to the
Zionists than these anti-fascists.

Yitzak Shamir wanted to forge an alliance with Hitler against the Brits in

The Zionists and the Nazis had a common goal which was to gather the Jews
into a world ghetto...Madagascar, Palestine...didn't much matter initially.

You little Ashley are poorly informed!


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